Monday, March 13, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IN OTHER WORLDS 4a "Curb your enthusiasm" I have said this before also, much of what I post is interconnected in some ways, my posts on a given day may be related somehow, and I post different opinions on the same topic. There is always more than one fact, some facts may be totally opposite but still may be equally important. We read the stories, watch the news, talk to people, but we seldom see that even as the news and events are different but if we look deeply they all point to something, and they all Ignore something that is basic but never discussed. If climate change is a fact, then why are people still moving to the beaches, why are we not moving people, cities and factories inland, why are we not preparing for the next 20, 50, 100 years. If we are going to colonize the moon, or Mars within decades, why is no one being trained, what equipment and material is ready? Or close to? If we are going there so that the humanity can survie, how many will be moved, and better yet, what are the threats that we know of, and what is being done to reduce that/those threats. If global warming or a nuclear war are possible, who will survive and how? The fact is that the humanity, as we know it, may not survive another 20 or 50 years, the population will be eliminated, reduced to a few million maybe, and the rest will continue with limited resources. Think about it, whenever you are not distracted distracted by the "major issue of the day" as told you by your favorite politician. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 13 MARCH 2

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