Tuesday, January 29, 2008




(If you like this article, you may also want to read the article “American Enigma“, Jan, 2008)

Many in the world today, the people, the nations, the countries, the public, want to be like America. America, the United States of America as the country is commonly called out the Untied States is an icon of freedom and prosperity the world over. But sadly the America, that beacon of hope for the multitudes no longer exists as we knew.

It was not long ago that the American workers were the envy of the world, not just because of their productivity; but also for the standard of living that was achieved by the American worker. A vast majority of the workers were employed in the production of goods not hamburgers. The jobs of the day were in steel mills not retail stores, and burger joints and coffee shops, an average worker could aspire to buying a house and paying it off leaving it to his or her heirs. Of OWNING a car not leasing it. This was the ability to accumulate wealth, over time, a family of workers could prosper and improve their place in society over a couple of generations, joining the middle class.

People, myself included, saw the American movies, read the American magazines, and wanted to be a part of the American life, wanted a part of the good life. Today that dream has not changed, people overseas see the American movies, read the American books and magazines, and want to be like the Americans.

Look at the movies and programs coming from Korea, Japan, Bollywood or Pakistan and the countries of the Middle East. Every one is trying to be more naked, more stupid more tasteless and ignorant, just like the programs and the movies of the United States. Stupidity rules, vulgarity is the medium and the mode of the transfer of the ideas and transformation of the nations. People the world over want to be like Americans.

And why not, people, including the Americans must believe that what made this country great is that everything stops when Princess Diana is killed, or when Anna Nichole dies, true? Well see, America is a great country and everything stops when a picture of Brittany Spears shows her baring her privates is released, so if we go around baring our privates or worship druggies we could also be a great people. Makes sense! So people the world over a rushing to break down moral barriers, family nuclei, religious and societal boundaries to become great nations, like America.

Let’s see then, does it make you a better person if you bare your behind or even the front on you tube? Or having sex, or beating up on someone. Does it make for a great country to be broke? Or to mainstream every perversion? If so then today once again the United States is a great country, worthy of emulation.

Or that it was before the Federal Reserve started to blow free money up our skirts. United States was a great country when people saved and people paid taxes (even up to ninety percent) to build cities and the infra structure necessary to make it a great country. When people stood in lines for basic needs foregoing present comforts to invest in freedom and the country, to help it grow and to help it succeed. When the workers were paid a decent wage and the workers took pride in their work, in America even a shirt was sold with a guarantee of satisfaction. Wagon Train, Bonanza and Jungle Jim provided our role models, even if the reality was somewhat different in places.

There is a story common to the Bible and the old Testament and Koran, and you don’t have to be religious to get the moral of this story. It relates that when Moses came back to his nation, his people were worshiping a calf made of gold, the calf was made hollow and it made sounds when the wind blew, Moses told his people that it was a false God. Now look at the situation in the United States. We appear to be a great country, full of riches that makes noises that make people the world over shudder. But the US today is a similar hollow calf made of gold. Even as the people the world over are in envy of our riches(we appear to be rich) but this calf of gold is also made hollow due to our deficits. We have become a fiscally bankrupt country of a morally bankrupt society. And people the world over want to emulate us.

Then there is the story of the pied piper who stole the town’s kids when he was not paid. We have failed to pay the pied piper, failed to pay for what we have and what we use. Since Mr. Reagan and his promise of the balanced budget; and the deficits don’t matter; and tax cuts increase the revenue to the government, I have been screaming that we are going down the wrong road. But the country has been sold out by the ones we elected to represent us. While the others still want to think of us as successful and want to be like us, we have become like them, a tired old third world country where the rich abuse the poor and benefit from the ignorance of the masses. The vicious cycle of rich getting richer, the richer becoming more powerful by buying off the government officials, the government officials willing to abuse the poor to keep them down, the secret agencies and the police doing the dirty work of the rich by controlling the dissenters in the name of national security, the invention of powerful and dangerous enemies, what are we missing here?

In two thousand three I wrote about how “free trade” was destroying the Chinese culture and the Chinese family, it can be shown and I will show elsewhere how this free trade and the global market has destroyed our own American family and culture, it has also invaded our religion and ruined the churches. As we mindlessly follow the road to this global market we must realize that we are not going to come out glorious, it will ultimately lead to the human demise.

Do we, and our leaders not realize we are condemning our selves, the humanity to ruin? In almost all cultures there is a fable about the one who makes a bargain with the devil, or an evil spirit, or a witch to bargain his child for the worldly riches. We are that “the one”, look in the mirror.

I have told you before that all governments, everywhere, even in the oil rich countries are running in deficit, and as I have also said this before, that as the money rises to the top and the governments become indebted to individuals and corporations we become owned by the corporations and individuals. So as you read this some where in the United States or somewhere in Europe or Australia or whatever you may not realize that your government has sold you and your services, your children and their future all to may be George Soros, or Rupert Murdoch or even Prince Waleed of the Royal Saudi family.

Somehow somewhere we have been convinced that we can have all the material goods we want without consequences. I on the other hand believe in the Newton’s law of unintended consequences which states, “ to every action there is a reaction, action and reaction are equal in force and opposite in direction”, this also the law of Joseph, seven fat cows and then seven skinny cows, right? This how the today’s science meets the wisdom of the ancients.

We know that in the nature when food is scarce the animals stop breeding, in reality, we take the fish out of the oceans for our current needs, as much fish as we like, we also know that the fish in the ocean have to eat other fish to grow to feed and to breed, what we take out of the oceans is not available to other fish for food, so one day the fish in the ocean will stop breeding for there WILL be a lack of food for the fish that are left behind and these fish will stop to breed, tell me now what will be the next step of this fish?

Hopefully very soon I will talk to you about how this global prosperity is actually increasing poverty, pollution and misery, I have talked about it bfore but in deifferent places, just remember that “to every action -----”.

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