Friday, December 20, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE READING THE TEA LEAVES 8A There comes a point where we don't know what is going on, we don't have all the facts, or maybe not enough knowledge to fully understand the situation, and that makes us feel dumb. But if one has enough money, they may not have to suffer the consequences of their stupidity. Yes, someone once did argue that the rich also pay the consequences, but you and I both know that money can always lessen the suffering. A rich person may have to pay a five hundred dollar fine for excessive speeding but that will not take away his light bill money, or the grocery money, as it may for an average person. In broader terms, a recession will not cause a multimillionaire to lose sleep. If the stock market was to crash by say 80% a billionaire, or a hedge fund, like say Blackrock will not go belly up, a multimillionaire will still be making money. So do not assume that the rich guys will not do anything to crash the economy, they just may. To every action there is a reaction, it is mostly predictable, even if we don't care about what the outcome maybe. If you are anything but a multimillionaire you should care, if you work for the government, own a small business, work for a contractor, have a small farm, are on a pension, old, young, sick, not sick, what is coming will affect you, especially if you are a liberal or a conservative, especially if you are a Republican or Democrat, it will not matter, it will not be good. Not even if you are vaccinated or you are anti vaxx. Gun owner or anti the 2d. I'll explain shortly I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 20 DECEMBER 2024

Thursday, December 19, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE READING THE TEA LEAVES 7B There is a a reason, but it depends upon what one understands. One cannot reason beyond their understanding, and understanding depends upon either life experiences or education, but then again both of these depend upon "learning", many don't ever learn. Complicated? Yes it is complicated! Life is complicated, this is exactly why, for millenia, philosophers and sages have tried to "explain" things. Tried to make us understand things. And charlatans too, the snake oil salesmen told us how their stuff was "beneficial", a cure all mind you, somethings never change. So here we are, a quarter of the way through the 21st century, looking for a cure all. A cure all, for the problems created by our own greed and selfishness. Our own personal hubris, we are ofcourse above everyone else, we are always right, the snake oil salesman tells us so. Yet, the problems persist, and we are left to wonder why? Every single cure we tried has failed, and they keep failing, we don't understand. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 19 DECEMBER 2024

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE IT'S ONLY WORDS, 1B Earlier, yesterday in fact, I promised to write more, if you know me, I get sidetracked easily, I blame it on my ADHD, even though 72 years ago there was no such thing as that, but here I am, it is almost 3 am and I am sitting here on my bed, thinking about what to say. In part one of this article, I talked about how words, in and off themselves are totally meaningless. Sometimes it takes many words, pages, articles to state what a certain word actually means, and still it means only whatever the person hearing it or reading it thinks it means, and then again even that still depends upon that person's "understanding". As Clinton famously once said,  "it depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is"? So many many years ago (17), I argued that we have no idea what "murder" is! It turned into a 6-10 page dissertation, with no exact conclusion that we cannot with any certainty define "murder". And still today, that is the case! Today, a New York jury found a person "not guilty" of any crime in the chokehold death of another, while someone else in New York was charged in the death of another. In both cases there are (millions of) people that feel that the person causing the "death" of another is either guilty of murder or not guilty of the "murder", doesn't matter which side you are on. My point here is, only, that if we, as a society, as a nation, cannot agree on the definition of an act as consequential as "murder" than how can we define anything with "certainty" ? So we are, constantly and continously left to bickering amongst ourselves. And the politicians and the pundits use the "words" against us to divide us, while they take our money and our peace. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 10 NOVEMBER 2024

Thursday, December 05, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE It's Only Word's! 1 Over the last many years, I have written about "words", and communication. What is any word? What does any single word even mean? It depends upon the context, depends upon where a particular word is placed in a sentence, among many other things, not the least of which being what the person seeing or receiving it actually themselves understands it to mean, that again depends upon that individuals understanding of the word and also what they perceive it to mean/ say. It not only depends upon the intentions of the person uttering the word but also on the knowledge, understanding, perceptions and yes their culture and their "prejudices". You and I could argue for days about what a particular word or phrase actually said and we could both also be "perfectly wrong". See what I mean? I will write more soon M. N. R. 05 DECEMBER 2024

