Tuesday, September 13, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 192 B Fact are just facts, but reality is based on our perceptions. To misquote and to mis paraphrase Detective Carter from "Rush hour", we neither know nor understand the words that are coming out of our own mouths. We talk, endlessly, saying words that won't make sense to ourselves if we were actually paying attention, what is an "authentic self", please explain, someone, if I wish to rob banks, fight people , join a gang, commit murder, scam people, defraud people, because that is what I really want to do, am I being authentic or should I just lie to myself and have an inauthentic existence? Complicated, isn't it? And what I claim to be religious yet I want to be hateful, or commit adultery, or perjury, or something worse then what? Can I? We confuse ourselves with meaningless definitions, we try to pigeonhole people and life itself. If use definition to define "others", yet dislike ourselves being defined or pigeonholed. It is why I like to keep an open mind, we judge others but desire never to be judged, we like to brand others and don't want to be branded. But yes, in life we are judged by others, and we judge others too, so no, no name calling, no branding, no judging, if we wish to solve problems of life and advance. Yet we must first advance our own selves, we must grow and mature. For the last fifty plus years we have been lied to, constantly, to the point that we don't even know that we are being tricked, left, right and center, we have fallen behind in every possible matrix, education, healthcare, retirement, living standards, we are poorer than we were fifty years ago, yet we think we are better off, yes maybe, in some immediate self gratification measures , but not overall. We think we are environmentalists, yet we buy water in bottles for $2 and more per litre, we waste 40 percent of our food, we drive our SUVs everywhere. We order food to be delivered of which we only consume little. We say we are conservative, yet we have affairs, we divorce frequently, we look down on the weak and helpless, we wish to impose our ideologies, that we don't even follow on others. If you listen to those that say that "They" should get better skills, that "They" should work harder, that "They" should do something different, then have you asked what if "They" did, who will work at "Dollar General", who will cut your grass, who will work at the "Wal-Mart" distribution center, or drive the UPS trucks? Talk is cheap, real world is not. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 13 SEPTEMBER 2022

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