Thursday, September 25, 2008


I f you go to my blog And look up in the archives for July 2006, then scroll down the page to econ102 at the page, you will see what wrote and what Mr. Scowcroft said here,

Mr. Bush used the excuse the of 9/11 to push through the tax cuts and print money and set us up for the economic destruction. That the American public has been complicit in the economic demise of the country, that much is true, but the crooks on the wall street have been have been pushing the white house and the congress for more and more loot, wall street became a den of thieves, and free for all among the thieves, crooks and swindlers is what has been referred to as the new investment vehicles. Hank Paulson, the senate the president and the congress have all been party to the crime, and now they want us to them the even more money to fix the problem.

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