Thursday, May 25, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE CONTRADICTIONS c Here we are, budget talks are failing, DeSantis made an ass of himself, again, but this time with some help from Elon, Ukraine is on life support, with US taxpayer paying the hospital bill, but the biggest story of the day? No not the hurricane in Guam, not the poor about to lose food assistance, not the elderly facing drastic cuts in social security, none of that. Tina Turner died today, bless her soul. What is important for the average American though. I posted a link earlier, someone commented that a certain rich and powerful person should be held accountable, but I argue that we, the American people are against the idea, "you are wrong" you say, prove it, I say. If I were taking care of my grandmother and refused to give her her medication, I would be guilty, tried, and convicted of elderly abuse, but if a corporation sets the price of the said medication so high that she couldn't afford to buy it, well tough luck, she should have been born rich, or worked for higher wages. But in our system, the Congress basically determines what you are paid, setting a minimum wage basically sets the average wage for all workers, as the minimum wage stagnates, so do all the wages above that. Then social security is going broke, but social security is funded through taxes on wages, as wages stay low, the funding pool of the social security also dries up, someone in congress should learn to do the math. Since average voter does not understand this, we are left to point fingers at those that are the victims themselves. WWJD? But we know, we know everything, we understand everything, yeah. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 25 MAY 2023

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