Sunday, June 26, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE FINAL THOUGHTS F1 It's been a slow day, a long day, a hot day , if you dared venture outside. I don't go outside much, with history of two strokes, diabetes and high blood pressure, I am careful. I like cold weather much more, as long as itbis above the teens. You can see my name, you can look at my profile, my name actually doesn't reflect my faith or my beliefs. Someone actually asked me today why I came here and became a citizen, there is only one true answer, if you will. My family is well off, I am probably the least well off among my siblings and cousins, none of them live in America, I was in country where the government was religious and I was not, it didn't work out too well, all I can say on that. I got to travel, got be free, I could grow my hair out long, wear Western clothes, even had an ear pierced and wore an ear ring. Watched American TV, American movies and so much more. I read western novels, studied psychology, the #Constitution, the history, the politics, comparative religions, and so much more, many many things I couldn't have done before. We like to call ourselves "free", but what is "freedom"? What is it good for? What you are using it for? I mean I can also go to a concert, go to a church, any church if I like, read any book, watch any movie, study any subject , eat a steak, go to the beach, I carry, I drive a truck, and a Prius also. So what is freedom and what you have done with it or plan to do? And who is stopping you? Don't we always say it is the freest country in the world. What are you doing with your freedom? It is sad really. Before you understand freedom you have understand that you are in a prison. Most of us don't know, we know that we are free because we have been told that we are free, next time cop pulls you over just explain that to him or her. Most humans have no idea what freedom is. And wouldn't know how to live if we're totally free. We have jobs, we have families, we have mortgages and credit cards, and so on, whatever you want add or subtract. Takes me back to two things, does a goldfish in a bowl know it is imprisoned? And also , does the fish know what is water? No, we don't understand. An elephant is chained, after a while it becomes used to idea as to how far he can go, he stays, he doesn't wander off even if the chain is removed, you get the idea. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 26 JUNE 2022

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