Saturday, November 16, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE READING THE TEA LEAVES 7A We can go back to talking about the human mind and thinking from 6A at a later time. A new government is about to take over on the 20th of January. Good thing that our worst fears didn't come into play. All the talk about the lefty mobs burning down the towns didn't come to fruition, certainly thankful for that. So far, as watch the possible cabinet take shape, the out look is not so rosy, but you really have to understand how the economy works. Stock market seems to be doing great, but interest rate dependent stocks not so much. Bonds are not doing well either. Companies that cater to the low income customers are tanking too, consumer goods and low end fast food companies are down. Gold is dropping like a rock, predicting higher interest rates. If government actually decides to cut spending, the first impact will be felt by low income citizens ( including those on Social Security). What does it all mean for the economy, since we care so much about it. Since our future depends on the "economy" we think anyway. It is not that simple at all. The future direction of prices, of food, housing, fuel jobs (employment), wages, healthcare, government services, defense and more all make up the "economy" and all are interconnected, not separated one from the others. If defense spending is cut, the first thing you will notice is the stagnation of contractor wages and employment cuts, that will lower the housing prices near contractor factory sites, and bases, lower employment in food service and grocery stores and so on. If the crop subsidies are reduced the prices of crops will go up to make up the difference, add that to the losses due to drought and farm labor shortage and you begin to understand why I said that food prices will double in the next two years, ( or maybe just 50% so as not to scare you). If we cut social security and Medicare the elderly will be hurt , as well as those that take care of them, nurse's aids, nursing homes, hospices and so on. As the markets have shown already, interest rates are not coming down or atleast as fast as we hoped for, and wishful thinking is not a strategy. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 16 NOVEMBER 2024

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE READING THE TEA LEAVES 6A It is difficult to understand the world around us when, ourselves, don't know what we want. We confuse our desires with our needs and hurt ourselves. Sometimes we try to help others only to be accused of being selfish. Philosophers have already said that our desire to be helpful can be selfish, even to the extreme. We can even get our feelings (ego, really,) when our help is refused. And we get blamed for being selfish in reality. On the other hand though, it would be naive, even foolish, to think that many of those that pretend to be helpful have no ulterior motives, conmen and hustlers abound, everywhere and in all walks of life, snake oil salesmen, pimps, preachers, politicians and the police and the lawyers of all color. That is why we must be vigilant, must be careful, be informed and educated. Who we are, and what side we are on is an individual decision, it is based on our self knowledge, self awareness and our own motives. We can't ever say that our decisions are purely altruistic. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 12 NOVEMBER 2024

Saturday, November 09, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE READING THE TEA LEAVES 5! There is a song by Leonard Cohen, "Everybody Knows", a beautiful and haunting song, you should listen to it, again, or maybe for the first time. Or just Google the lyrics. We are all stars, we always wanted to be the favorite, or marry that quarterback or that cheerleader. We too wanted a "long stem rose". Back in my poetry days I wrote a poem, I called it "Yesterday", I'll post it again soon. We are convinced that we know everything about everything, and we also love to be on the winning side, it makes up for our other shortcomings. Don't take it personally, I am only making general statements. Life is complicated, it is hard to see how things actually work, look at the computer screen, or an airplane, how it works, the worker in China putting that computer together doesn't know anymore that I do as to how the thing works, but it does. What makes it go? You and I don't have to wonder or to understand, all we know is that it works. As does our body. Generally speaking, we eat, we sleep, we breathe, we don't have to worry. As I said previously, we can know all the history yet it is no help in predicting the future, future will get here and then become the past, whether we plan for it or we don't, it will happen even if are here or we are not. Sadly though, just as 1+2 equals 3, everytime, ( unless you happen to be Terrence Howard), history can guide us to what will the future hold if certain patterns of the past are followed. So when we say that "history repeats itself", what we mean is that certain results can be expected when the same certain patterns are followed. One of the reasons the democrats lost is that cater to every little whim of the outliers and shun the average American. They didn't actually do anything for the middle classes. Even though it is said that Biden was somehow great legislative genius but no one saw it. Yes, the democrats did pass the infrastructure bill, but at the state and city level the local politicians took the the credit for it all. Life is complicated, economy is complicated, and when we talk about a booming economy that does not help the average citizen, it doesn't matter. Because we really don't understand the economy, no one in DC explained how it was working, and they couldn't convince anyone, only thing that could have helped was an increase in the minimum wage. How? I'll explain. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 09 NOVEMBER 2024

