Tuesday, October 04, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 195 C What do we really want in life, or want in the hereafter, we have choices, we open our eyes to what is meaningful in life and what is not. The modern culture and society has been designed do deliver material goods but our souls are empty, our stomachs are full yet our hearts are empty. We search for meaning in life, but we have little idea as to what will fulfill us, so we grab at the straws. The society that promised us, we can have it our way, has left us wanting. Happiness that we look, and work so hard for is fleeting at best. We want everything to be handed to us, delivered to us and we have no idea, no appreciation for what we have, it has been all so easy. Being successful today is not really that hard, money is easy, credit is easy, labor is cheap and we pat ourselves on our backs because we "worked so hard". Not really. In the United States today, one person in a hundred is a millionaire, so being one is not such a big deal, people can become millionaire by just finding a good lawyer and suing the VA, the social security or a doctor even. Most millionaires become such by borrowing a lot of money and getting others to do the work, some get into politics and sell their soul, no one becomes rich by digging ditches all day or picking strawberries. Those that are not able to get shortcuts, have family money, or other connections can take decades of actual work to make that kind of money. Either way, most of those that do make some kind of money by "using the system" also complain about how the system is broken. Just like those that rant against big government, and government spending or socialism are also going to Florida to help with the "recovery", because the money will be growing on the trees there now. Think about this for a moment, for a long while even, there are those that believe that we are ready to live in a "virtual reality", they are not wrong, we already do live in a virtual reality, of our own making. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 04 OCTOBER 2022

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