Friday, November 04, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE 6 We cannot study history of person, a nation or the world as a collection of separate stories, each chapter is connected to every line, every page, every chapter before it. (M. N. R.) There is a harsh lesson of life that can be applied to our politics and even our military adventures, that is ," a marriage of convenience does not command mutual respect, affection or loyalty". (M. N. R.) For the past few days I have been posting about our involvement in foreign conflicts, our involvement in places most #Americans have never heard of, and we don't know and don't care who we are fighting for and for what. We have been led to believe that it is to protect our freedoms or to spread democracy, both statements being bold face lies. Then came the news of the arrest of #Assange and the incarceration of #ChelseaManning . What of it all. Maybe #EdwardSnowdon will be next. Look around the world, look around you, the #Democracy is under assault, freedoms are diminishing, we are living in surveillance states. But at least we are free, free to do what? Get screwed? Literally send figuratively. We no longer expect privacy, our worst secrets are on the net and we put them there. Many years back, I wrote, "slaves were not allowed and shame, privacy, respect, education, honor, decency, all of which we gavw up, voluntarily in the name of so called freedom, we became slaves. We no longer strive to attain knowledge, whether political, economic, clutural or plain education even, we get our opinions from people that are paid by the billionaires and the corporations to tell us what to think, we get our salvation on the cheap from the preacher who take our money to tell us we are forgiven, we get our sex from the pornsites, and relationship advice from people that can't keep a relationship. We are doomed every whichway. Literally if any of us survive or succeed anymore, it is not because we were trying to. M. N. R. 16 APRIL 2019

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