Friday, November 04, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOUSE OF HADES B Even if you believe in luck, or the divine intervention, we create our own individual reality. If it the hand of divine that guides to your doom, or to your prosperity, you do play a part, as with a "freewill" you make choices. It may be complicated to understand, but think about it, if everything is preordained, then your choices were already known, you just didn't know. No two people ever live in the same universe, no two people ever have the same luck, no two people are handed the same future, no two people will ever have the same outcomes. WE CREATE THE UNIVERSE THAT WE LIVE IN WITH DEALS THAT WE MAKE, EVERYTHING IS FOR SALE, EVERYTHING HAS A PRICE M. N. R. I try to write about things as they are, " thing in itself", I try not to go off on tangents, I don't talk about conspiracies, there are facts that are " self-evident", even if they prove your or mine favorite "conspiracy". Calling everything a conspiracy turns many away. Whether it is the economy, the politics, the corruption, population control, environment, we can look at the evidence and prove the facts. Whether it is the IMF, NEW WORLD ORDER, THE DEEP STATE doesn't matter how you explain it the reality remains. Also it is not enough to recognize "the conspiracy" or to know that there is one, what matters us what we are doing to counter its effects. How we distance ourselves from the"cabal". No matter the proclamations, we are part of the system. So many that complain about the "plan" are fully involved in the plan, we support the plan as long as we personally benefit from it. We complain about corruption, until it works in our favor. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 04 NOVEMBER 2022

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