Monday, June 20, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE FINAL THOUGHTS F 2 It is said that to be able to function properly, one must be able to carry two totally opposite ideas in their head. Or something like that, most of us do even if we say that we don't. Don't take it personal, we all do. If you are new here, welcome, and if you have or decide to follow my page, thank you, hope you like and stay, and hope you leave a comment or a critique and we can talk. How do we "all" carry opposite ideas in our heads, I will explain later but as always I invite you to think about what os in your head. How you own thoughts are in conflict, one with the other and yo I decide either to ignore one, or may be speak about one as if the other doesn't exist. We do it about our politics, economy, culture and even about our own belief systems. But that is topic for later, not tonight. It's been a long day, and it is past midnight and I am still up. I should get some rest but! It was a long day, Father's day, BTW a very happy father's day to everyone who has a father (in some way). I drove 130 miles, one way, to go see my eldest child, her husband and their two sons, the older is almost three and the baby is just two months old, I am very lucky man. I haven't had the radio on my car for almost eight years now, no CDs, no podcasts, I drive and I spend my time thinking, mostly, sometimes my mind is quiet, and I am spaced out ( as they say). BTW, on here I don't profess a religion, I don't say what I believe, I don't say I am religious or pious, what I believe is my business, as what you believe is yours. I was talking about two opposing thoughts, and I thought, well I tried to figure out life and death, what is death? No one knows, we have some stories we are told that we believe in. Some believe that life is just is, we die and "game over", others believe that we go on living in another realm. Question that came to my mind was that, if we leave the the body and at the same instant we "start" to live in a different realm, then how did we "die", and if we did not "die" per se, then what is death actually? Also there are some that believe in a life in a different realm but also believe that while in this "different" realm we still keep in "contact" with this world and "watch over" those that we leave behind, how is that probable since death means a "disconnect" from this " world". So which is it? And does our calendar also apply in the "next reality" so that we can celebrate birthdays and anniversaries fir those that are no longer in "existence" in this realty? What do you think? Are we just knowingly fooling ourselves, do you think this appropriate? I told my daughter that I wanted to a take few ( a couple) of pictures with the family so the children will have something to look back at, she was busy and totally forgot. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 20 JUNE 2022

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