Wednesday, February 01, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM PSYCHOLOGY 163b So I went back to look, see what title I can use to make this post tonight. 163a had been left without a part b, this will do. It is all part of the same story, life, isn't it. I had finished watching "Shutter Island " earlier tonight, I like psycodramas, among other genres, I also like horror, scifi,, and some paranormal stuff. Not so much the paranormal though, it is over dramatized, even more so than scif. There is a reason we call sci-fi a sci-fi, most of it is fantasy, and speculation. Psycodrama, that I can enjoy or critique. Those of you that have followed my page for a while know that I am don't like today's pop-psychology. I don't like the modern counseling or the free use of psychotropic drugs for "adjustment" to one's daily life. I also recognize that the modern society has created more problems than we have actually solved. We have a society without any boundaries of character, everything is permitted regardless of cost. The phrase "Narcissistic" is used to define everyone except "you", in fact we are all Narcissists! You, me ,I and everyone else, just look around, then look at yourself, we are not that different than anyone else. If we are honest. (I am not judging). George Santos maybe an extreme example, but he is not that different than anyone else, most people lie on their resume, most people lie about their income, most people lie about their net worth, about their grades, their previous relationships and so on, he just went an extra mile, let's be honest and reflect some. What does all this have to do with "Shutter Island "? Everything, give me some time and stay focused. I have previously discussed reality, as in "the Matrix" , and also as in "Inception", and I have tried to explain that all reality is "imaginary", it is something created by our mind (ego). Remember when we were kids (before the internet, cellphones and tablets), we would play "cowboys and indians", our hands with fingers pointing were real guns, and our friends had to "die" if we shot them, and Santa Claus was real too. We put that away, but we never grow out of our fantasies, and that is a good thing, and that is also a bad thing. Isn't it our fantasies that make us inventors, make us craftsmen and salesmen, that make us engineers and web designers and coders. Our fantasies that makes us fall in love and have families and so on. It is also our same fantasies that make us into Kens, Karens and otherwise insufferable jerks. But I am not judging, I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 01 FEBRUARY 2023

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