Thursday, November 07, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE READING THE TEA LEAVES 4 it is past 1 AM, I am not sleepy yet, aa a retiree I have nothing much to do all day but to read, think and drink coffee. I still smoke, but had to give up drinking due to high blood pressure, and two strokes. Back in 1980 a friend ( in the army) died of a stroke after being told to quit drinking, he didn't, he was 39 only, a father of 5. Any way, it was still a long day. "Anyway" is a historic phrase now, if you remember, Biden used it every time he lost his train of thought. Anyway, if you go back and read my posts, one month ago, I had said that the Wall Street was predicting a Trump win. Back in 2016, I had used the Plato's "Allegory of the Cave", to state that we, (the average citizens) are only seeing what is in front of us, and what see is the shadows that we consider reality. My friend called today. " We have people that know a lot of history, but how can they help us arrange the future"? I asked. Same is true about people, how does an "average person" affect the course of the nation when his or her thinking is limited, resources are limited and the reach is limited? For myself, all I can do is to take care of myself and myself and my loved ones and try my best to protect them. Physically as well as economically. But what can those people do that are living hand to mouth already and have no clue as to where the train is headed? It is the American hubris that everyone of us thinks that they not only know everything, but also can survive anything. Too much optimism can be deadly. We are all okay till the proverbial "stuff hits the fan". Yet, we are like the rats ( my example from 2008 elections) following the Pied Piper, it is the human nature in us. Always looking for that savior, be it Elon Musk or a David Koresh even. How often do we get fooled? Democrats lost, big deal, they overplayed their hand, like those in the cave, they couldn't see the reality. While they presented Trump as a criminal, half the guys wished they could get away with what he got away with, even the Latinos, we are awful humans, it is our nature. Dems thought the college protestors will forgive them for the heavy handedness at the protests, the college kids sat it out instead. So many miscalculations. Where do we go from here? America is about to change, change in the ways we didn't imagine and in the ways we are not ready for. It is like a JDAM, it is impressive to look at all, but you wouldn't want to be close to one when it goes off. And even you think you won, you may not like it when your wishes do come true. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 07 NOVEMBER 2024

Wednesday, November 06, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE READING THE TEA LEAVES 3 Trump may or may not keep his promises, but democrats failed to take care of the country. Biden was too engaged in managing his wars, that he failed to pay attention to the people, he alienated everyone that he needed to get reelected. Americans that were fully supportive of the war in Ukraine couldn't pay for the war any longer as prices kept going up along with the cost of war. Fewer supported the unlimited war in Gaza, MSM that was all in on the war no matter what failed to understand what the people on the street were noticing. The liberals, the neo-cons were happy focusing full time on the wars while ignoring any and all domestic problems. Maybe trump was right that this will be the last time you'll have to vote. Now with the presidency, the House, the Senate along with the Supreme Court in in one party's hands that may become a "prophecy". Which will mean the end of the "American Experiment ". Not to say that Biden, the democrats and the media couldn't have seen it coming. This just may have been the biggest conspiracy itself. MORE TO FOLLOW M. N. R. 06 NOVEMBER 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE READING THE TEA LEAVES 2 If and when, Trump wins and Kamala loses, it will not be a fault of anyone but Biden, Biden was more pig headed than most other politicians ( with one certain other exception). His continued support of Ukraine, his support of Bibi, him ignoring the immigration crisis and total disregard of the economy has cost this election. All the topics Trump appears to be interested in. Even before the 7th of October crisis happened he had been out of touch. Why he was not 25thed out. I have no clue! The Constitution was not followed by those that take an oath to follow the Constitution! But, here we are. What the future holds for the American people? Trump may have been running since 2015, we have no clue what "new" plans or policies he has up his sleeve. His promises of the 2016 campaign didn't bear many fruits, we didn't get a healthcare plan, the border wall was only partially built, Mexico didn't pay for the wall, and with some draconian measures in place immigration was only slightly slowed. We did make deal to get out of Afghanistan but we also released 5,000 Taliban in the deal ( before the withdrawal). With the new tariffs promised, the prices of most items will definitely rise, and as the foriegn countries impose tariffs on American goods in retaliation our exports will suffer costing American jobs. If the regulations on businesses are dropped, the pollution will increase, the job site safety will suffer, and worker protections will go away. No more job security either. MORE WILL FOLLOW M. N. R. 06 NOVEMBER 2024

