Tuesday, February 28, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS S200b Like it ot not, we must admit that all that we know, everything that we know, we learned from someone else. If you are a writer, you went to school, if an engineer the math and sciences have been around for thousands of years, yes there are innovators, designers, developers, all working of the base that someone else established. "All truths are but half truths", whatever you believe to be true (like I said before, I am not talking about any faith or religion, I am talking about life in general), there is an opposite view that is just as true and valid, you can no more have a one sided coin, or a magnet. Most of us get our information from someone else, school, TV, internet, whatever it is, it is secondhand information, ironically, even if you are present at an event you may not see the something that others see, and sometimes we get caught up in a crowd and we start to react same as others, nothing is real. It is difficult to be "yourself", atleast most of the time, we all play a role that we assume, to fit in, to be accepted, you come home tired but a friend shows up and wants to visit, few will tell that person to leave, fifty years ago, tattoos were rare, now everybody wants a bunch, we used to dress up to get on a plane, now an airplane looks like a proverbial "Walmart". It is difficult to tell who is original and who is freak, and calling someone a freak is frowned upon. How do you figure out where we will be in rwenty years? Not technology wise, but as people, as humans? The family is going aways, marriage is disappearing. There is no job security, no retirement, healthcare, but only if you can afford it, housing, too expensive, and the list goes on. And these are not the only poems we face, or our grandchildren will for sure, that is if humanity is still around in the next 20-50 years. But we worry about people that don't know what gender they are, or what books someone reads, while we poison the earth and the oceans, and deny people their basic rights, and others don't care if we live like the livestock. I have only touched on a few points yet, keeping it short I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 28 FEBRUARY 2023

Monday, February 27, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS S200a I had a good intention to write tonight, but some matters needed to be dealt with first, I actually may be slow in posting this week, but one must start somewhere, so I will start and hope to keep you interested. If you don't know, or you are new here, I almost 71, nit yet fully retired. I am interested in knowing, whatever I can, doesn’t matter. I make posts about religion sometimes, I keep these positive, I won't discuss religion. I will also not discuss the occult, tarot, I ching, the Kabbalah, the Book of Enoch, the Nephlim, the Watchers or the Lizard people, UFOs or the Aliens, just saying, and a few other things if they come up. I like to study, I like to read, and I like to comment when I can, not interested in starting a religion, a cult or a convent, you are on your own. Before Facebook, I had a life, I actually still do, I used to comment on various websites, then I started my own blog at blogpost.com in 2006, one of my earliest posts was "New World Order, 2003, it was actually a collection of different comments I had made earlier at different sites, it is still up We should talk about the future also. Not just what is happening in the world today, but how will affect the future generations, the humanity, our kids and grand kids. We are easily manipulated, like it or not, I wonder if there are many that think about life 20 years from now, let alone 200 years from now, we shall talk about that, in this series of posts. Earlier someone commented on a post about the electrical vehicles, much as I like the new technology, I also know it is a waste, and it is worse than using fossil fuels, but we will talk about that also. Once again, if you are new here, or have been around here a while, please like the page, leave a comment, we will talk. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 27 FEBRUARY 2023

Saturday, February 25, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4b Let's consider. I was talking about us *US) planning to colonize Mars, great idea, as long as there are 50 people willing to die for the cause. I also talked about the Ohio train derailment. Consider this, we have the technology, we refuel planes all day, every single day, the robotic hose extends from one plane to the other and the fuel is delivered, hundreds of gallons a minute, we have drines that fly all day and fire missiles, we have robots ( that have been used already) that walk up and kill, fire weapons at individuals. Why do we not have robots. Equipped with hoses and pumps that can go upto a derailed train car and pump out the hazardous chemicals safely? Why? The railroad companies are making billions in profits, is this technology will cost even a couple of billions it is worth investing in. It will save lives and it will save the environment. Right now, by all means, the government, the tax payers, that is us that will be stuck with the majority of the cost of clean up, the recovery, and the Healthcare of those suffering and the town itself. We have the technology that can be easily adapted for this, letting the chemicals spill in to the ground, to contaminate the water and kill fish and animals is unacceptable, and worse to burn tem in place, in open air is murder by design and a slow death sentence imposed on the general population, it is unacceptable, the suffering can not be considered a cost of doing business. Write your representatives, your local paper, write in comments of the blogs. Let's do this. The lives we save may be those of our own children. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 25 FEBRUARY 2023.

