Wednesday, November 09, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOUSE OF HADES F So it is over, but not by all means. We are not fighting here for ideas, we are fighting for ideologies, not for fairness, but for a win at all costs. Not for morals, not for justice, not for equality or reason. That has never been the point, it may have been somewhere in an era long ago. We are taking America back. There are reasons, because there is a reason. We came through the past that so many still relish, we want to go back to a history that we uses to be ashamed of, at least for while. We were behind time from the rest of the world. So our leaders almost forced us into giving up what we didn't want to, and then someone figured out a trade, we could go back in time if we were willing to give back more than we had earned, we agreed. Over the next few days I will posit some questions, I want us all to think on our own, not to be taken in by some people that may not have our best interests at heart. This much should be obvious to any reasonable person. I am well off but not a billionaire, I assume most of you are not also. So what is happening to our country, I think about it a lot. What will happen to my grandchildren in the next 30, 40 and more years. We have the best military in the world, who should pay for it? How we should pay for it when we are already trillions in debt. What should we do to take care of the againg population (I am the aging population myself), should they be fed, who should provide for their Healthcare? And other such questions come to mind, think about it. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 09 NOVEMBER 2022 BTW Veterans day is coming.

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