Friday, September 30, 2022


Thursday, September 29, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 195 A Well, can't say it was a surprise, I had called out #Facebook for leaning #Fascist over three years ago, so today I got thirty day restriction for calling out the Fascist for clamoring that their freedom of speech was being truncated. Ofcourse they will say that they are not the real fascists and it is, as always, in the eye the beholder. No doubt, when the chips are down no one likes the opposition to be heard, and the liberals are also guilty. So what is an open minded person to do. Freedom of speech comes with a great responsibility, to seek balance, to have true knowledge on the topic that one is addressing, to promote welfare of others, not be destructive, and much more. Then we run into what is right and what is wrong, and what should be said and what should not be promoted. Of course in the age of mass communication we have lost those boundaries, and the same time we have corporations and media companies deciding what is appropriate and what is not, and they are the self anointed judges and the juries. I had originally intended to write about Ian and its aftermath and the lessons learned, that will wait till later. As it has been with Ian, the world today is more complex than ever. Just as what I had said about Alito and the Supreme Court, referring to Thomas Paine, the people can't be ruled by the laws from centuries past, the same is true about free speech, and the same is true about the hurricanes and their aftermath. The world problems today are too big for small minded thinking and easy solutions. Ironic, that I am talking about the Supreme Court, the weather and free speech as if they are somehow connected, they are, in a way. Doesn’t it all go back to the same things, balance, fairness, knowing and justice. Whether it is about making laws, or it is about what should or shouldn't be said, or how to deal with a hurricane that is as unpredictable as it is ruinous. If we should take care of where, how and how much to develop, should we also care about how and to whom the laws apply and how they will affect people's lives, or what should and shouldn't be said to keep peace, and not alarm or entice people into doing unpleasant and unproductive behaviors. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 29 SEPTEMBER 2022

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE THE AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY 2 A I was talking about the kids and monsters the last time. When we build a chair or a table or a house we have a "plan". When we buy land or a tractor or a car even we have a plan. Well is the car for just getting to work or to impress someone or we want drag race, whatever, a car can be a used a thousand different ways. We get a in a relationship we have a plan, whether we want to build a family, or just ghost the other party in day. Nowadays it has become a common practice it seems , especially among the younger populations, but I can admit I did a few times back when I was young. But as always that is not even the point. Do I have your attention though? When I was teaching (for the Army), I had lesson plans, when I moved to war planning of course planning is what we did for a living, when I was in deconfliction , we planned, what equipment what space, what area, and what technology. As technology changed everything had to change. You get the idea. We have been a country for over 246 years, times have definitely changed, the population, the laws, the technology, our demands our needs, you name it. We surely have been a great country, some today wish to go on , some wish to take the country back also. What we have not seen, from our leaders is an articulation of a plan, what do we envision the future will look like. Does anyone know? Has anyone asked? Have you? Forget the Jetsons, forget Orwell, for the fourth Reich, what is our vision? What we do with our poor and uneducated masses, how do we incorporate the new technologies in our lives, what old traditions and mannerisms we bring back and how will it all coexist. What freedoms do we gain, what freedoms and choices we must give up. What we gain for what we give up? Ask yourself even, ask your friends, ask your politicians, or have you already? What we do with our elderly when they become to numerous to be taken care of, and too expensive for the economy to support them, who will feed them, clean their diapers, bathe them and keep them alive? If we are taking America back then from whom, or just in case where to? What will it look like? And we are taking America forwards then what that future look like? I know there is a "NWO" and there is a cabal of baby eaters and then there are the Illuminati, and the witches that occupy Greg Locke' mind, the Scientologists and the Mormons and the Catholics all have their eye on the prize. Yet no one has offered a plan. The saddest thing is that those that offered their loyalty to the cause have no one that has stepped forward and said I wanted this. No one has offered a plan. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 27 SEPTEMBER 2022