Friday, February 24, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4a I haven't been writing as usual, some health issues, some work issues, and also some world issues. I love the questions too, even if don't always get to answer quickly, I do read all the comments, sometimes I don't like to hit like or comment if the comment is clearly partisan and not directly related to the issue or the news item, this not the purpose of this page to cheap shots, if you have a clear answer to a problem, please share, we all know what the left and the right do, what I, and an I am sure others, would like know how a problem can be handled. Some on my personal page made a post about Rand Paul questioning a 3 million dollar budget item, so I mentioned that 3 million dollars in a 6 trillion dollar budget is nothing, why not take on the cost of drugs, the defense spending or even corporate subsidies, where even a 1% change could save 10s of millions. Politicians do a lot of grandstanding, don't be easily taken, just because it sounds good to you, always evaluate how it helps or hurts those "others" whoever those "others" may be, always remember "one nation", emphasis on one. We are distracted by the balloons? Oh, we already forgot about the balloons, even though it hasn't even been a month that our whole lives and the future depended upon those. No nukes, no gay genes, no biochemical weapons, not that we know anymore than we did last month. The train derailed in Ohio, and we all worried about the train and blamed everybody we could think of, no one was more vocal than the ones that are most vehemently against any regulation of the business, well? "Them apples"! Happy Anniversary of the war in Ukraine, and looks like there will be more happy returns, if we keep going down the same road, we could, accidentally, have a nuclear war, but don't blame US, we just like wars, there are no plans for peace, not that we are in a rush, we want to show the world we are the only super power, even if we destroy the humanity in the process, and no Putin didn't start the war, we started the war ten years ago, when we started arming the neo Nazis and the white nationalists in Ukraine, yes back when Biden was the vice president. And we want to move to Mars too, in case we blow up the earth, we will have 50 to 100 people to come back and start over, LETS TALK I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 24 FEBRUARY 2023

Monday, February 20, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M6d It is not to go around in circles, and it is tome for us to think outside the box. Both the left and the right are stuck in mud, neither wants to face the reality. Yes, people can differ, can have different ideologies but to make progress we need to face the basic facts. We are not all experts on everything, most of the time when I notice the same answer to all the news, to all the problems I am sure the person is actually not paying attention to the content, but only spreading whatever they consider to be their faith. There is and should always be some space between the "faith" and the problem at hand, I am not talking here about "religion" per se, one's religion is between them and their deity, but social institutions/ governments are neither grounded in religion nor they follow it in particular, even our religious leaders don't always follow the scriptures. A blind trust in a party, its agenda or its policies is the quickest way to misdirected away from religious dogma. As corrupt as our institutions are they wouldn't accept a religion based rule. We hate the government, we don't want to pay for the government, yet we also blame the government for not doing enough ( of everything). We want the crime reduced without paying for better education and better job opportunities. We want the veterans taken care of but we don't demand a cut in "profits" for the defense contractors that are looting the government. We are also for cutting the regulation to increase corporate profits but we also blame the government for not increasing safety. We forget that there were regulations in place to increase the railroad safety that we dropped by our corrupt congress and President. We also consider our rich and corporations to be job creators, it couldn't be further than the truth, the job creators would mean that when the economy is in a slump the "job creators" will create new jobs, or will keep people working so thay can support their families, (the paychecks would be spent to get the economy moving along), but the rich actually cut jobs and force the government to spend more, to help the unemployed so the corporations can keep making money regardless, while the government takes on more debt. It is time for us to update our thinking, what worked 50, a 100 or two hundred years ago doesn't work today. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 20 FEBRUARY 2023

