Saturday, October 15, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 3 And we don't know who or what we are, except for personna that we have created, that lives in our "thoughts", in our mind as we call it. And we are a creation of our mind, don't believe me? There are people that believe that they are the "Jesus", there are skinny people that think they are fat, there obese people that believe they are healthy, and ofcourse we know of people that after an amputation still feel that phantom limb, there are experiments that show that people's reflexes react when some stimulus is applied to a fake limb. And we have something we call a "munchausen syndrome". So what is reality? Light does not exist. Really, it is only that our eyes are made to see some certain frequencies of "energy", and lucky that we only see those certain frequencies or there is so much energy floating around in the universe that we couldn't "see" anything, our brains would be overwhelmed. Your partner and your children are away from you for a period of time, what happened during that time? Did the smoke? Did they have a drink? Did they have an affair? Did the child have sex? Or a million other possibilities. They are literally older now since you seen them last, millions of their body cells have died, millions new one were generated. We don't know reality we only care about what is "obvious", we don't know what they were thinking. We don't even know what the person sitting next to us is feeling. We create our own reality to the limit of what we know. "We are limited in our knowledge (understanding) by what we know". (M. N. R.) It is hard yet to understand. It is hard to tell a drug user that it is a bad habit. Or a gambler, an abusive spouse or parent, We are creatures of habit. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON 15 OCTOBER 2022

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