Thursday, March 23, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4 D3 Let's not get lost in arguing the facts, facts don't require deliberations and exceptions, exemptions and caveats. I am not a liberal or a conservative, a Republican or a Democrat, we don't need labels, if we accept the facts as Americans we can make progress instead of spinning wheels we can move forward. Sadly, that is not what our politicians want, not what our leaders want, they want to be followed,, they want to be reelected, they want to be worshipped. Like in North Korea, like Mao in China, like Stalin in the Soviet Union. Everything has consequences, all policies have undesirable affects, all policies have unknown consequences. All coins have two sides, all the great policies also have bad results, But what is one to think. I had mentioned many years ago that we are being entertained to death, if not so physically, we are mostly brain dead, we have all the symptoms, most of us are nothing more than useful idiots. No one need do an experiment, MK Ultra is alive and kicking. We have become a living parody. Left, right and center. And why not. For the past 60 years or so we have been trained to think that being absurd is totally acceptable, especially if it makes you draw attention, even if is negative of sorts. Didn't P. T. Barnum say that "all publicity is good publicity". We took it to heart, from dressing and acting silly to be "Price is Right", to being humiliated on Springer, from being asked most personal questions on quiz shows to people releasing sex tapes to become millionaires the culture as well as society has descended in a bottomless cesspool with no end in sight. And as the "waste" floats to the top, some of worst characters have become our political leaders at all levels. Every four years we get to choose between the two worst humans that a nation of 330 million can produce. That is not even funny. And the only reason the schrade continues is that we ourselves are totally dishonest, or maybe we are just misinformed or blindly partisan. Anyhow I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 24 MARCH 2023

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