Tuesday, February 28, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS S200b Like it ot not, we must admit that all that we know, everything that we know, we learned from someone else. If you are a writer, you went to school, if an engineer the math and sciences have been around for thousands of years, yes there are innovators, designers, developers, all working of the base that someone else established. "All truths are but half truths", whatever you believe to be true (like I said before, I am not talking about any faith or religion, I am talking about life in general), there is an opposite view that is just as true and valid, you can no more have a one sided coin, or a magnet. Most of us get our information from someone else, school, TV, internet, whatever it is, it is secondhand information, ironically, even if you are present at an event you may not see the something that others see, and sometimes we get caught up in a crowd and we start to react same as others, nothing is real. It is difficult to be "yourself", atleast most of the time, we all play a role that we assume, to fit in, to be accepted, you come home tired but a friend shows up and wants to visit, few will tell that person to leave, fifty years ago, tattoos were rare, now everybody wants a bunch, we used to dress up to get on a plane, now an airplane looks like a proverbial "Walmart". It is difficult to tell who is original and who is freak, and calling someone a freak is frowned upon. How do you figure out where we will be in rwenty years? Not technology wise, but as people, as humans? The family is going aways, marriage is disappearing. There is no job security, no retirement, healthcare, but only if you can afford it, housing, too expensive, and the list goes on. And these are not the only poems we face, or our grandchildren will for sure, that is if humanity is still around in the next 20-50 years. But we worry about people that don't know what gender they are, or what books someone reads, while we poison the earth and the oceans, and deny people their basic rights, and others don't care if we live like the livestock. I have only touched on a few points yet, keeping it short I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 28 FEBRUARY 2023

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