Thursday, January 11, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 20 B Another day has passed, like any other day, the 8th of January passed and the 9th, now 10th is about to become 11th. Days matter, even when they don't, just like any other day, when nothing seems to be happening, someone somewhere is getting married, being born, having a birthday, an accident, getting a job or getting fired, even dying. Nothing matters, but it all matters, to someone, somewhere. We will talk more about dates and times, the calendar and their significance or insignificance as you like. [ ] But who are we, how well do we know ourselves. It is said that the young people like to explore their bodies, but unless you are a narcissist, you don't spend much time looking over your body, atleast not frequently. Unless one is sick or a hypochondriac, one doesn't spend time worrying about what maybe going on inside our bodies. Or maybe I am just strange. Back I'm my mid teens and into my mid twenties, I cared about what the others will see when they looked at me, ( unless ofcourse I was in uniform, I looked good in my uniform, impressive even,). [ ] Our lives are spent outside our bodies not inside. It makes a difference whether we know it or not. It is convenient and it is the most practical too. But some get so far away from ourselves that we lose control, we not only live outside of ourselves we also start to live for others, which can both be good and bad, depending upon how "we live for others". [ ] Let's talk [ ] I WILL WRITE MORE SOON [ ] M. N. R. [ ] 11 JANUARY 2024

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