Saturday, February 18, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M6c I didn't write last night, usually I don't the Friday nights, and if you haven't read the M6b yet, please do also, the link is in the first comment, as is the link to part M6a is in the 1st Comment of M6b. There were a lot of questions, thank you, and I will try to answer as many as I can get to, most of the time I do reply to comments as soon as I see them, some I address later. This is my "one man show", I am a 70 year old retired/semi retied, I don't do this to make money, I have no help, I do my own writing and share the items that interest me. There is always an angle to things we do, I sure I have an angle too, if you figure it out let me know. Last week, when the balloon saga started, I told you it was nothing, and not to worry about it, some talked about it carrying nukes, others said biochemical weapons, or some exotic intelligence gathering equipment, I said. No, none of it. We did shoot it down, and we will forget about it. Stop wasting time and energy, and more specifically 400k missiles shot from a stealth fighter, who are we trying to impress. It wasn't long after the balloon debacle that we had the "real" train disaster in Ohio, I wrote about it and many did comment, I appreciate everyone that took the time to read it. Yes there are questions and there will be many excuses, in comment chided me for "blaming the ordinary citizens of the US". Yes we all bear some (and certain" responsibility. It is said that the ignorance of law is no excuse. When we claim to be "knowledgeable" and take action accordingly, then we also share responsibility for the consequences. We forget that each and every person on the face of the earth has some hand in where we end up at. Yes even the poorest. One problem most of us have is that we in America believe that we are the only people in the world. Even though as Herschel Walker said that the Chinese take our good air and send us their bad air (it is not just the balloons I guess). But I am getting off the subject. If we want the corporations to be responsible then we cannot allow them to buy our representatives, buy our Supreme Court or buy our ministers. But we support the representatives that have already been bought and paid for, heck they are literally on the payroll of corporations, the corporations are allowed to write off lobbying expenses and campaign contributions, and we elect the Congress, we are responsible, are we not, when we support and elect the corrupt representatives. The cycle of corruption has somehow evolved into its own "circle of life". Don't say we are not responsible. And if the corporation can make 20 billion but refuse to pay for the upgrade of equipment while we sit on the sidelines, we deserve this. Will FEMA pay for the clean up? What do you think? In a month Americans would have forgotten all about this, except for those that will be getting sick and those that will do the dying. It is not just Biden, or Pete, this accident is not an accident, this is a result of decades of neglect and profiteering, but we the people have sat on our buttons, while shaking our collective fists that we are or need to do something. How do you fix something you have never shown any interest in learning about. But life is short, tomorrow it will be something else, or something new and we will move on. We support the corruption of our leaders, at all levels, and qclaim that we want to "change". Sit down. I have told you before, many of my unrelated posts are actually related, but you have to be informed enough to see the relationship. Thus my post about "No man is ever wise by chance", or how about "the price good men pay for indifference.......", yes both of them relate to what I am saying here. We can not afford to be indifferent, what happened in Ohio can happen in Texas ( it almost did), also read this https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42548824.amp I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 19 FEBRUARY 2023

