Saturday, June 25, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE FINAL THOUGHTS G2 So, earlier today I posted video, it's an hour long but very informative, if you haven't, please go watch it. It is the history of our country. About how the elite have been trying to keep the poor, "the lower classes" poor and under control. No it is not about black and white, slave vs free, it is about the white elite keeping the poor whites down. Refusing to help uplift the poor, to educate, to feed the poor. It is about the rich and the powerful oppressing the poor whites, from taking their lands to disenfranchisement, to even sterilizing the poor women. It's an eye opener, and it is also a window into the future, if you will. I will put a link to the video at the bottom. I have been saying for a long time, it is not about the liberal and conservative, not about the Democrats vs Republicans, it is about power and control and keeping the masses fighting, keeping there attention away from the reality. In America today there are roughly 2 billionaires per million of population. If they were interested in providing better living conditions for the workers, better Healthcare or education we wouldn't be where we are, the idea that they care about the poor is perverse. It is not just the USA, the world over, the super rich don't care about the masses, there are billionaires in India, in Pakistan, in Mexico and Brazil, and so is abject poverty, hunger and disease. Making money doesn't make you a better or caring human being, What is worse is what is happening to worker's rights, if the policy is to bring back manufacturing then we must also make labor cheap, we must also have minimally educated and minimally trained labor force, no wonder the education is being pushed back while training in trades is promoted. It is late, past my bedtime I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 25 JUNE 2022 HERE IS THAT LINK

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