Tuesday, October 04, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 195 D If we were to open our eyes, were to be honest with ourselves and recognized our reality, we will see that much of humanity has always lived, and continues, to live in an alternate reality. Plato recognized it in his "Allegory of the Cave". How many still watch a movie, or read a book or follow a show and have to be told what the message was, or what a scene meant, what a character really meant. Life is complicated, those that understand the least make up their own truths, it eases the pain of existence. We have philosophers, we have psychologists, we have politicians and many others that tell us things, tell us how to feel or what "things mean", how they affect us, and we buy it all, lock stock and barrel. But we listen to others we only admit to our ignorance, we admit that we don't understand things, we all child like, we are the buyers of snake oil, we are ready to be conned and mislead, and we are taken advantage of. It is simple, it works like a charm, every time. No one wants to be wrong though, and to admit that one is or has been wrong is unimaginable. And the knowledge has always been there, but we were, we are too busy to learn. Even in our suffering we can always find excuses as to why we suffer, we don't take responsibility, it is nature, it is the circumstances, or who knew, whether it is accident caused by inattention, or drug and alcohol use or it is a hurricane that wipes out a city built too close to water, and nature is always a great fall back. We don't even try to mitigate the damage when we know the cause, we deny that we had the neccessary information to take corrective steps. Our country keeps going deeper in debt, our cities and towns resemble a third world concoction and we are happy We are so well adjusted to being a failure that we don't even search for answers, we are too busy enjoying our total ignorance. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 04 OCTOBER 2022

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