Monday, September 26, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS K 5 There are two or three things to consider, actually in almost all cases there is more than one thing to consider, otherwise we ignore things that will someday come to haunt us. 1. I have often said that I am not here to promote or prove my faith or beliefs, I, however, often quote the #scriptures, I study the scriptures, and read and reread and study the depth of the message, my studies are not superficial and I don't just read to reaffirm my belief in salvation, I also believe that one's salvation doesnot depend on pointing out the wrongs in others but being true to one's faith in one's actions also, if I hide from a friend's spouse their infidelity but look down at someone else because of what I believe them to be doing wrong then I am hypocrite. If I am okay with someone being punished hard by a judge, but also help a friend get away with something illegal stuff, I am not true to my faith. 2. All kids create monsters, well atleast most of them do, children have wild imaginations and many may create a "monster" just to be near their parents instead of being alone. Also ofcourse as they grow up they overcome the monsters, and the monsters disappear. But even as grown ups we really never grow out of the habit. Most grownups have some monsters, under their bed or in the closet, ( we call these boogeymen) , most all of us have them and we fight these. Always winning too, it makes us feel better about ourselves when we win. 3. I have stated before that I post stuff from many viewpoints, don't be upset if you don't like a post, and if you really hate it, present your views, and be willing to consider any rebuttals, it is called being a grown up, I have found that most of the time when I want to confront someone else, I have to reconsider my own views first. By all means post something that in no way applies to you also. 4. Many of us believe that our understanding of various historical viewpoints is beyond reproach. Problem is that many of us misquote or misinterpret the intent. We only know what we know, that never means that we know everything. Most of us don't. If I post something that is not true, please be sure to point it out, "not true" does not however mean that you don't like what it says. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 26 SEPTEMBER 2022

Sunday, September 25, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE THE AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY 1 C I am not a smart person, I am not a genius. But I like to read, study things on my own, physics, medicines, astronomy, history, politics, money and a few more, I listen to commentaries, lectures, and I remember things, then I relate things, one to another. One thing I don't do is to pick and choose who I listen to, I have brain and can discern between the wheat and the chaff, to keep it polite. If you know history of the United States, many among the founding fathers were against slavery, but did you know that even at that time they wanted a public education system, they discussed paying parents of children so that a child could go to school to learn basic skills like reading and basic math. They discussed paying worker a stipend in old age, something after 50 years of age a full pension at age 60 to be paid for through taxes. No many don't, many have never heard of it because it was never taught in school. Social security was not established until 1935, and at time even it was designed to keep the poorest workers off the streets and the for the "working class" it was to supplement their employer paid pension. Social Security was never a ponzi scheme , no matter how it is derided by some politicians. For one thing the Social Security was to "supplement" a pension! And what happened to the "pensions" of the Americans. As I explained earlier, with the huge tax cuts in the corporate and individual tax cuts, the cost of benefits for the workers went up, from around 10c per $1 of benefits to 50c per dollar of benefits and more as the taxes were cut further. The Social Security benefits had to be reduced as the jobs were moved overseas and wage growth stagnated, the benefits depended upon a percentage of wages, lower wages meant smaller benefits, and the circle tightened. Also as the birth rates declined there were fewer workers working, overtime, fewer and fewer workers had to support more and more older workers drawing social security. And it is not just the older workers that did not earn an employer "sponsored" pension, it is the current workers also, from Walmart and Dollar General to the military soldiers and the low wage civil service workers all have been duped. As the wages have stagnated or worse, the current workers can qualify for assistance, foodstamps and such, yes people in the military and civil service also get "assistance", but when you are older your social security check is even smaller because it is based upon what you earned, and you didn't "earn much. People that work "under the table", there are millions also don't get very much as they "have" no income at all. Another thing is that the social security reserves were supposed to earn interest as the government borrowed those funds to finance the tax cuts for the rich. With the interest rates at or near zero, the elderly workers and the future retirees were again looted. So the next time anyone talks about how the social security is a burden, and will bankrupt the country, just ask them how they managed to bankrupt the American workers. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 25 SEPTEMBER 2022

Saturday, September 24, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS K 4 My comments or writings are never meant to be personal attacks on anyone's feelings or preferences. But we do live in a society (among other people), "no man is an island" was never more applicable. Yes we do have choices, we have preferences, and most of us still live however we like. Yet we are also not immune to criticism and judgment of others, there are norms and there are exceptions, we cannot escape the judgment of others or the consequences of our choices. There are laws that allow people not to dispense morning after pills and there laws that state that one cannot be forced to pray, or recite the pledge of allegiance, and there are laws that allow establishments to refuse employment on basis of faith. Just because I am smart and good looking ( i am actually neither) to the point that people faint doesn't mean that everyone should faint at the presence of anyone that would like the people to faint at their presence. Just because I like something doesn't mean everyone else must. Similarly if I don't like something the world is not obligated to follow. We are grown ups, and we will have differences of opinions, nothing personal. There are differences of opinions, on all topics, there are differences of opinion on who had the right of way at a given time, if we take a stance of "stand your ground" in every instance, we fail at being a decent human being. No one hates a Narcissist more than another Narcissist. Just an idea. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 24 SEPTEMBER 2022

