Wednesday, November 30, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M1a THE CASE OF OUR SAVIOR "ELON MUSK" AND OUR MINDS We sometimes we do things without knowing, understanding or acknowledging that we did. We drive a car without thinking that we are driving, we snap at child or a food service worker, it is automatic. We learn things, we watch our family members, neighbors, friends and we learn things (habits) without realizing that we learned, and no one ever told us that they were teaching and we didn't realize that we were learning. Later on in life, we will even argue that what we "picked up" is is "the only" right way of doing/ saying/ meaning/ understanding a thing. Most of our learning also happens without saying that we want to learn, even when we are in school we do not sit our seats telling ourselves that we are "learning". There are two things to consider, what if we go to school and each day the lesson is the same, exactly the same, nothing new is taught. For 12 years, each day we go over our abcs and numbers, that is it, what did we learn? Exactly, are we now educated because we went to school for 12 years. What if I am a mechanic who is great at fixing washing machines, would you allow me to work on your cars? We need to learn new things, we need to know different things, we also need to know how to live in a society. And to live in a society we need to understand that that there are differences, just look around our country, there are different foods, different traditions and customs, there are different dialects and so on. We need to recognize the limits of our understanding and knowledge, we need to know we are not always right, if we were, we would not need a god or a message. If I am not always right, then I must also understand that no "ordinary human" is always right, none. Through out human history and in all nations, there have been some that have been thought of as being superior to the rest, but we also believe that humans are fallible, which is it? Lately there is a fad that the rich are smart, but what other qualities do we consider besides that they somehow have made a lot of money. No matter how they became rich, last night I talked about "Peaky Blinders" and how they earned political power though they were "corrupt". Sometimes we don't know what we want, from one day to the next. I'm the grand scheme of things, I am sure you or I have no chance of becoming a billionaire, atleast not in the next two years. And this much is also sure that when a billionaire says or does something they are not thinking of you and I, or how their decisions and moves will our lives. Just like a weapons manufacturer doesn't consider what country the weapons will be used in or whose parents or children will end up dead. Let's be serious, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Kevin McCarthy, or Zuck, or Theil or Bezos or Musk are not worried about improving your life or mine. Most of them (if not all) want to control us, use us, and make them rich. THIS IS GETTING TOO LONG THERE IS MUCH MORE I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 30 NOVEMBER 2022

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