Tuesday, November 05, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE READING THE TEA LEAVES! Hang in there, it is almost over. Really, right now no one knows the final outcome, as predicted. But it could be clear by the time I wake up. (That depends upon if I go to sleep in the first place). I will be going to sleep soon, I am at ease, my conscience is clear, I am at peace, aren't you? I chided Biden over the Afghanistan withdrawal, I chastised the government for creating the war in Ukraine, I low key called out the destruction in Gaza, so if Trump wins tomorrow or the next week it will be Biden's fault. ( and his advisors). The US foreign policy has been run by the three letter agencies, as it is by the "military industrial complex", which in turn is run by the same bankers that own the FED, the IMF and the World Bank, which runs the UN and also promotes the "New World Order ". Oh you thought the US was a democracy, you know like " government of the people, by the people, for the people", o my goodness , how foolish. On the economy, Biden was really not interested, by the time he was pushed out, it was too late, it was too late two years ago when the corporations started making record profits, jacked up CEO pay and dividends and stock buy back. But the consumers do care about all of that, all they know is that prices are higher, how or why are no factors in the equation. MORE TO FOLLOW M. N. R. 05 NOVEMBER 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE A BIG DAY! So it is finally here, the day the world will stop, people in power around the globe are holding their breath, poor across the world know their lives will still suck. Governments around the world wonder who will be toppled by the CIA, others worry if they will be next on the list to be bombed. But here in America, on the 1st Teusday after the first Monday in the month of November, and in the year of the Lord 2024 our concerns are more mundane. Not about the quality or the character of the candidates, not about the Constitution or the rule of law, not about our own morals, or justice or fairness, but what party we belong to. We don't need a brain, we don't need to ponder, we don't need to evaluate, it is no different than watching a football game, we already know which team is "ours" and no matter what, our team should always win. It is 1235 in the morning (or very late at night), I'll be up at 8 AM, ( I am retired) shower, drink coffee and go stand in line to "do my civic duty", like it will make a difference. We don't really have a democracy, I don't think we even need a national election. We have red states and we have blue states. Results are already known, but the masquerade goes on, it is great entertainment and keeps the people busy. And yes, we love our "busy"! Billionaires, bankers and the industrialists want us "involved". Even though the finance bothsides and own the politicians of whatever party you vote for, not even joking. But go on, it is good for you to feel wanted. I tried to get excited, but it is boring really. People that have more work than they can handle complain about how bad the economy is, people that can't find qualified help for the low wages they offer complain that people don't want to work, and people that hire illegal immigrants complain about migration. People on SNAP and section-8 (rental assistance) complain about government helping "others", and landlords raise rents as people on assistance can get "free money ". We are just not that honest. We are facing real crises, the inflation has not gone away ( no matter who wins), we are facing an economic downturn, (no matter who wins), we are closest to a WW3 since the Cuban missile crisis, ( no matter who wins), but what, "ME Worry" ? It is no time to worry about who wins, we have bigger fish to fry. The worst thing we can do is to assume that if the "stuff" hits the fan, we will make it, it is a delusion we cannot afford. Even if we have 5, 10, 30 acres and a lot of ammo it will be difficult, very difficult, in a country where gas is no longer available, refineries are shut down, roadways are blocked, produce can't be moved, tractors can't be repaired, parts are no longer available. Not only! If Russia takes Ukraine then Latvia, Lithuania and Poland? What about Europe, If NATO is not there? If we impose tariffs the other countries will also. Stagflation is not just another word. It maybe worse. Good luck America, I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 05 NOVEMBER 2024

