Wednesday, August 30, 2023


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 18 A And the clock says it is midnight, to the one that doesn't believe that the time is real. So what does it matter. It is just another day, I haven't done much of anything productive or otherwise worthwhile. I "officially" retired a month ago. Atleast for the time being. I will take a few days off, a few months even. No rush. At 71 I don't need much, I make more in my pensions and social security than most Americans make working a day job anyway. Times are changing they say, next generations will not be so lucky, their spending is out of control (but a consumer economy depends on people spending all they have), housing costs are through the roof and the interest rates are too high. Who cares? We ( my age group) have created the problems the our future generations will pay for. And we have raised our children with no solid foundation. And we blame the culture and the society, were we not the culture and the society that created this mess. We here in the small town South ( name of the state), or any conservative area claim that we always held the moral high ground, not true, not atall. Yes the racism, the segregation, the Democrats becoming Republicans if that is what you call holding higher morals, add to that oppression of the working poor, lower wages, anti union sentiments, yes, these were not the dictates of our beloved scriptures. "If Jesus came back, we'll hang him again" , and I said that 40 years ago, only my reasons were a little different back then. I WROTE THIS TWO NIGHTS AGO I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 30 AUGUST 2023 P. S. LOOK FOR PAGE "18 B" SOON

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