Sunday, August 28, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 188 A Like I said already, writing about "student loan forgiveness" and worse being in support of it was gonna cause a headache, I wasn't disappointed, and thank you to all that commented, both for and against. Nothing new, if you have been reading my writings for a few weeks or a few years, you know I take a jaundiced view of reality, of truth. My writings wander, not because I can't think straight but because I try to see how things are connected in life. When we talk about student loans, we are not just talking about higher education for some unqualified student for some lousy subject. We are talking about the class warfare, talking about personal responsibility, talking about the big money involvement in higher education and scams that banks and the universities and colleges are involved in. How the system enslaves the young, how low wages keep the graduates in bandage, even for life and more. (And that is just for starters). Another thing we must understand is this, as I posted, this one time "relief" is a bandaid for the "sucking chest wound" that is the "system of higher education, the scam perpetrated on the young Americans continues, there is a brand new crop of victims starting a new year in collage as we speak, they will all be in the same boat, spending their futures tied to debts they cannot pay, cannot discharge and many will die still owing more than they originally borrowed. Biden has dome nothing to change this reality, no one is doing anything, " there is no help for the poor student" that may wish to advance in life. Getting a degree is just half the struggle, if one doesn't have good connections, good family friends, good contacts getting a job that pays fair for person of "poor family" background is difficult. If there were no darkness, you wouldn't need a light, you wouldn't even know that light even existed. Suddenly, we see all that is wrong with student loan forgiveness, actually there is nothing right, since it doesn't address the root cause of the problem. I posted, a short while ago, articles about the high cost of medical care, (insured people's inability to pay medical debt) of course the solution is to take out a home equity loan, problem solved, actually it exposes a major problem, that people are unable to pay their medical bills even when they are insured. Welcome. We are smart people, if you are following this page , I assume that you are actually knowledgeable, and involved in the future and the welfare and well-being of this country, and not just that you are also concerned about the future of the globe and humanity. We are all in the same boat, if we are not careful we could lose our freedom, we could also lose our humanity. I am not a religious person, I am not a pious person, I don't even claim to be a moral person, I do study "ancient texts", and learn things, I try to follow what I learn. But do we know everything? We believe that there is a Supreme being that knows all, I am not that, I am sure you are not also, if you were you would not be on the internet, you would have better things to do. Yes we are still on the topic of Biden forgiving 10,000 for students, mind you not the rich ones, not the doctors and the lawyers and the Wallstreet bankers, but some average Joe (pun intended), working at a bar or at McDonald's drive thru with his Bachelor's in philosophy. I put myself through college with my military service, I also put my three children through college on my own, my kids are not getting "free money", their college is paid. I WILL WRITE MORE. I PROMISE M. N. R. 28 AUGUST 2022

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