Wednesday, June 14, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 13 B Not that we are locked up or not free, yet every step of our lives is monitored, every day our comings and goings are recorded, what we eat, where we sleep, who we have a relationship with, is all controlled, monitored, recorded, and we like it that way, we demand it, we allow it, we have grown comfortable, it provides us a feeling of security. Don't say that you are an exception, there are no exceptions. What you hear, what you see, how you feel, it is all programmed. Because that is how you want it. You come home from work and turn on the TV, you watch a particular program, your cable provider knows what you watch, actually the station you are watching knows you are watching, knows what you like, how old you are, and more. You go on line and buy a ticket to a movie, five minutes later you go on Google, Facebook or Amazon, similar movies are suggested, you don't think, you are told what to think. I'll come back to this. I do somethings differently though, I go to a shopping center where there is a Barnes and Nobles, I leave my phone in the car, I buy my books with cash and don't have a membership. I go to a restaurant, I leave my phone in the truck and pay for food with cash, no one needs to know where I eat and with who. We have gotten used to not caring about privacy. My time in the Army was before cellphones, before GPS, only people that knew about my clearance level were those that I worked with, what I worked with not even my family or even the military friends knew. Still don't. I worked in places where different areas required different badges, those badges were carried in an inner pocket until needed. Just some random thoughts tonight, an old man talking about a life he lived, 40 years ago. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON 14 JUNE 2023 HAPPY FLAG DAY 🇺🇸

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