Monday, February 20, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M6d It is not to go around in circles, and it is tome for us to think outside the box. Both the left and the right are stuck in mud, neither wants to face the reality. Yes, people can differ, can have different ideologies but to make progress we need to face the basic facts. We are not all experts on everything, most of the time when I notice the same answer to all the news, to all the problems I am sure the person is actually not paying attention to the content, but only spreading whatever they consider to be their faith. There is and should always be some space between the "faith" and the problem at hand, I am not talking here about "religion" per se, one's religion is between them and their deity, but social institutions/ governments are neither grounded in religion nor they follow it in particular, even our religious leaders don't always follow the scriptures. A blind trust in a party, its agenda or its policies is the quickest way to misdirected away from religious dogma. As corrupt as our institutions are they wouldn't accept a religion based rule. We hate the government, we don't want to pay for the government, yet we also blame the government for not doing enough ( of everything). We want the crime reduced without paying for better education and better job opportunities. We want the veterans taken care of but we don't demand a cut in "profits" for the defense contractors that are looting the government. We are also for cutting the regulation to increase corporate profits but we also blame the government for not increasing safety. We forget that there were regulations in place to increase the railroad safety that we dropped by our corrupt congress and President. We also consider our rich and corporations to be job creators, it couldn't be further than the truth, the job creators would mean that when the economy is in a slump the "job creators" will create new jobs, or will keep people working so thay can support their families, (the paychecks would be spent to get the economy moving along), but the rich actually cut jobs and force the government to spend more, to help the unemployed so the corporations can keep making money regardless, while the government takes on more debt. It is time for us to update our thinking, what worked 50, a 100 or two hundred years ago doesn't work today. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 20 FEBRUARY 2023

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