Thursday, February 16, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M6b Last night I talked about us, it is all about us, what we are and who we are, we live in an interconnected world, if it were not for the internet l wouldn't be writing this here, you wouldn't be reading it, we would both be happier. The internet has not made us happier people, we are actually more miserable than before because of it. No, we don't feel eachother's pain more, we are just more miserable because ..., the life's shortcomings have become more obvious. I was talking about "thinking". We are certain that we think, we just don't know why we think the way that we do, we don't ever think about that. Earlier I posted a quote from the #scriptures, Proverb 17: 15 15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord. But why? Most nights, I write something about current events, this evening I said I will discuss the Ohio train disaster, and asked you for your thoughts. We don't live in a vacuum, and things are related, the same is true for this mishap. It is not an accident, it was not unavoidable, and as I also said, we all had a hand in it, yes we did, let's talk. There are so many things that came to together that "directly" caused the disaster. From tax cuts, to lobbying, to congressional misconduct, to Biden's capitulation, to lack regulation, the profit motive, lack of support for workers, (union or not), corporations are people of the SCOTUS, and more. All had a role to play. And depending upon what legislation we support, what we think of worker's rights, all played a part. Here for us in the USA, things always happen in a vacuum, no one is ever responsible, no one resigns, no one goes to jail. After 9/11 we were told to go shopping. Rumsfled stayed in place, George Tenet also kept his job, no one got fired for the fake WMDs report. Recently, Turkey has arrested the contractor that built the high rises that collapsed in the earthquake area, no one has been held to account for the train a wreck, yet. It is said that the brake system was antiquated, but the railroad made billions in profits and gave out bonuses (not pay raises to workers). Where do you stand on this, do you feel guilty, should we have paid more attention? Are we not responsible also? I also posted an article from back on 1 December when Biden and the Republicans cut a deal to force the railroad worker back on the job, ignoring all their complaints about the safety and the working conditions. Way too many of us have a knee jerk reaction whenever their is a labor dispute. Even in cases where the workers are being hurt and worse, do we have role? Our hands are not clean, not by a longshot, we say that we think, but we don't, we say that we care, but we do not. We say that we know, when we do not. If we start arresting some of the board members, if we start making the company pay for clean up and to relocate and compensate the residents it will be a start. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON (a lot) M. N. R. 16 FEBRUARY 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M6a Last time, I had asked a few questions of you, No one commented. What do you think are the most urgent problems, what do you see as the solutions? For many, if not most, and doesn't matter what side of the bed one gets up on, the solutions are simple, actually there is one and the same solution to each and every problem. Mankind has tried that approach for millenia, it hasn't worked, it won't work, it doesn't work today, look around the world, there are wars, civil wars, revolutions and counter revolutions, none work. They won't. If (a+b)=4, (a) and (b) can have any number of values, the right value for either is still undetermined until one or the other is defined. We can't always know for certain. Have you ever thought how the other party gets to one solution that is always the opposite of what you believe. Have you ever really considered how? Our leaders don't seem to have ever given it a thought, they are not paid to, they are only allowed to say what they are paid to say, and it is by design, they are told to say what you have been conditioned to believe. It is hard for us to believe that there is an underlying problem that we miss. No matter whom we elect, no matter the party, the district, the state, all politicians end up being the same. There are endless discussions, but the results are always predictable, actually media will always tell you which side of the argument will win out, follow the money. We fail to understand the basic concept which I stated many years ago, "we are limited in our knowledge by what we know" M. N. R. If I were to ask you to picture a truck, you will think of the truck that you own, if you do not, however, own a truck, it is more than likely that you will visualize a freight truck. ( a semi), but if I were to ask you to picture a "red truck" more than likely you will see a fire truck unless you own a red truck or someone you know does. It is that easy. We can only think of things that we know. A picture of a drill is different in the mind of a dentist as opposed to the picture of a drill in the mind of a carpenter or a mechanic. We look at things differently, even a same word means different to different people, so how do we learn to think? Simply we must learn more, about more things, just because you can build a house doesn't mean can fix a washing machine. We have to learn something more. Besides. But today, we all have opinions, people always did, for some people, all they have is opinions, honestly. So what do YOU think, this page is here to discuss ideas, to share thoughts, please comment, please also be respectful, make a counterpoint, respectfully, maybe even provide a reference, it is more convincing than a snarky comment. Let's talk. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 16 FEBRUARY 2023