Friday, September 23, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS K 3 I am sure one day I will realize that my life has not been about how much money I have made, what awards and degrees I earned, where I lived or who I slept with or even how my kids turned out. We consider these things important. But allow me to use a very base example from real life. You and all know that know matter what we eat, it all comes out the same, but how what we eat nourishes our body is what matters. What we "do" or "don't do" in our lives may or may not matter either, but how "we live" does. May be it doesn't even make sense, I am not holy, don't even claim to be particularly religious or pious, but I try to be a decent human being, and isn't that that any religion requires of us. Societies have a few basic tenants, don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, do be greedy, selfish or gluttonous, it is so simple, so easy, so basic. It is, until our egos enter the equation. Who am I? Have you ever stopped and asked yourself? We are pretenders, we are not real, or are we? Do we know who we are. We , somehow either ask someone else as to who we are, a psychologist, a preacher, our partner, yet we don't ask ourselves, because the answer may scare us. We have labels, we label others all day, using the labels that we really could use on our own selves. We are afraid to know who we are. I am surprised, no, not really, how we come up with excuses for our bad behaviors, or point in a different direction when someone else is caught. If I had happened to be a self proclaimed "righteous" person, would I not be obligated to always follow the path of truth. I used to go to the AA meetings, one of the basic tenants of the AA was always to admit that I was wrong about what I had been doing. How could I say that my alcoholism or drug use was okay, or may be a little bit. Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; --- , would I be fooling myself if I did, well, I won't know that until too late, wouldn't I. Ask me if I want to take a chance and find out I was wrong when the choices were obvious. Going back to what I said earlier tonight, Consequences are just coincidences we didn't expect . Most religions also tell us that once we become "followers" there no exceptions or short cuts, 2 Corinthians 5:17 17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. May be we should think before it is too late to change our minds. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON 23 SEPTEMBER 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE THE AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY 1 B Taking America Back I am an open minded, self educated person, even though I have degrees, I also have a personal collection of books, on many varied topics. I like to read, I study things, I follow trends and analyze things. Not to brag on myself, if you question about something and I happen to have the phone in my hand the answer you will get is off the top of my head, I may also follow up with a Googled reference to confirm my reply. Now then though, 48 years ago, I started job, working for the City of West Palm Beach as a street lighting technician, si. Months probation, starting salary $6.25 an hour, after six months, permanent job, healtcare, holidays, vacation, retirement, it was a great time, I quit at six months to the day and left for hitch hiking across the country. Okay, so I will try to keep it short, and not bore you with a whole lot more detail, Back in 1974, if you had gone to work full time at say Ford, or Sears, or Burger King, you were guaranteed a retirement , a decent wage, healthcare, and other benefits, it was easy, as the top corporate tax rate was 74% it cost the company only 26 cents to give the employee a $1 in benefits ( the employee compensation is not considered a taxable income,). When tax rates were even higher the corporations and the super rich built hospitals, they built universities, they built museums, and art galleries. At ninety percent tax rate it costs you a dime per dollar to do good or even great things. As Mr. Reagan became president he was supported by the rich for a promise of tax cuts. As the tax cuts went into effect it cost the corporations more money to give pay raises or to provide benefits to the workers, or do charity work. You see where as it used to only cost 26c for a dollar increase in benefits now it cost 50c, and with more items available to cut the tax bills the worker compensation and charity work had to compete with those newer deductions that benefited the owners directly. Retirement was eliminated and replaced with a 401k, and healthcare was replaced with healthcare savings accounts. The average worker was at a disadvantage, first it is hard to save money already, and when wages came under pressure due to lower taxes for the rich, the workers lost big. And all this before the NAFTA that was originally pushed by Reagan and finally signed by Clinton (not a true friend of the poor either, we will talk more about the Democrats screwing the poor too). There were other items in the Reagan tax cuts that also hurt the working class and we will talk about those also). Another thing about the tax cuts that also hurt the average citizen was that the corporations and the rich had more cash (saved due to lowering the costs of employment) to buy more politicians. This how the tax cuts for the rich have been working, another tax cut by W, and another by Trump, no wonder we have the richest people ever in the history of mankind, another politician for sale, anyone? I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 23 SEPTEMBER 2022

