Monday, June 27, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE FINAL THOUGHTS F2 I usually finish, or try to, an essay in one or two nights, most of us are not used to reading anymore, my apologies. I know most educated people still read, and that thos page is supposed to be "promoted" to people over 30, still. I like to read, I used to read a whole lot more. Now with my busy schedule and not being in a particular place all the time. I read on line, or listen to podcasts that will bore many to tears. We live in a semi-literate society, by our own admission, most people, even high school graduates can not write a letter on a piece of paper, can not balance a check book, can not spell words with more than five letters and so on, you know what I am talking about. At the same time we have a world that has so much information that that it is difficult to master even one subject, therefore we have "specialties" in medicine, in physics, in chemistry, in Psychology, even in banking. At the same time, we have people that feign at being an expert on everything. Strange. They know everything about inflation, the medicine, the economy, the microbiology, the infectious diseases, nothing slides by them. People throw around "psychological" terms as they are the experts, and then talk about transportation in the next sentence as if they know all the ins and out of that field also. Relax, no harm in listening, pick up the Bible, people even argued with Jesus for Christ's sake. Let go back to freedom just for now. Throughout the history man ( the individual) has become more free, has been given more rights than before. We don't enslave the "debtors", we don't take the children of the people that owe us money (unless you owe a student loan). Magna Carta was written in 1215, UN declaration of Human rights in 1948, American slaves were freed in 1865, British Colonies earned their freedoms in the 60s, heck we even gave the American women the right to vote in 1920, finally! Even though men still like trophy wives, and like to think of women as they were called in the south, "heifers". (Term of endearment?) But! Isn't it ironic? During our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, we gave many reasons (excuses) for our long occupation, without going into details, for a time atleast, one of the reasons we gave was to "restore human rights and freedoms and to help women gain their rights and freedoms, that their women shouldn't be oppressed by the men and the strict religious doctrines. And what about the women and girls in our own country? What rights, what freedoms, what freedom from religious oppression? I understand that the #SCOTUS has allowed ban on abortion, fine, but if you have been listening closely to those that have been pushing for this ban, they have been holding the women responsible for their pregnancy, only. Listening to the #conservative #Republican arguments, we can not ignore the fact that they blame the women, even a young victims of rape or incest as the responsible party. Will this lead to a total control over women's sex life? Will America become a Talibam controlled nation like Afghanistan or Iran are? Will women be told how to dress. It doesn't seem like a farfetched idea. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 27 JUNE 2022

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