Friday, February 10, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM PSYCHOLOGY 164b If you are seeing this just in passing, please leave a comment. You don't have to agree with me on anything I say here, but please take time to study the "argument" I am making, I am not here to change minds, to convince anyone, I am here to share ideas. Left, right, liberal or conservative, we don't want to be labeled, yet we label ourselves, we become so deeply invested in our own "theology" (not meaning religious) that it is difficult for us even to consider anything else rational. But what is rational or irrational is after all subjective, what is "rational" in one situation or one instance can be totally the opposite in another. Long ago, we believe that the earth was the center of the universe, and so it went, until some person "Copernicus in 1543" proposed that it wasn't, and his most "irrational" theory was the truth. Of course there is nothing truly "solid" in the universe. Literally. What is one to do? So we go on, day by day, thinking everyone else is "crazy", or just plain stupid, it sounds like fun. Actually, we the humans have become so used to idea that nothing is "crazy" or stupid any longer. No matter how far you want to go out on the limb, there is room still. We are so sure of our "own" opinions that we tend to consider ourselves infallible, we "quote" reputable people, and there are "reputable" people on all sides of the argument, and we swallow opinions of others like they are divine commands, and we ignore the "divine commands" the best we can, think on it. Yes there are billionaires, and there are poor living an abject poverty, suffering hunger , violence and disease, what are we to do. But we in the middle are ones that create them both. Only if we think "objectively", do we though? What do you think? Are you creating poverty? Are you creating billionaires? How do you escape "the Matrix", I know you have a plan, share it Let's talk I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 10 FEBRUARY 2023

Thursday, February 09, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS M4 So the quote went something like this, "The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master." Robin Sharma Now I admit, words can have different meanings, one can take a phrase to mean anything they like, and actually that is exactly what the quote implies. What "does" a phrase mean, a story, an adage, it means whatever you like it to mean. I have previously said something similar also, that " we are limited in our knowledge by what we know". When we look at a salt shaker and the ocean, we have to know that salt comes from (sometimes) the ocean itself. We have to have that previous knowledge. Someone illiterate is not psychologically "analyzing" another's behavior, even if they maybe. Someone looking at the sun doesn't think about the huge ball of hydrogen in the sky and fission, unless they study physics. We can only think in ways that we know, when you study a subject, you tell/train your brain to think in a certain way, and the brain becomes your servant. In the opposite, if we limit the knowledge (by design) of what can know the brain becomes the master, we become limited in the ways that it will allow us to think, the brain thus sets the boundaries within which can think, and no more. Let's talk I WILL WRITE MORE SOON 09 FEBRUARY 2023

Wednesday, February 08, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M5b So what are we talking about today? The balloon has been popped, tonight Biden will give the "State of the Union" speech, once again we will hear some bs, as we always do, some will applaud, others will vomit, and tomorrow the sun will come up again, it always does. It will be doing that for another 8 billion years, whether the humans will exist or not, actually, we will not survive another 8 billion or 7 billion years, I sincerely doubt that will exist another 100 years, not the way we are today. I had started to write this the night before). So what did we learn today, the sun came up, it did on 9/11, it did everyday during WW1, it did when we dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, everyday during the crusades and the Reformation, and during the Salem witch trails. It always does. And the lightning does strike the liars, the world moves on. So what do you believe, what does one believe. Climate change? WW3, end of the world, by whatever means, what part are you and I playing? Yes, money doesn't grow on trees, and yes you have to work hard for it. Someone said in their comments on the Biden speech that the insurance should cover certain ( other) medications. Many believe that the government shouldn't provide Healthcare for the elderly. Where do you stand? W e are Americans after all, we don't like to be told anything, we already know everything. We are against the big government, the IMF, the WEF, the DAVOS cabal, and the FEDERAL RESERVE, ah yes, the federal reserve. And lest we forget, we are against everything. But people that run the IMF, the WEF and show up at DAVOS in their private jets actually work for you and I, right, they are looking out for us, because we shop at their stores, we have accounts at their banks, they work hard to make our telephones and our TVs and automobiles. Right, they provide our entertainment, satanic and otherwise, they run our cable companies and streaming services, so why not help them, since they work so hard for us. And what about the Federal Reserve, where do you get the loan to buy a car, to build a house or buy property. Or you are a contractor building houses or chicken farms or sell cars, where does that money come from? Honesty. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 08 FEBRUARY 2023

