Tuesday, November 01, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 9 I has been a good day, my days are always good, yes I hurt in places, yes I have "illnesses", I have heart problems, blood pressure problems, I am diabetic, I have bad knees and back problems, still I am blessed, much more so than many. I am thankful, my stomach is full, my bills are paid, my kids are doing well, on their own. I am thankful. I get up, I get out of bed on my own, I wash my own face, I wash my own behind, I dress myself, ( simple, t-shirt and jeans), I don't need a diaper, I don't need a catheter), I am a lucky one. My car and truck both have enough gas, they crank up every time and take me where I need to go, life is good, life is great. I don't need much, I have enough of everything, land, money, businesses, good credit, what more can one ask for? I am honored by "Gods" and I honor them back. (I use the plural on purpose) people have different gods or none at all, we are a free country, don't take it personal, it is in the #Constitution). I am very content, to the great dismay of my wife who considers me a total failure. I think, after 37 years of marriage she knows something. I talk a lot on here, a whole lot more than I should, probably, I hope to get your attention, not to see things "my way", but see things as they "are", going back for second to "the thing in itself" idea. We don't learn much of anything if we just listen to someone else, we internalize ideas when we have no defense against the untruths. The more you know, the more you can "see". It is never to anyone's advantage if their lies are not sold. A pimp, a politician or a snake oil salesman ( a used car salesman), will not tell you the truth, neither will your stock broker, your lawyer, a cop, or your financial advisor. But we adjust, if we don't know much we don't have many questions, if we do have "questions" we don't know enough to argue the answers. Earlier I posted a quote from Will Rogers. The more you know, the more questions you have, the more you know, the more you can protest the answers, if you are asleep, you have no questions, nothing to protest. Also the more you know, the more you can see problems, the more you can see the connections, remember ( maybe you are too young) when there were belts to drive the alternator, the water pump, the air conditioning compressor, and the fan on the radiator was on the main drive, one loose belt caused problems with the whole system. It is similarly difficult when you focus on just a part of the system and do not understand how the whole thing is put together and works together. Of course a 5 year old child doesn't understand that their parent was laid off because the company needed to downsize to save the shareholders value, nor an 85 year old grandmother understands that the representative she voted for their support for the corporate tax cuts is going to cut her social security to balance the budget, we hope to die in peace, while asleep at the wheel. We all have our moral values to preserve. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 01 NOVEMBER 2022

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