Friday, December 02, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT M1b THE CASE OF OUR SAVIOR "ELON MUSK" AND OUR MINDS Please read, part 1, it is linked in the comments, leave a comment also and let's talk No, it is not that I keep repeating myself, it is that I have to keep reminding myself as to who I am, what is the truth, what are the facts, where we are and where we are going. I am a retired soldier, at 70, I have lived a good, long and free life, doing my thing. Times have changed, I am no longer living in the 50s, the 60s, the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, you know, the world has changed, whether I liked it or not. I was at a funeral today, the preacher gave a sermon about "Humility" , Matthew 18, I was going to talk about it also, which would've been appropriate, considering we are talking about a billionaire, but no, let's talk about sincerity instead. Someone commented why I am suddenly talking about Elon, well I have talked about him since he announced his intention to buy a social media platform, and suddenly there were millions that became his fans, not me. What do we know about this guy. Let me back up here. Are you one of his new fans? How much you know about him? Are you an environmentalist that is all for renewables, do you own an electric vehicle, are you buying a self driving car,? Do you have solar panels on your residence? A battery backup for your home? Are you a fan of astronomy, space travel, living and working on Mars. Are you a fan of robots that can take over jobs, not flipping burgers, but doing home building, welding, auto repair, robot cops on the streets? How about face recognition, how about 24/7 surveillance. We are not sincere, really, we think that Elon can be used to advance our political aims and agenda, but at what cost to our own personal freedom, we are not thinking. In the greater scheme of things, if not Elon it will be someone else, another individual or a corporation maybe. The Congress will pass a defense budget, billions will be alloted to DARPA, no one knows what technology DARPA will subsidize and buy, and if not Elon someone else (Jeff Bezos) will make billions with "your" tax dollars and buy a 600ft yacht or an underground bunker with a swimming pool and a basketball court. And then there are government subsidys to buy electric vehicles. You are really not sincere, are you? You don't even know the guy. I don't begrudge them, I don't begrudge Elon, but in all your sincerity with which you believe him to be the savior of our democracy, I will actually do my own research on the guy first. And the Pied Piper took all the children of the town. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 02 DECEMBER 2022

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