Monday, February 06, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM PSYCHOLOGY 164b So, what did I miss today? What did you miss. If you are like myself, on the internet all day, especially on some social media, like myself, you are also involved in everything, doing a lot of good for the humanity, expert on everything and have firm opinions, congratulations. Okay, I'll stop, I was being sarcastic, or maybe even truthful, I don't mind. I need to look at myself, time to time, I need to be grounded, I need think about myself, judge myself, and be honest. I talk a lot about "the man in the mirror", then I heard someone say, "if you don't like what you see in the mirror, then you don't change the mirror, but the person looking at it", deep. That is the hard part too. Then there is that adage, " to love yourself", well, what does that mean, does it mean to always do whatever one wants? Or does that mean, to one's self a better person, to improve one's self. It could mean either, couldn't it, I love myself, so I become a drug addict,, an alcoholic, I drive carelessly even to the point of causing damage or an accident. Have an affair, all of it could be done under the heading of "love myself", couldn't it? It is frustrating, isn't it. When one is "perfect", one is screaming to make the world go "his" way, one has all the solutions but no one is listening, enough to drive one mad, so we buy weapons, just in case, we want to take our the world, want to kill everyone that is not following our creed, or atleast we can yell at our spouse, yell at our kids, or try to run someone off the road, in road rage, or just get drunk. And the Chinese dare fly a balloon across the US, Ukraine is likely not doing as well as advertised, they want planes, Ted Cruz will like term limits,( if they don't also apply to him), DeSantis could win the election if only he could convince his voters that America ever had any blacks, oh and BTW we could have a debt default and a government shut down. Maybe changing myself wouldn't be as hard. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 06 FEBRUARY 2023

Sunday, February 05, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM PSYCHOLOGY 164 a It is late, it is always late, I am a "scatter brain" person, I have admitted that before, and when I want to sit down to write ,the thoughts rush through my brains, I get confused, where to start, what to talk about, but I try. But, when I started my blog @tombstone001.blogspot.com back in 2006, I had a caption above every post, something like one has to be able to "connect the dots" to see the whole picture. Things do go together, every event and situation is linked to every other. And we live in am interconnected world, everything matters. Day before yesterday I posted about the infamous balloon, there were a lot of comments, speculations, but no one seems to have the whole picture, no one did, not even the Pentagon offered a concise "sitrep". Everyone seemed lost, the Congress too. Didn't matter much, and yesterday we did blow it up, end of the story. We will not hear anything more. Not until we forget about the whole thing. So change the subject. I alao posted two memes, two quotes actually, one , an African proverb, that a smart enemy is better than a foolish friend, ofcourse a smart enemy will make you smarter, make you think and foolish friend, well we know what happens there. The other one got the most attention, “An evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes” Sun Tzu so far it has 354 reactions, thanks everyone that took time. Who is the evil enemy and what is "the nation", ? Have you really given it a thought? On the face of it, it is a simple quote, Sun Tzu lived in simpler times, and he is thinking about some "internal enemy" of the state, so everyone that commented claimed that it was the "otherside", fine, you are "sin free", and you love your country, you dutifully pointed the finger at those others, but, you didn't get the picture at all. We are always willing to find the culprit and point a finger, it makes our life simple, we rest easy. Then late yesterday, I posted an article about that "Chinese hoax" that we love to call "climate change" , which used to be called "global warming". 20 years ago I noted that since we changed the name of "starvation" to "food insecurity", around the globe people stopped dying of starvation, there were no more famines, easy, just like Iran, North Korea and Russia got rid of the gay people just by declaring that there are no gay people in those countries. Actually we also do the same to sove our problems, we declare that they don't exist. I am getting away from the subject. So we day it that one party or the other that is destroying the country. Bit look at the broder picture, I'll keep this short and write more tomorrow so please come back and look, Who burnt down the "nation" politicians, the bankers, the industrialists? You and I, let's look, the jobs went offshore, the wages went lower, as the wages went lower, the property values dropped, as the property values dropped the property taxes dropped, so less money to support the schools, the teacher pays got cut, the education standards dropped, less value and emphasis on education, the delinquency and crime went up, so who burnt the nation and why? Thunk about it and comment, please, we will talk, I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 05 FEBRUARY 2023

