Friday, June 10, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT K1 We all know about what is called a "jury nullification", where the jury deliberately ignores the evidence and reaches a not guilty verdict. It happens more often than we think, as when OJ or Casey Anthony were found not guilty, as when police officers are not convicted, as when the rich folk with powerful lawyers are set free. Would we "ourselves" do something like it? Evidence suggests that we already do, we sleep in the jury boxes, we doze off, we ignore the facts, and that makes us "the jury" as criminal as the perpetrator. But I digress, we are not a jury here, we are busy with our own lives and we have very short memory, heck I know a person that married the same person, four times. We have relationships with people, sexual or business, that are known to be "trouble" known to be bad news. There is story of "Sara" she was married 7 times and each time her new husband was killed by a demon, yet there came Tobit. Maybe I am getting of track, bear with me. There is a theory in physics about "parallel univerese", and "alternate reality", then there was another recent theory about "alternate truth". There is a recent movie, I haven't seen it, but it sounds interesting, I probably won't like it, I don't like much science fiction, it is always more fiction than it is science, to me reality is much more fascinating than fiction. I talk often about "connecting the dots", in life that means remembering facts, remembering history, and seeing the outcomes, and again remembering. If it is true that there are "parallel universes", and there are "alternative realities", then it is easy to understand why we are where we are, why we can argue about things since what happened in your "reality" may not have happened in mine. Or is it that we have programmed ourselves to see things differently, no matter the facts, no matter the evidence, no matter the history. If facts "ARE" facts, if "truth" is unimpeachable, then what is the truth? And Clinton had famously said, what "IS" "IS". And we argue endlessly, because we don't live in the same reality, point taken, we are so far removed from history. The German philosopher Georg Hegel famously said, “The only thing that we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.” but we could, we should, we must. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 10 JUNE 2022

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