Thursday, September 11, 2008


Hello Americans

Just in time for Sarah Palin's upcoming, "abstinence only" sex education marathon here is a lesson for both the young girls and their parents. Have your daughter save her virginity so that she can use it as a scholarship from "God" later. Keep the boys away from your daughters so she can help you pay for her college.

We Americans are people of fads, how wonderful now, Natalie Dylan may have started something that is as good and in more ways than any other fad in history. Save your virginity to pay for college, no bank account or a savings plan ever needed. And to boot she wants to be a Marriage and Family counselor too. Now that is a career move girl, how many ladies will want her to be their counselor, how many husbands will want her to show their wives new ways of contributing to the family expenses, imagine the possibilities.

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