Thursday, May 18, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE CONTRADICTIONS a I posted a story, A billionaire complaining about how people/kids today don't want to work, is anyone surprised? I haven't been writing for the past few weeks, one thing led to another to another, I got lazy, fell behind, got overwhelmed, I need to do better. Also the platform is shadow banning me, most of my posts don't even reach 15, 20 people even though the page has over 8100 followers, so you could blame some of my "laziness on shear disappointment, whatever. Going back to the billionaire complaining about people that don't want to work. I actually noted this phenomenon over twenty years ago. Our problem is that we create a situation and our expectations of the outcome are not in line with the realities of nature, of human nature in particular. From birth on, the modern "consumer society" promises and promotes falsehoods. Basically we are told, and then programmed to expect something for nothing. And it is NOT a liberal or Democrat fantasy, it is society wide, it is promted and pushed by conservative/Republicans as well as it is promoted by psychology and the church. Everyone gets a trophy is the biggest selling point of the church, and Operah too. I am not knocking anyone's faith. The Bible itself talks about acts, and a Christian life, but the church today promises forgiveness and salvation just for professing. Not acts required. Burger King says you can "have it your way", and Nike tells us to "just do it". No wonder Everyone expects to win, and if not the daddy will beat the umpire, or grandma will confront the teacher. Why even make an effort. Left and right, we have unrealistic expectations, the ads for "Doordash" show a kid with a fistful of cash, yeah, try raising a family, try just paying rent with a Doordash income. We are promised a life that is free, while half of us can't pay our expenses. And that is just for starters. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 17 MAY 2023

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