Monday, November 04, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE A BIG DAY ? 1. So finally, it is here, tomorrow is the big day. Well, aren't you excited? I am not. In my 72 years, I have seen many of these "big days". Nothing much changes, really, nothing that really matters. We get excited over little things, only because we are supposed to, and that only because we are told to, we are told to be excited, we are programmed to be excited. Pavlov called this " conditioning" . As children we are told about "Santa Claus", Christmas comes, for months we have heard about Santa, we look forward to Christmas, and the presents and even as we grow older and we know for a fact now that there is no Santa, still we can't get away from the drama, the excitement, we are "conditioned". Literally! 2. Our lives are not about to change much in the ways that we believe they will. If the immigrants are deported, the prices of some goods may go up, the housing construction may slow down, the price of chicken, lettuce, beef, eggs may go way up, but who cares? If the abortion is banned it will not change my life, it may change the life of my granddaughters, but I don't have any, yet. So me worry? Why? We don't think, even when we are thinking. Most of us that "follow" the news have no idea. Facts are malleable, we create our own facts, we are thus programmed. I know, you want to say that you know the difference between truth and a lie, and I will never argue. Yet! We are conditioned to "believe" that our fantasies are real, more so than even reality itself. We cry at the movies, we get scared, we get upset, we "think" that reality shows are real, that no matter what news we watch tells us the "truth". None of which is true. But we are sure we can not be fooled. Worse, we even believe that that our "opinions" are not influenced when the news we watch is playing to our preferences and even on the internet the algorithms design what we watch only to reinforce our thoughts. No wonder we all believe we are "right in the absolute " and are even willing to fight to defend our "programming"! And we are being programmed every minute of every day. And the people making $16 an hour believe that the people making $11 an hour are being paid too much. A farmer raises sheep, he has a couple of sheepdogs, the dogs guards the sheep all day and all night, the keep the wolves and the coyotes away and fight them if the need be. Morning and night the farmer feeds the dogs some scraps, and the dogs are happy, they are fed, they have a place to stay. The dogs don't care why the farmer keeps them around or how much money the farmer is making, how rich the farmer is, how comfortable the farmer is, and if someone were to come to take the farmer's property, the dogs will fight them, even unto death. The dogs are conditioned to take care of the farmer. Always. Anyway. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 04 NOVEMBER 2024

Monday, October 21, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE DEJA VU, AGAIN A6b With just days left before the elections, you would think that the candidates will address the actual problems of the nation and offer some honest solutions. Try to get the populace together not divide us. But what if they don't address the real problems because they have no real solutions, what if they don't want you to even know the real problems and want you distracted? The truth is that the elite don't want us to know the real issues, that they don't want us to know how bleak the outlook is, and that we have been made a fool of all along? Not many of us really understand that we are facing existential crisis, in food, in climate, in jobs, in energy costs, in labor (we have either too many jobs, or too few jobs, for the various sections of the labor pool). Our lives ( at a very personal, individual and family level) are affected more by the economy than anything else, regardless of what else you may believe to be "MOST IMPORTANT", don't fool yourself into believing otherwise. Take a few moments, step back from all the hoopla and the noise. We are 35 trillion in debt, the interest payment alone reached a trillion this year and it will only get higher as we borrow more money, and the interest rates rise next year. And the markets tell us that even if we have two more drops by the inauguration the rates will rise again. How do I know? Look at the mortgage rates that are already going up, mortgage rates are based on the expectation of the future rises in interest rates. Inflation will not slow, as the gold and other commodity prices are going up. But no one is talking about that. There is no candidate that can control the market or the interest rates or has a magic wand that fixes it. Food prices are ready for a huge jump also, our crops are suffering droughts and hurricanes both at the same time. And then there are the recalls, the factories being damaged by hurricanes, it is not just one thing. Concentration in industry is another, we have one or two or just few facilities to make or process many items. Did we forget the baby formula shortage already? When we have almost daily recalls on different items, chicken, meats, cereals heck even frozen waffles for goodness sakes. If we take our eyes off of what really matters we become susceptible to any distraction that comes along, so focus. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON. M. N. R. 21 OCTOBER 2024