Wednesday, September 21, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE THE AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY 1 A I had to start a new title, the old ones are still good, but in this series I want to explore a few ideas about what we talk about, what we say and believe and what is the real reality. No matter what we believe it will not change the "facts", and ignoring the facts does not bring better outcomes, in the long run it does not help us focus upon and resolve any issues. Also when A + B+ C+ D does not give us the expected result, then all of these must be examined, all the factors must be looked at. Just as in an accident investigation we must consider the weather, the speed, the road conditions, the driving experience, the construction of the vehicle, the condition of the engine the brakes, and more, we can not just declare that any issue, national or local is anyone or any party's fault without doing a thorough and detailed examination of the issue. When we do an accident investigation we have teams of specialists that have experience, yet we sit on a couch in our living room with a TV remote and pronounce judgment is issue of great import. We shouldn't though. One thing about being a true expert is that one must be able to back up their assertions with facts, figures and references, and also they should be able to accept a rebuttal with grace, any investigation can can or may be proven incorrect, any assumptions may have been wrongly made. We should be humble. And understand that in the end we are humans after all. Earlier I had posted a verse, JAMES 3:1 My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation It states that we shouldn't presume ourselves to be "masters" since masters are scrutinized more severely. Although it is talking about being a "preacher", it would be wise for us to consider the admonition in all manners of expertise. In this particular series, I will talk about the myths of "hard working Americans", the tax cuts, about the inefficiencies of our economic system, the problems of our political divide, the sexual revolution and such, hope you will follow along and comment, I an sure there are many experts out there, I am willing to learn. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 21 SEPTEMBER 2022 A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY WIFE OF 36 YEARS AND OUR ELDEST DAUGHTER today!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 193 C Too be fair, most of the people have a real hard time being "fair", no wonder most every philosophy teaches us to be fair, to be honest, to be even handed. Still most if the people also have a difficult time with being fair. Especially when being fair will mean losing something. Even in our most personal relationships we find it difficult, in family discussions even, spouses and significant others do not always play fair, even at the cost of losing that relationship, we are not fair in matters of divorce, child support, visitation, custody, most are not amicable. Not to call someone a liar, or dishonest, sometimes we don't know all the facts, sometimes we are misled by those we trust, even the lawyers lie, and politicians too. Had a little conversation with someone on the page, I admit, I, like everyone else that you talk to , may have an agenda, I most probably do, as you do also. And when one does have an agenda, admitting to all the facts places one at a disadvantage, don't you agree? In my posts, as well as my replies to comments or questions, I try my best to sound non sarcastic, I try not to offend your sensibilities. I try to be respectful, and nothing here is personal and should not be taken as such, I thank and appreciate everyone of you. Now then, five years ago I explained that if one has little knowledge or understanding of a situation and they are given a tidbit of information and told that it is special and privileged they will believe it. I don't believe anyone or anything unless I study the topic, the background and how it relates to the reality, what are the possibilities and chances. We were told about child raping and killing cabals, so far no one has exposed anything, just claims, no one has produced a JFK Jr. , NWO is still thriving, WEF is not underground. What we do know is that the Walmart is reducing inventory, what we do know is that companies flipping houses are losing money, what we do know is that the FED is increasing rates, that the FEDEX is expecting a recession. These are the things that will directly impact our lives. The climate change may be a Chinese hoax, but the droughts in China, in Europe and in the West are real, the glaciers melting in Europe is real, the floods in Pakistan and Nigeria are real, the thousand year rains in Texas and Kentucky are as real as you and I. What is needed is not that you and I buy ten acres of land and plan to survive the Armageddon on our own (we can't, we won't) but how we survive as a people, as a nation. Those on the left and the right that wish for an authoritarian government are fools, no where in the history of mankind, an authoritarian regime has ever been for the benefit of many, Italy, Indonesia, Soviet Union, Chile, Iran, it has never turned out well, not even for those that supported them. There are serious problems and real solutions are still possible if we come together. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 20 SEPTEMBER 2022

