Sunday, February 05, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM PSYCHOLOGY 164 a It is late, it is always late, I am a "scatter brain" person, I have admitted that before, and when I want to sit down to write ,the thoughts rush through my brains, I get confused, where to start, what to talk about, but I try. But, when I started my blog back in 2006, I had a caption above every post, something like one has to be able to "connect the dots" to see the whole picture. Things do go together, every event and situation is linked to every other. And we live in am interconnected world, everything matters. Day before yesterday I posted about the infamous balloon, there were a lot of comments, speculations, but no one seems to have the whole picture, no one did, not even the Pentagon offered a concise "sitrep". Everyone seemed lost, the Congress too. Didn't matter much, and yesterday we did blow it up, end of the story. We will not hear anything more. Not until we forget about the whole thing. So change the subject. I alao posted two memes, two quotes actually, one , an African proverb, that a smart enemy is better than a foolish friend, ofcourse a smart enemy will make you smarter, make you think and foolish friend, well we know what happens there. The other one got the most attention, “An evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes” Sun Tzu so far it has 354 reactions, thanks everyone that took time. Who is the evil enemy and what is "the nation", ? Have you really given it a thought? On the face of it, it is a simple quote, Sun Tzu lived in simpler times, and he is thinking about some "internal enemy" of the state, so everyone that commented claimed that it was the "otherside", fine, you are "sin free", and you love your country, you dutifully pointed the finger at those others, but, you didn't get the picture at all. We are always willing to find the culprit and point a finger, it makes our life simple, we rest easy. Then late yesterday, I posted an article about that "Chinese hoax" that we love to call "climate change" , which used to be called "global warming". 20 years ago I noted that since we changed the name of "starvation" to "food insecurity", around the globe people stopped dying of starvation, there were no more famines, easy, just like Iran, North Korea and Russia got rid of the gay people just by declaring that there are no gay people in those countries. Actually we also do the same to sove our problems, we declare that they don't exist. I am getting away from the subject. So we day it that one party or the other that is destroying the country. Bit look at the broder picture, I'll keep this short and write more tomorrow so please come back and look, Who burnt down the "nation" politicians, the bankers, the industrialists? You and I, let's look, the jobs went offshore, the wages went lower, as the wages went lower, the property values dropped, as the property values dropped the property taxes dropped, so less money to support the schools, the teacher pays got cut, the education standards dropped, less value and emphasis on education, the delinquency and crime went up, so who burnt the nation and why? Thunk about it and comment, please, we will talk, I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 05 FEBRUARY 2023

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