Tuesday, January 08, 2008


We are all SHREKS now

(Before I go any further, my compliments to the band Smash Mouth for their song “All Star” other than that, I don’t know the band and don’t own any of their music). I do have three children and had he opportunity to watch the movie “Shrek” more than once.

I have not much said about the current race for the White House, I think the process is rigged and in the end Hillary will be the next president of the United States. I said that back the day after the re-election of Mr. Bush, I have said that ever since.

What is getting under my skin, however, is the word “Change”, the most over used word in the 2008 campaign. What Is change? And what will happen when it comes? Obama is for change, Hillary has been changing for thirty five years, John Edwards will change Washington heck even Mitt Romney( changed his mind on abortion) and John McCain(changed his wife then changed his mind on Jerry Falwell and Bush) and Giuliani(kept changing wives) are all for change now. I guess they are all for change since the heard Shrek advise that “Only shooting star breaks the mold”.

So, do we have a bunch of shooting stars here running for the presidency? Are they willing to die for their principles? May be they are, then the question arises what ARE their principles? I am lost. I wish there were a requirement to detail, every ten time they use the word change, that they explain what is this change they are talking about? What will be changed as a result of this “Change”. And how we will be better off with it.

Or is it the people running for the office of the president feel obligated to say the word “Change” because it seems to make them shine? As in, “You’ll never shine if you don’t glow”. Once again Shrek invades the hallowed territory of the presidential race.

Or is it the at these candidates, just like everyone else these days are looking for change as was Shrek? As in

‘Somebody once asked, could I spare some change for gas
I feel a need to get myself away from this place"
I said yep what a concept
I could use a little fuel myself
And we could all use a little CHANGE.

And how about us, ourselves, the people, we are all looking for change, but not in ourselves, in our habits, in our lives. We want the things to change, but not closer to home, we don’t want to have to save energy but want only to get cheaper gas, we don’t want to take interest in our children’s lives but we want schools to put education in our children’s heads. We want children but not the responsibility to raise them right. We want to be allowed to lead lives without standards and boundaries but want our children to know wrong from right. We don’t want to have to budget and watch our expenses, we want more money ( and so does our government). We want free sex but not the consequences, (children, divorce, alimony, child support, STDs and four sets of children with varying pedigree). We want stuff cheap from China but not the trade deficits. We want cheap illegal labor but not the open borders. We want government to provide for everything without anyone having to pay taxes. We even want to eat without gaining weight. And of course we want Washington to change while we keep re-electing the same dunces. May be it is time for a change, may be it is time for a change in Washington, may be it is time we changed our own selves. Washington will change not because Obama said so or Huckabee wanted it to, it will change when we the Americans change our own selves, or like the great wise man Shrek once said,

“Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb”

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