Thursday, December 15, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS a I was going to name this series "curb your enthusiasm" but you know how things are these days. There is a show by that name and the phrase is Trade marked, so I don't know if someone would've sued me, or this platform would have got in "out of shape", anyway, I have never watched the show, not even interested, don't care. But such is life, we are supposed to be excited, about something, about everything, I guess, I don't, only thing that gets me excited these days is seeing my kids and grandkids, and that is all there is. I have a comfortable life, even though tornado warning has been on and off tonight, my lights are still on, and it is kinda warm, supposed to be in the 20s next week. Merry Christmas. I have a heart cath the 28th, I had to check in with a kidney specialist today to see that my kidneys can handle the radioactive dye. Not a problem. On the way, a 45 minute drive, I had a revelation. No matter how long you have lived, how you have lived, what you have or what you want, your desires, they all cease to matter at all, the moment you cease to be. I am a cynic, I guess, I don't like people posting Happy Birthday in (wherever one maybe), actually the day of one's demise is the actual day of their birth in the hereafter, so instead the Anniversary of one's passing should be celebrated as their day of birth in their new life, but! If you have followed my page for a while, then you know I get excited about sciency things, and yesterday we had a huge scientific break through. Not really, at cost of literally billions we created more energy than we used ( in layman's terms). How soon you will be able to plug in your toaster or coffee machine into that "fusion" based power, if ever, is anyone's guess, they are saying billions will be invested in the new technology, I say wait, a long time. We are still working to get that "renewables" thing going, and that will be a few years yet. But we have faith, we know we will survive the Armageddon, the Apocalypse, a nuclear war and (the rapture too?). Anyway it doesn't hurt to be ready, just in case. Every single one of us believes that we will be the last person on the face of the earth, or the last man/woman/ person standing, no problem, have at it. Then there is another problem, I was going to stop here for tonight and wait for your comments, please do say something, What do you see our country as, in the next five or ten years, what will it look like and how? Let's talk I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 15 DECEMBER 2022

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