Saturday, October 19, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE DEJA VU, AGAIN A6a There is an election in 17 days, so they say, it is the most important election of our lives, ( they always say that), makes you feel important, like you and I really get to decide what comes next. Another lie we are expected to believe. We know that we only get to choose from the candidates that are sponsored by the bankers and the industrialists, but we play along, as if one or the other is sincerely concerned about the welfare of the country or our personal predicaments. Nothing could be further than the truth. No matter who gets elected or what policies or promises are offered, the life of the average American will not improve. No matter what you have done, where you are in life, is the result of your own initiative and your own choices. Don't blame, and certainly do not give credit to the politicians. Now if you have done really well, thank the politicians you were able to buy and bribe, and your richer friends that helped you. "It is the economy, stup/d", it was said, but what about your own economy? We complain about inflation but fail to realize that the house that we bought for a 100k 40 years ago is now worth half a mill, good or bad? Inflation has been with us for a very long time, even we just now happen to notice. Gold was $280 per ounce in 2000, it closes the week at over $2700 , yes that is inflation that you don't talk about, the stock market has doubled in the last 4 years, did you miss the boat? No wonder you complain about inflation, economy is complex no matter what anyone tells you. Market keeps shooting up, it is saying that inflation will get worse no matter who is elected. None, don't bet your house in which candidate will save us. Inflation will get much worse yet, no policy of either candidate will help the working class. I will write more real soon. M. N. R. 19 OCTOBER 2024

Thursday, October 10, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE For those that do not understand how the economy really works, inflation was predicted before even the pandemic was officially declared, I wrote a whole two part article on my blog, as to what will happen to the prices as a result, every thing I had mentioned came true, similarly when we started the war in Ukraine, I posted again about its negative effects on the prices, the shortages and the deficits, nothing unknown, yes our own policies are to blame, but it is a shared blame, by the left and the right, then there is the supply chain problem with the war in Gaza. Still if we compare our inflation with the rest of the world we are luckier than many others, since our food supply is still mainly local. Much of the inflation here can still be blamed on price gouging by corporations that are boosting their own profits. We don't want the government to control profits and the government (both parties) is beholden to their rich donors. It is same people here that want the government to stay out of the business's business are the one blaming the government for inflation, get some knowledge about how the world, that we live in, actually works. Ofcourse there will be another bout of inflation as a result of recent hurricanes, no only in housing costs, but also in agricultural products, the interst rate may be staying up a while. M. N. R. 10 OCTOBER 2024

Thursday, October 03, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE DEJA VU, AGAIN A5 I feel philosophical, I philosophical means depressed or down. But I am not depressed or down, I am numb, like that Pink Floyd song, "Comfortably Numb". Just that though, comfortable, don't know really what that song is about. "Like a distant ship"! I decided that I would be detached, not like a hermit though, just detached, "Watching the wheels", but watching the wheels is not really "detachment" one is still involved "in watching", it is difficult to be a true "Stoic" even, much as one would hope. I thought about how people really think, how do we become "something", as in something "definable", ofcourse we only want to be defined as someone accepted by those around us, so we end up emulating those we keep company with. We don't choose to, but maybe we do exactly that. We do have choices, we say, but what if we, ourselves, limit our choices? There is a tray full of beads of many colors and you wish to make a necklace per se, and you wish to make a necklace of red beads, so regardless of how colors are available, you only choose the red beads for your necklace, disregarding all others. Same is true of our knowledge, we only choose what we like. There was a study of what people order at a restaurant, it was discovered that most people, often, ordered the same items, regardless of all the many other choices available. We are like that. It is said that America is almost equally divided, I don't believe it to be true atall, the fact is that we are only GIVEN two choices, take it or leave it. There is no way that exactly half the population has exactly the same preferences as all others in that group. We are not choosing, we are told what we must choose, take it or leave it, this is not how a "democracy" should work. M. N. R. 03 OCTOBER 2024

Sunday, September 22, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE As long as the economy is working for the rich, the poor can take care of themselves. If not the rich will leave the country ( to die) and the poor will have to create a new rich class, it is how it has always worked, everywhere, Russia, France, the US, the poor must know their place. M. N. R.




LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE THEY ARE BETTING ON BOTHSIDES, SO YOUR VOTE REALLY DOESN'T MATTER, THEYLL OWN THE NEXT PRESIDENT M. N. R. The nation’s wealthy donated millions to the super PACs backing Kamala Harris, Donald Trump and Democrats and Republicans throughout the country, according to monthly reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

Friday, September 13, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE DEJA VU, AGAIN A4 GLOBALISM OR ISOLATIONISM Over 20 years ago, long before I joined Facebook in 2009, I started blogging. Not because I thought I were an expert, but I did believe that I had enough education and life experience to have a rational and reasoned opinion. Having had a military career of over 20 years, having lived in many countries, under many different forms of government, having a BS in Management, a Master's in Psychology and a so on, I was capable. A student also of history and a keen interest in philosophy as well as in business, married now with three kids, I had some understanding. I also had three basic ideas 1. LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE 2. HISTORY IS A LIE THAT WE HAVE AGREED TO ACCEPT AS THE TRUTH 3. IS NOT HOW I SAY YOU SHOULD LIVE, IT IS NOT HOW I WANT YOU TO LIVE, BUT THIS THE WAY YOU WILL LIVE Pretty bold, don't you think? Life is not so simple, and neither is any philosophical discussion. It will be long, there will probably be many many questions, it will also be a learning experience for myself, any counter argument is always a learning opportunity. For most of my reasoning you will have to look back at my viewpoints stated at the beginning to see where is my starting point. Nothing here happens in a vacuum, and all phenomenon are related. We cannot discuss war with looking at the economy, nor can we look at the population, the immigration, the birth rate, or the cost of a postage stamp without looking at the economy or discussing war and peace. We just can't. The politicians divide us by oversimplifying the issues so as to manipulate us. Everything is related, every book must be balanced. Every point has a counterpoint, just like the day follows the night and night follows the day. But where are we headed? I 72 , I am again thinking of the world that my grandchildren will live in, and you have children and grandchildren think about them also. I will write more soon 13 SEPTEMBER 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE DEJA VU, AGAIN A3 I didn't write last night, I decided not to. There is a debate on TV, in less than an hour, I may watch, I may not. What will you learn, or I will, or anyone for that matter, if you are a republican or a Democrat your mind will not be changed. And that is not even the point. We all know, we already know, right! As they say, lucky for you, you know everything. No, you have not made a choice, you never had a choice. This is the choice you have been given. Reminds me of the chow line in my early military career, whatever you choose will be substandard, barely edible, but you are hungry, you are starving, eat s#it. Trump maybe an outsider to many, but if you had known him from back when he made headlines married Marla Maples and then his casinos, his university and his steaks, etall. And he has admitted that he worked with the politicians of different stripes, he knows the system, and he is still selling ice to the Eskimos, something like that, but people love him because he is the "outsider". Harris came from "nowhere", really? She has no experience? She has been an insider, a (active) part of her party for 34 years, that is actually more than Clinton, Bush, Carter, or even Obama, so there. And how will either do anything new or different. Don't fall for the hyperbole. Don't listen to the talking points, bothsides have made promises in the past that were never meant to be kept. I'LL WRITE MORE LATER TONIGHT REST! 10 SEPTEMBER 2024.

Monday, September 09, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE DEJA VU, AGAIN A2 As a father and a grandfather the future of the country (as a whole), and the planet is important to me. My time is near at hand but what world I am, are us, leaving for them. Will it matter more that they do not have access to certain books than that they do not have to face a nuclear Armageddon? Will it be worse for them to treat a gay person with respect than to be able to buy a house? How bad will it be for them to eat lunch with, live in community, where people may or may not have the same political or "moral ideology" than to suffer the consequences of climate change? Years ago, I had mentioned that we do not take rights from others without surrendering some rights of our own. Yet, we are being lied to, we are being misguided into this ideology. It has never happened. When people try to take the rights of others, they always end up losing their own, when we wish to oppress others, we get oppressed. It happened in the Soviet Union, in Germany, in Italy, in China, in North Korea, in Chile, in Cuba, don't try this at home! When the Patriot Act 1 (Bush W.) was signed, I protested, loudly, I called into talk radio, wrote letters to the editors. Today the same folk that were for it all the way are complaining about loss of privacy, but that is the least of it. The Obama signed the NDAA authorizing warrantless searches and indefinite incarceration , and yes targeted killing of Americans without trail, but we forgot, we are busy complaining about having to wear masks or taking a vaccine. We are a lost people, aimless, wandering in the wilderness, looking for a savior to protect us from the invasion at the southern border. But we don't want to work, and our rulers are happy to hire the cheap labor, our whinging and moaning not withstanding. More will follow. M. N. R. 09 SEPTEMBER 2024

