Wednesday, November 30, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM PSYCHOLOGY 82 A Before I get you and myself in deeper waters let me say this first, "anyone , male or female, that physically rapes (however, whatever the method, or purpose) a child under the age of eight should be given the death penalty, no if ands or buts, regardless of the reason, or personal status, wealth, history of abuse , except for a prior and well established history of mental defect or deficiency. When you start to believe a lie, it becomes difficult for you to believe the facts that contradict your beliefs, it is the old game, you buy into a lie and if I try to offer contradictory evidence, I become part of the conspiracy to fool you , and to cover up. So there is that, that is why the conspiracy theories don't die, Sandy Hook, 9/11, the Illuminati, the Deep State are all real, anyone saying different is part of the plot, ( I can see you are paying attention). We can't really blame the internet, even in the stone age people would gather around and someone will tell a tall tale and take would be repeated endlessly, each person adding some more details and there would be people believing the story and pretty soon the fiction would become the conventional wisdom, the fact and real. It is no different today, the idiots on the keyboard will see something that purports to support their idiocies and they will pass the story around as fact and the fiction becomes their truth, start the Salem witch trials, bring out the lynch mobs, whatever turns you on. Be it the illegal immigrants taking away jobs and simultaneously receiving welfare benefits, and committing all the crime, or the police committing murders willyBilly, or the violent crime being out of control all are acceptable facts, though they are not facts at all. Back in eighties, there was a sudden outbreak of stories about child molestations, "the daycares were involved nationwide", hundreds of investigations by all the law enforcement didn't produce anything but still lives got destroyed, businesses ruined, a few people even went to jails in trumped up charges. The fad also gave a rise to a phenomenon called "Repressed Memories", and a lot of men especially older one were tried, convicted and sent to prison where some psychologists "recovered" these from the female, generally middle aged, victims. Destroying lives, homes and relationships. Some people are willing to believe anything that is totally baseless or utterly stupid, just to be different. Or accepted in a group, and so as to feel smarter than they really are. In my "short lived" practice in psychology, I noticed that many psychologists had their own personal agendas and prejudices that they would implant in their clients, thereby increasing the problems of the client, transposing their pathologies and creating issues that did not previously exist. With freedom comes responsibility, without responsibility we lose our freedoms. Understanding freedom requires education, and thinking, a less than well "educated" person will not understand the limits and transgress. In my twenty plus years of writing and blogging I have constantly emphasized the "boundaries of character" , some people call it morals, but I am not religious, or moral, I am just barely smart enough to understand what is wrong and what is right, I define it as what if someone else did this to me? Would I like it to be known by all, and most importantly, am I stepping on somebody else's toes or territory. We live in a "society", a society is defined by its rules and boundaries, if we live in a subdivision we have to follow the rules of the HOA, right? So is the case for the society at large, with a few exceptions to be made so we can have everyone included, and no one is excluded. We are of course "one nation" right. Yet we are in trouble on two counts, one, there are some that want to make all the rules for the rest to follow, ( even under the threat of violence) and two, there are some that say I can do whatever I want, and no rule should apply to me. Neither situation is workable. Everything in your life is a lesson, right or wrong, good or bad, we learn something, hopefully, what we do with that lesson depends totally on our intelligence and our intentions. I have written about sex and sexuality before, good and bad , ask for a link if you like, even if out of curiosity as to how I think. I grew up a hippie, experimented and learned a few lessons. What works, what does not work, how it effects our lives , the lives of others, lives of our kids, our partners, you may be surprised. All this to make this point, what is pedophilia and what to do about it and the pedophiles. What is a "child"? What is consent,? What about physiology? What is good? What is bad? What is right? What is wrong? What is trafficking? How big is the problem? Where is the real problem? We really don't know, don't want to know, we make laws to cover it all and destroy good with the bad. There is no good child molestation, rest. Earlier today, I posted Leviticus 18, I am not religious, this is not a religious debate, I posted it to point out that many of its prohibitions are a joke today, it is not uncommon for a man to have sex with a mother and her daughter, or a woman to have sex with a man and his son, step brothers and sisters to have sex. Aunt and nephew, uncle and niece, not as rare as we think. We laugh about a woman having sex with a thirteen year old boy, and it