Friday, November 04, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HOUSE OF HADES A I am strange at times, this page is probably not like any others, but there are tens of millions of bloggers, so surely you may come across another like it, let me know. I don't try to entertain you, amuse you, I want to keep you interested, or maybe you have found a reason to leave, I am sorry. I don't belong to a political dogma, a religious dogma, though I do talk about God, scriptures, constitution and stuff. I have asked the platform to present this page to people over 30, I hope you are, some of the stuff you'd find offensive, bear with me, I am not here to attack anyone's faith, person of beliefs, nothing is personal here, I write, I speak my mind and I sleep peacefully. Commonly, we think of Hades as "hell" it is not, it is the afterlife and whatever there is , it includes the paradise, the purgatory and also hell. Here it has no religious context, keep an open mind, as it is just a name used, no more no less. In my case here, it is the present, very much so. Time changes, we can not go back in time. That theory is accepted by the present science. I don't expect everyone to be a 70 year old cynic, and Ret. MSG to boot, I just want you to read and then look around at the world just a little bit differently. May be can talk about something, maybe you can teach me something, I am still learning, always. We forget the "one nation" part of our pledge, the part that requires us (and we "promise" to) to listen to eachother, to stand up one for the other, to love one another, to take care of eachother, and to protect the rights of eachother. Read Genesis 4:9-14, then think, especially if you happen to be a person of faith. A depression or even a severe recession will cut consumption, reduce pollution, cut population, and increase poverty and hunger. We don't need to help the billionaires, the corporations and their hand picked and owned politicians to use us as their pawns and do their dirty work for them. I have faith in "us". I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 04 NOVEMBER 2022

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