Sunday, September 08, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE DEJA VU, AGAIN A1 I had promised myself that I'll start back writing, regularly, but it hasn't worked out, as you can see. My last post was on the 10th, of January that is. I've been distracted. I apologize. So much is going on in the world. The wars, the economy, the promises of a forever booming economy, the possibility of an Armageddon, the possible population collapse, the out of control governments around the world, free speech being controlled around the world, the AI, and all that before and just in time for the 2024 elections. (OH, did I mention Taylor Swift and the Super Bowl?) But then again I like to write, atleast I used to, then I saw that after 30 years I was mostly repeating myself. I have written about most everything under the sun, and at 72, I see that we have decided not to change our ways, our thinking, and those with the money and the power are using our stubbornness against us. We have the "most important elections of our life" coming up. As it does every four years. I have some thoughts and ideas, what do you want to talk about? Drop me a comment, send a message, let's talk. M. N. R. 08 September 2024

Thursday, January 11, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 20 B Another day has passed, like any other day, the 8th of January passed and the 9th, now 10th is about to become 11th. Days matter, even when they don't, just like any other day, when nothing seems to be happening, someone somewhere is getting married, being born, having a birthday, an accident, getting a job or getting fired, even dying. Nothing matters, but it all matters, to someone, somewhere. We will talk more about dates and times, the calendar and their significance or insignificance as you like. [ ] But who are we, how well do we know ourselves. It is said that the young people like to explore their bodies, but unless you are a narcissist, you don't spend much time looking over your body, atleast not frequently. Unless one is sick or a hypochondriac, one doesn't spend time worrying about what maybe going on inside our bodies. Or maybe I am just strange. Back I'm my mid teens and into my mid twenties, I cared about what the others will see when they looked at me, ( unless ofcourse I was in uniform, I looked good in my uniform, impressive even,). [ ] Our lives are spent outside our bodies not inside. It makes a difference whether we know it or not. It is convenient and it is the most practical too. But some get so far away from ourselves that we lose control, we not only live outside of ourselves we also start to live for others, which can both be good and bad, depending upon how "we live for others". [ ] Let's talk [ ] I WILL WRITE MORE SOON [ ] M. N. R. [ ] 11 JANUARY 2024

Monday, January 08, 2024


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE ANOTHER DAY 20 A Day 20? You say, why not, it's been a while since I posted last. I have mostly posted links to other sites. News, for what it is worth. Propaganda mainly, it is all propaganda, all brainwashing, indoctrination, if you are only allowed to see one side of the story, agree or disagree, whatever side of the discussion you are on, you must allow yourself to hear something contrary to your views. Education demands it. What is knowledge anyway? Take a coin or a bill, and just look at only one side, always the same side, never the other. Are you knowledgeable? What and how much do you know? When we go to a doctor, we want a second opinion, especially so if the diagnosis is "serious", same with a financial advisor. But I digress. The clock on my screen shows that it is the 8th of January. An interesting date in my life. So many meaningful instances, happenings. What does it have to do with anything, besides I always remember that it is also the birthday of Elvis, why? I have no idea, hope it is a good day for you also. For someone that is fully "convinced" that "time" doesn't exist, I am bound to time, I am very aware of time, nearly 72 myself, I am painfully aware of "time". We go by a calendar of 365 days, at "72" there is 72/365 chance of something peculiar/ interesting/ important happening on a given date. More interesting a life one has lived, better the chances. (72/365 is nearly a 20% chance). Please don't remind me that I didn't take "leap years" into account, I tried to keep it simple). We count years, but why? What does it matter, and why. It does somehow makes us feel important. Makes us feel that it gives some sort of meaning to our life. We want to believe we are important. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON I HOPE M. N. R. 08 JANUARY 2024 HAPPY NEW YEAR