Monday, March 20, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4d 1 Why not, let's talk about it. Life today is not easy, it is not simple either. One of my favorite quotes is that, "all truths are but half trruths". If you are familiar with my posts, you notice that I ramble quite a bit, my posts are like a salad, or a goulash even, but if you suffer through the whole thing, you will see that I try to make sense, putting different things together. If all truths are but half truths, then it only makes sense that there are, in fact, other "truths" that are equally correct and should also be accepted as facts. It doesn't work that way in reality though. There are facts without any plausible alternatives. You can go all day, claiming that gravity is just a theory, but would you jump of a 40 story building? I thought so. I don't like Biden, I believe he is not only corrupt, he is also almost senile, he is owned by the military industrial complex and that he has been a closet racist all his life. Maybe most of you forgot what Biden said about Obama in 2007, "Biden called Obama first "clean" African-American candidate". Yes! So I don't like Biden, I don't like his policies (many, not all), I don't like the war in Ukraine, I didn't like the way the withdrawal from Afghanistan went, (not all his fault), I don't like what is going on in banking), but what does all of it mean? I have often asked of those that complain about the corruption in DC as to what are they doing to stop the corruption at the local level, cricket! No doubt, most of us that complain about the corruption in DC are quite pleased with the corruption at their local level as it can be of benefit to them personally. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 20 MARCH 2023

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