Tuesday, August 16, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS H2 ALL TRUTHS ARE BUT HALF TRUTHS ! I get tired of listening to people about genders. Is that all we humans are about? What defines us a human being really? Why all this focus on "identity" , so much so that we forget what we are here for. We forget their are things more important in life, and you think we are not being conned, not be sidetracked and waylaid by these distractions you need to reevaluate your priorities in life. Who are we, we used t be defined by our personal qualities, honor, honesty, judgement, knowledge, righteousness, our love of others, care for our community, our neighbors and so on. Even the mobsters took care of families, fed the hungry, and supported their communities. Times have changed. Our standards have changed. There are no boundaries, except those that we wish to impose on others. I, personally, don't care if you are a racist or a bigot at heart, keep it yourself, don't flaunt it as a badge of honor, nor should you flaunt your straightness or gayness, it makes you useless only. Most of us "know" (I use the term "know" loosely) , what is an apple as opposed to what is a banana. If one were tasked to make a list of what defines an apple or a banana, one could make a list, as comprehensive as one wished, if ten or a hundred people were tasked with the same, I sure their list will be more than just similar. But life is not that simple is it? And is not really about gender confusion or about "personal identity". We all think we know what we are talking about, we know the differences, or do we? Really! Let's get away from gender, or even apples and bananas, are we sure we always "know the difference"? We don't, even in the best of circumstances our own thoughts on things are fuzzy and confused, most of the time, we have opinions that we have no idea about. Let's say I asked to make a list of qualities that make a person a good person, or what is a crime and what is not, (do it, please, I won't ask you for your answers). Can you do it, can you make such a list and say this is my list and it is good and true in all and every situation. Is lying okay? When and how? Is it wrong in all situations? Is it okay to cheat on your partner? Is it wrong in all situations, are there exceptions? How about stealing, bribery, political corruption? It is not simple now, or is it? We pretend to be moral when it is convenient, we lie when it serves our purpose, and our so called "leaders" know that . You and I can complain about those that can not tell the difference between a "male" and a "female", but do we, ourselves, know the difference between right and wrong? If the genders are absolute, then what about morals and crimes, and guilt and honor. Don't answer this, it is just a thought exercise, we need some practice. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 17 AUGUST 2022

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