Friday, February 03, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M5a Earlier in the day I made a post about that Chinese balloon, my thoughts were that may be later (like right now) I will have time to write something about it. Atleast try to soothe some nerves, explain somethings that some may have missed. But as it happened, I spent most of the day answering questions, concerns and comments. Thank you all that participated, I really liked it, I hope also that I presented some valid answers to the questions asked. Going back again to what I have said over the years, if you walk, ride with blinders on, you get lost. You steer off the road, and worse you may have/need someone to keep you on the path. Sadly. It will be a path of their choosing, and they lead you somewhere you don't want to be. You know, it is like when teenagers ( and even sometimes the older ones) go out, the "follower kind" sometimes get in trouble, they do things that "someone" tells them to do. It is a distraction, ofcourse, we are at the brink of a wider conflict in Europe, we are sending more money and arms to Ukraine, the defense budget is up for discussion, the debt ceiling looming, the possibility of a government shut down, the possibility of cuts in social security and Medicare, so why not. If the balloon was a real threat to anything, we would have taken care of that, it is NOT, chill, the real danger to our lives and livelihood is in DC, not in the corn fields of Iowa, Montana or Missouri. But we are, after all Americans, we tend to react by instinct, but lack a clear knowledge and understanding, our instincts are guided only by emotions, we should shoot it down, ofcourse, it may be carrying nukes, no that is easily detected, may be it has bio weapons, yeah, China wants to destroy America in broad daylight without having to worry about retaliation, it is carrying gene altering drugs, it is being guided by Hunter's laptop, can we get real, please. Not everything is a prelude to Armageddon. Every single day. Chill. I posted various articles, opinions from both the left and the right, and Pentagon also. To no avail, everyone has their opinions and they are set in stone. I don't try to change minds, I actually like to know what you think, how you think, I respect your opinions, I want us all to listen to eachother without judgment or prejudice, we are all in it together. Mark 3:25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. M. N. R. 04 FEBRUARY 2023

Wednesday, February 01, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM PSYCHOLOGY 163b So I went back to look, see what title I can use to make this post tonight. 163a had been left without a part b, this will do. It is all part of the same story, life, isn't it. I had finished watching "Shutter Island " earlier tonight, I like psycodramas, among other genres, I also like horror, scifi,, and some paranormal stuff. Not so much the paranormal though, it is over dramatized, even more so than scif. There is a reason we call sci-fi a sci-fi, most of it is fantasy, and speculation. Psycodrama, that I can enjoy or critique. Those of you that have followed my page for a while know that I am don't like today's pop-psychology. I don't like the modern counseling or the free use of psychotropic drugs for "adjustment" to one's daily life. I also recognize that the modern society has created more problems than we have actually solved. We have a society without any boundaries of character, everything is permitted regardless of cost. The phrase "Narcissistic" is used to define everyone except "you", in fact we are all Narcissists! You, me ,I and everyone else, just look around, then look at yourself, we are not that different than anyone else. If we are honest. (I am not judging). George Santos maybe an extreme example, but he is not that different than anyone else, most people lie on their resume, most people lie about their income, most people lie about their net worth, about their grades, their previous relationships and so on, he just went an extra mile, let's be honest and reflect some. What does all this have to do with "Shutter Island "? Everything, give me some time and stay focused. I have previously discussed reality, as in "the Matrix" , and also as in "Inception", and I have tried to explain that all reality is "imaginary", it is something created by our mind (ego). Remember when we were kids (before the internet, cellphones and tablets), we would play "cowboys and indians", our hands with fingers pointing were real guns, and our friends had to "die" if we shot them, and Santa Claus was real too. We put that away, but we never grow out of our fantasies, and that is a good thing, and that is also a bad thing. Isn't it our fantasies that make us inventors, make us craftsmen and salesmen, that make us engineers and web designers and coders. Our fantasies that makes us fall in love and have families and so on. It is also our same fantasies that make us into Kens, Karens and otherwise insufferable jerks. But I am not judging, I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 01 FEBRUARY 2023