Sunday, May 28, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE CONTRADICTIONS e "Should I stay, or should I go" This is Memorial day weekend! I am glad you are here, glad still that I am here, it has taken a very long time to get this old, but I am blessed. As long as I can get out of bed on my own, dress myself on my own, and as I say, "I can wash my own face and my own (behind). I am okay. I am okay. If you are a frequent visitor, I appreciate having you, if you haven't liked the page yet, please do, thank you. I will not monetize this page, I just want to know that you are interested. I am not a political hack, I don't mind if you don't like what I say, I appreciate that you read something and if you wish, we can discuss something, or may be I can explain why I have a certain point of view. Also, I am always willing to learn more, and different things, you time is never wasted with me. What should we talk about? The war over "debt ceiling" continues, as I've said, when the Democrats and Republicans agree to something, it is always the poor and the middle class getting the shaft. It shouldn't come as a surprise if Biden agrees to to cut social security, medicaid, foodstamps and veterans benefits to get Republicans on board, it was always the plan, who told you to trust Biden, surely wasn't I. Yes we need to cut spending, but aren't the poor already hurting, and the elderly already have paid into social security. Part of fixing a budget, as in your business as well as your household is also looking into increasing income. If we don't want to raise taxes, then increasing the wages will also solve the problem in two ways, 1st the social security and the income taxes will increase, and 2d it will increase the consumer spending, which will not only create jobs and increase the tax base, it will also get people off the welfare rolls, and help people get the jobs that they will be required to have to qualify for assistance. Don't fall for the drama in DC, bothsides are on the take, and colluding to screw the public. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 28 MAY 2023

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