is only a crime if an older man gets caught or is reported for having sex with a girl over 14. I could give you examples, but you watch the news, or know the people in your community, even your relatives. But if you take a picture of your naked 2 year old child you can be busted for producing and possessing child pornography. I shouldn't have to parse my words, and stratify and classify different forms of pedophilia and child abuse, but we do not have a universal definition, nor do we have a standard meaning of the phrase, different people do have different definitions and opinions about what is or is not pedophilia, what is child sex, what is child abuse, and what role anyone or any phenomenon plays. If two 11 year olds of any gender are engaged in any sexual behavior, what would you call it? What about a 12 and a 14 year old? How about a sex partner of a parent holding a nine year old on their lap while the two are minimally dressed? What about an 8 and a 12 year old siblings changing in presence of eachother. Or an 8 and a 10 year old bathing together. It is not my intention to make light of the child molestation or pedophilia, it is worthy of all the panic and attention it has and deserves, but some are spreading and falling for sensationalism, pedophilia is a fact, I am writing about it, but stay with the real. Some are trying to make it a much bigger issue only to make the democrats look bad and promote the pizzagate conspiracy theory. When your attention is diverted, you miss the mark, keep your focus on the problem. If we are taking a worldwide number then say that, not many will look up the facts and will just assume the number relates to the US. There are many kids in the third world, and even in America that are abandoned, that are run aways, that are kidnapped by non custodial parent, In America the teen runaways are generally found within few days, sometimes they refuse to go back to their families, there is sex trafficking in the far east, in south America, our "tourists" go there to buy young children, the problem thus is much more involved and complicated. Even though the allegations against Epstien may be truly factual, and a lot of powerful people maybe involved, making it a partisan issue is not productive. That is my basic contention, look at all those involved and let the chips fall where they may. One thing we need to make clear, even the DSM was called out on defining "pedophilia" as one term without regard to sexual development and age differences, many recently (since pizzagate and subsequently the Epstein saga) have misused the term pedophilia to define sex with even 14, 15 and 16 year olds. That is a misuse of term, pedophilia is sex with prepubescent and the infantophillia for sex with children under five, I stated earlier that we should separate the two with the age of eight as the line of separation. I am in no way encouraging or promoting sex with minors, but lumping it all together is a stretch and we open a can of worm that we all could fall into, as in the examples I gave above. I started writing on this last night, will add more as I find time M. N. R. 10 AUGUST 2020 If you noticed where I had said that it should not be made a partisan issue. Today there were headline that Qanon is trying to hijack the issue. This is not news, what issue has not been hijacked and destroyed after being made a partisan issue. I have written about this phenomenon before. The deficits and the Tea party, the ERA and the feminists, the abortion and the religious right, the war on drugs, the BLM , the list is long, and we keep going in circles and we keep getting lost. #SAVETHE CHILDREN sounds like a great idea until we realize we have no idea what we are talking about. The numbers are huge, but we don't know what these numbers refer to. We really don't. Are we talking about the #American kids only? The kids that are kidnapped and sold only, the kids that are victims of wars and famine? The kids that are kept in cages what kids? How old are they? Sixteen is the normal age of consent in the United States, so if a sixteen year old has consensual relation with a sixty year old there is nothing you can do about it. Is it about sexism? There are girls that work at Hooters, at strip clubs, get in wet T shit contests, to make living are we policing these? If a sixty year old man goes to a house of prostitution in Thailand, in India, in South America or in the US he is not looking for a 70 year old great grandma, are we going to police that also? Many runaways turn to trading sex for food, shelter and spending money what are we doing. We support wars, we support and create poverty, misery, pain and suffering, child trafficking is a part of the bargain, where do we stand. In Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria, Somalia, Yemen, central American countries, in the far east, sex trafficking of children has been a direct result of our foreign policy, what do we do? I am not complaining about our roles, I am not suggesting changes ,I am not blaming, I am only pointing out the hypocrisy. We have kids in state custody, we have kids in ICE custody, we have kids in court system all being sexually abused and exploited, what are we doing? Our leaders have offered no solutions, not even plans, not taken any steps and here we are talking about "save the children" and we don't know what the devil are we talking about. M. N. R. 13 AUGUST 2020

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