Monday, September 19, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 193 B "ALL TRUTHS ARE BUT HALF TRUTHS, ALL PARADOXES MAY BE RECONCILED" The Kybalion Isn't it funny that we know there is a problem, and then see a solution but we say well this does not apply to me or to my situation. Yes we do have answers, someone asked, so where we go from here, what is the solution? First though, like we all know "the first rule of the fight club is that there is no fight club". In the Bourne series, Jason doesn't realize that there is something wrong until the very end, and then he tries to seek the answers. As in any addiction, we have to accept that there is a problem, and the problem is with "us" and we must accept our role and then solve the problem. But that is not us, we are Americans, we don't have a problem, we are above all, if there is anything wrong, it must be someone else's fault. We can not solve problems like this. I have noted, for many long years how we are creating a society that is misinformed and also clueless that there is an issue here , if you go to my original blog, you will see that I was talking about all of these 20 years ago. How we were being programmed, misled, misguided by the politicians, the media, the therapists and yes even the preachers. I am not religious but I often quote from the scriptures, these quotes are selected as a guide to the message and the meaning. If are already saying that I am full of it, then you may just be the one I am talking about, or someone you know may fit the profile. Using one of my favorite examples again, of a person driving down the road that doesn't realize what they are doing and the suddenly realize that don't remember anything or saw anything for a longtime, sometimes for hours. We have been hoodwinked for a longtime, or that we have just been asleep at the wheel, and only now we have come to realize it may be getting too late to get this ship on an even keel. We will get back to all of it soon. You will be interested to know that whatever conspiracy you thought was afoot is also failing, WEF, NWO, the Illuminati, the space laser people, the baby roasting club, they have or are losing control also, that is both the good news and the bad news, as their best made plans fail, they are looking to take control through ruthless power, to crush any desent, by whatever means and under whatever guise. And they will make deal with the devil or whoever that will help them. They are going to play bothsides against the middle, they have dome this before, they always do. So what makes me say that their conspiracy/ plans/ predictions are failing, stay tuned I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 19 SEPTEMBER 2022

Sunday, September 18, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 193 A I know that I am lying when I imply that these are just "random thoughts" not connected in anyway. I spend most of days looking for my brains that keep wandering off, I am typical of those that can drive 20, 30 minutes and the wonder how they got there, "God watches over fools and babies" (yes I know it is not in the scriptures). Anyway, over the past 20 years I have written on many topics, psychology, economics, banking, bailouts, sexual freedoms, education, and more. Most of the time, my writings have not been "conventional wisdom" but totally the opposite, I have tried to show the falsehoods in what we are told, and falsehoods in what we say we believe. We lie to ourselves, we lie so much that we even change our personna to fit our own narratives. We are always pretending to be and act like something that we are not, no wonder so many of us have "personality disorders", so much so that we need therapy, actually we need someone to reassure us that we are not as bad as we really are. Yes it is cruel of me to say that, yes it is okay to think I am out of bounds, bear with me, please. Okay so I will work this backwards so as not to upset you, we will take about persons later. We all believe that we are the subjects of a conspiracy, NWO, WEF, Agenda ----, population control, G-5, HAARP and many more, that there are UFOs waiting to invade, that storms and fires, droughts and hurricanes are all results of conspiracies. Whatever gets your goat, have fun. The real conspiracy is, and it is not a conspiracy, that we believe that we can save the planet by "renewable energy", the fact is that we are killing ourselves and the planet through consumption. We are either running out of resources or destroying what we have, which either way will lead to death, starvation and reduction of population. BUT I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 18 SEPTEMBER 2022

