Thursday, February 16, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M6a Last time, I had asked a few questions of you, No one commented. What do you think are the most urgent problems, what do you see as the solutions? For many, if not most, and doesn't matter what side of the bed one gets up on, the solutions are simple, actually there is one and the same solution to each and every problem. Mankind has tried that approach for millenia, it hasn't worked, it won't work, it doesn't work today, look around the world, there are wars, civil wars, revolutions and counter revolutions, none work. They won't. If (a+b)=4, (a) and (b) can have any number of values, the right value for either is still undetermined until one or the other is defined. We can't always know for certain. Have you ever thought how the other party gets to one solution that is always the opposite of what you believe. Have you ever really considered how? Our leaders don't seem to have ever given it a thought, they are not paid to, they are only allowed to say what they are paid to say, and it is by design, they are told to say what you have been conditioned to believe. It is hard for us to believe that there is an underlying problem that we miss. No matter whom we elect, no matter the party, the district, the state, all politicians end up being the same. There are endless discussions, but the results are always predictable, actually media will always tell you which side of the argument will win out, follow the money. We fail to understand the basic concept which I stated many years ago, "we are limited in our knowledge by what we know" M. N. R. If I were to ask you to picture a truck, you will think of the truck that you own, if you do not, however, own a truck, it is more than likely that you will visualize a freight truck. ( a semi), but if I were to ask you to picture a "red truck" more than likely you will see a fire truck unless you own a red truck or someone you know does. It is that easy. We can only think of things that we know. A picture of a drill is different in the mind of a dentist as opposed to the picture of a drill in the mind of a carpenter or a mechanic. We look at things differently, even a same word means different to different people, so how do we learn to think? Simply we must learn more, about more things, just because you can build a house doesn't mean can fix a washing machine. We have to learn something more. Besides. But today, we all have opinions, people always did, for some people, all they have is opinions, honestly. So what do YOU think, this page is here to discuss ideas, to share thoughts, please comment, please also be respectful, make a counterpoint, respectfully, maybe even provide a reference, it is more convincing than a snarky comment. Let's talk. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 16 FEBRUARY 2023

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