Thursday, June 09, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE FINAL THOUGHTS e 2 Earlier somewhere, I talked about time, distances and the "size" of the universe. Numbers so huge that we can not fathom, can not understand and can not relate. No matter how great a scientist you are, you have no idea what a "Planck", oh you have a number, but can you actually visualize it. There are billions of galaxies withe trillions of stars, can you understand what all that means? I like to think, I like to imagine. Our thoughts are corrupted by our knowledge and understanding, or lack of these. How do you, how can you understand a problem if you insert your "self" into the problem and also into the solution too. By this, we fail to fully understand the problem and also fail to come up with an honest opinion or a solution. It becomes about us, we become the problem. In as much as that the problem can only be defined by us and also we must like the, and approve of the solution. Left or right, liberal or conservative we are not free of fault, our understanding is always questionable, it must be. The universe doesn't care, whether we live or die, get rich or be poor, whether we destroy ourselves as a spices or evolve into an "intelligent life form", for all the evidence that we have , we are really not that smart, yes, you and I both. I was talking about solving the problems of humanity. Earlier in my writings I had quoted from the scriptures the parable of Moloch, (if you are a believer than you can say it is the word of God, that is fine too). The parable says that we should not sacrifice our children to Moloch, to me it means that we should not be so worried about money and worldly goods that we destroy the future of our children. Fact of history I had noted was that over the generations the wealth does not remain. But we have come to believe that money is everything, it the "all" that there is. And going back to solving problems, everyone that we know, from the city council to the state house, to Congress and the Whitehouse, the "industry leaders" to the military generals, they all say that only they can "solve the problem", and only they are the solution. Stop! Think! If they are, if they have , why are the problems not being solved? Whatever "your" solution is, I am listening. I WILL WRITE MORE M. N. R. 09 JUNE 2022

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