Saturday, September 17, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS K 2 So last night I wrote about "choices" as to what we choose to belive in, facts or not. I has also posted about a company making a battery operated plane, today I made a post about dreams, real or not. Funny that the discussion on each post, somehow, got turned into discussion of some conspiracies, population control, Agenda 2030, NWO, WEF and so on. Stop please, we need to clear our heads. A conspiracy, by definition, is a secret plan, none of this is a secret, it never has been, the plans are in the open, and we'll defined, if it surprises you, you have been sleeping. I had to explain I'm my comments on a post that George H. W. Stated at the UN that we were under the NWO, World Economic Forum has meetings all over, in different places, they are announced and thousands go there. Just because someone mentioned it on their channel or their program doesn't make them a prophet. Get serious. Who is actually taking these "cabals" on, and how? What senator, what governor, what cabinet member is standing in front and calling them out, exposing their aims, doing something about it, name one, and tell me what they did? I can be proud that I can name all these forms, groups, and societies and their members even, and then what? I also asked a simple question, if you are saving (hoarding) currency then what currency are you hoarding, since if the "cabal" or the government is overthrown that money becomes worthless as the new regime will issue its own currency. If you are buying gold and silver, the new government will need it to finance itself. When the USA was established, we had land we took from the natives and the government either sold the land or people mined the land, neither is an option now, as the land is already distributed. So what does a new government do, it takes the property from its owners and uses it as she sees fit, you understand that, right!! Well that will not be a great sacrifice as you will have won your "freedom". Which brings me to the point my post, "Are you awake, when you are dreaming"? I know this is short, I usually don't wrote on Friday nights for personal reasons, but let you look at it and ponder a while. Thanks for your time. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 17 SEPTEMBER 2022

Friday, September 16, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS K 1 Welcome to all those that have followed my "personal blog", Thank you. If you are new, I post something here on most days, I pin that post, till I write a new one, last few months I have also posted the link to the previous post in the comments. I welcome any and all criticism, comments and questions, and try to answer as many as I can, I am busy, but I have time. There arr two thoughts, and I always have more than one thought, sometimes many, as I tried to explain in the two previous posts. We think that we think for ourselves but we don't. And I can prove it to you all day. But that is not what I wanted to talk about tonight. But I will, sort of. We reject or accept ideas not only in what context they are presented but also by whom, if you don't like someone, for whatever reason, it is more difficult to accept their point of view, no matter how valid. Let's say you go to a car dealer and you see a car that you like, and you are getting a fair deal, it is more than likely that you will at least have some reservations if you don't like the salesman. It is difficult for us to see and evaluate an idea just on its own merits. We have seen this in discussions about "yoga" in schools, and we saw this when some people tried to post banners of " in God we trust" in Arabic. We have also seen people go against using the "Arabic" numerals. An idea should be accepted on its own merits and not the source, if we are honest. But our honesty is so limited that we can not, and we do not. Somethings in life are just simple, plain meaningless, and without reason, accept that. I have a post, a quote from Carl Sagan "nothing disturbs me more than the glorification of stupidity", the idea itself is not that unique, many people have said the same about our culture today, and it is true, yet people have commented about him being an atheist, or pointed out that the party that they oppose is full of idiots, well have fun, is all I can say. Our thought process is manipulated, I posted an item where a Disney employee was among 160 people arrested in a sex trafficking sting, many commented about that single Disney employee and nothing about the other 159, why? Were you really being fair? Then there were headlines about pillow guy having his phone taken at a Hardee's and Hardee's took the center stage, similarly an item about an employee of Chick-fil-A helping a car jacking victim and Chick-fil-A became the center of discussion for many. How do we perceive reality, really? We forget what is real, we ignore what is good, we are side tracked by the source and don't pay attention to the facts. What is of benefit here, what are we gathering? What do we put in our heads? Once again , I am not religious or claim to be pious, I have plenty of faults and shortcomings, but I am careful as to what goes in my head, MATTHEW 7:16 says You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? Should we learn to tell figs from the thistles? Or should we allow our minds to be so easily manipulated? And then the admonishment, Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 16 SEPTEMBER 2022

