Sunday, December 04, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM PSYCHOLOGY 162 b Some people have wet dreams, I don't know what that means, kids believe in tooth fairy and Santa Claus, it is okay to grow up. We live in a culture of "perpetual adolescene", never willing to grow up, throwing a fit every time we don't have things go our way. Don't believe me? Look at your boss, your coworkers, at your workers, at your "partner" even. If you don't throw a tamper tantrum everytime things don't go the way you like, you are an exception in today's society. We complain about the economy, and worry if the economy slows down how will we survive, not because we will starve, but because we are over extended and spend way too much, we have been buying things on the assumption that we will always make more money. We also worry that someone else may get food to eat or have healthcare. Years ago I had explained why we need the poor to keep the economy going, we need the poor to keep our stores open, our Wal-Mart and Dollar stores, our used car lots busy, our rentals rented, our trash picked up, our power bills, cable bills , cellphone bills low, and much more, it is even totally worth it to pay some people not to work at all, just so they will have " spending money". But many do not understand, we are, have been programmed to look down upon and abuse the underclasses. You have heard of the economies of scale, what will happen to cost of a phone line, a cable service, a car, gasoline, food, if only half the people had the money to buy the service or product. If half the people had cars, if no one could afford a used car, if half the people had a phone, if the Dollar store lost half its customers? Proverbs 22:4 King James Version 4 By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life. Let's talk I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 04 DECEMBER 2022

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