Wednesday, November 02, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 10 it is really not worth it, not anymore, I tell myself, let them believe they have found the holy grail. Whenever I say that we are a democracy, it never fails, someone has to mention that we are a "Republic", ah so!, yes we are, and that makes us "unique", it makes us "special" and different, maybe even superior somehow. Then. There are 206 countries un the world, ( there used to be 144 when I was in the middle school, back a very long time ago, the world has expanded? Who cares. 159 countries are called "Republic" , and one that no longer exists, the "Soviet Union ", it was a Republic also, just saying. Maybe we are better off calling ourselves a democracy after all. I am not gonna argue about it anymore. Read below at HISTORY IN CONTEXT I The corruption in government starts with us, in our townhalls and police departments and probate courts and the local DAs, we are okay with our local corrupt politicians but we complain about corruption in DC. We are distrustful of politicians but we keep reelecting our own corruption representatives. We are corrupt! We want a small government until we need the big government. As happened after "IAN", or when we want a corporation to set up shop in our area. We are against big business, but we love our Dollar General and Walmart, we hate Chinese stuff but we buy the Chinese stuff, we are against the "new world order" but don't realize that we depend on it every day of our lives. We are against the ecofascists but we are with Elon as he destroys the conventional auto industry. I want to say a whole lot more, but I will again be banned, I will post more on my other pages. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 03 NOVEMBER 2022

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