Friday, June 03, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE HISTORY IN CONTEXT J1 It has been six weeks since I talked about the Ukraine "issue". It was back when we were celebrating the demise of Russian invasion and the end of Putin. Victory of Ukraine was just days away and Putin was to be thrown out of office. Well, so far, none of it has happened, Russian operations still continue, Ukrainians are still dying, Zelensky is still in power. Or whoever is paying him. IMF is making money, our defense contractors are getting richer. Ukrainian towns and cities and their infrastructure is being destroyed, who cares, Blackrock group will "build back better". Who said it will be easy or cheap to establish the "new world order", the cost of food is up, the cost of energy too, a n d whatever else you want to buy, even the damn beer cost more. Of course we blame Biden ( he is guilty BTW), but Biden is just a puppet, as is every single American president, as are all the governments in the world actually, and you thought you are free, free to worry about school shootings, about abortion, about gun control, of course you don't know much. I wish I had time to get to some point. There are so many that are talking about the end of "globalization", about bringing the manufacturing back, about "wet dreams" of the ill informed, wishful thinking. While we complain about inflation, millions around the globe face starvation, while we complain about the high gas prices, millions around the globe are being pushed into permanent poverty, all thanks to our little misadventure in Ukraine, AND THE DANGER OF A NUCLEAR WAR STILL LOOMS. There are 56 million millionaires in the world, also there are over 3 billion people with a net worth of less than 10,000, actually the bottom 2 billion plus probably don't own anything. We say that we are against the "New world order" but the "new world order " already has been established and is working, we just don't see it because no one talks about it, we will see it. We will talk more M. N. R. 03 JUNE 2022

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