Thursday, September 15, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS J 2 Should we really think about many things, yes, but that will also require us learn about many things. It is said that while we sleep, our brain connects various things together and tries to make sense of the "jumble", but, then again we must allow "many things to enter our brain, and "making sense" will depend upon what we do allow our brains to gather. Otherwise as the old computer adage goes, "GIGO", garbage in garbage out, we must control what gets in our heads. And if that input is not monitored we could end up in serious trouble. The thought occurred to me, if we take a box and place two marbles inside, there are two things that we will discover, 1st there is only one possible connection between the two marbles , and 2nd that if we shake the box we can make a lot of noise. Now if we were to place say a hundred marbles in same box, the box will actually make less noise if shaken, and there will be a million possible ways to go from one marble to another, going thru the other marbles. More information making it possible not only to see the connections between "items", but seeing how the information relates. If we do not know this and understand that the price of Tucker Carlson's Sara Lee chicken dinner is affected both by the number of illegal aliens and the war in Ukraine we shouldn't be talking about the economy and the money. And the cost of diesel will go higher (possibly) this winter because the Russians have cut the supply of natural gas to Europe. But we do like to talk, and we do have "are own" "pinions" . I am not making light of anyone in particular, we generally talk about things with little understanding. We have professional "therapists", that know little about life, and lawyers and judges and the police, that don't know the laws. And it is the same in many professions. We have Yale and Harvard graduates that don't know the Constitution and members of Congress that could care less about what their job is. Well , I got badly distracted I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 15 SEPTEMBER 2022

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS J1 I have had an interesting life, no, I am not going to bore you, or brag to you, I am just that. I have always been busy, mostly, but my mind has a mind of its own, usually thinking on twenty different things that I have come across, per chance or by study, I have had days and weeks of being busy without practically doing nothing at all. It gives you time to "contemplate". Contemplate is a big word, and contemplating is harder than you think. You try to focus, you try hard and the harder to try the less focused everything becomes. Think about it. Now if you dare go back to my writings over the last four, five years, you will find out more. Obviously you and I are not here to talk about that. I posted and article about the economy below, and I posted a link to my blog page from ten years ago, read both, read the two and see what has changed, actually nothing. We are deeper in debt and thus we have further to fall, you are welcome. We always congratulate ourselves as to how we are the richest country, we are this and we are that. I sorta let you know that I am not too bad off financially, unless the proverbial "excrement meet the rotating blades". ( I am more careful about my language now than I used to be). A Many today think they are well off, they have saved, they have assets, blah blah, still hard the people have no savings at all, I was reading an article, how to sell your "assets" to finance your retirement, of course you can get a reverse mortgage on your house, move to an apartment and such so when you die you leave nothing ( but you better vote against the estate tax if you want to go to heaven because the #Republicans are against the estate tax, you have zero assets but you are against the "carried interest tax", and such other taxes that will only apply to multi millionaires. But that is not news, we are accustomed to believing in lies, we are in a habit of agreeing with things we have no clue about, we are simple, we are easily fooled. Don't we belive that sending kids to school gets them educated, without parents being involved, even in their kids life when at home, let alone at school. Don't we also believe that having kids is more important than making sure that the kid will have food, and love and a home. Don't we believe that everything good is our work and everything wrong is the government's fault. We could go on though. BTW the government is trillions in debt, how much of that money is in your pocket? We should really be thinking about many things. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 14 SEPTEMBER 2022

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 192 B Fact are just facts, but reality is based on our perceptions. To misquote and to mis paraphrase Detective Carter from "Rush hour", we neither know nor understand the words that are coming out of our own mouths. We talk, endlessly, saying words that won't make sense to ourselves if we were actually paying attention, what is an "authentic self", please explain, someone, if I wish to rob banks, fight people , join a gang, commit murder, scam people, defraud people, because that is what I really want to do, am I being authentic or should I just lie to myself and have an inauthentic existence? Complicated, isn't it? And what I claim to be religious yet I want to be hateful, or commit adultery, or perjury, or something worse then what? Can I? We confuse ourselves with meaningless definitions, we try to pigeonhole people and life itself. If use definition to define "others", yet dislike ourselves being defined or pigeonholed. It is why I like to keep an open mind, we judge others but desire never to be judged, we like to brand others and don't want to be branded. But yes, in life we are judged by others, and we judge others too, so no, no name calling, no branding, no judging, if we wish to solve problems of life and advance. Yet we must first advance our own selves, we must grow and mature. For the last fifty plus years we have been lied to, constantly, to the point that we don't even know that we are being tricked, left, right and center, we have fallen behind in every possible matrix, education, healthcare, retirement, living standards, we are poorer than we were fifty years ago, yet we think we are better off, yes maybe, in some immediate self gratification measures , but not overall. We think we are environmentalists, yet we buy water in bottles for $2 and more per litre, we waste 40 percent of our food, we drive our SUVs everywhere. We order food to be delivered of which we only consume little. We say we are conservative, yet we have affairs, we divorce frequently, we look down on the weak and helpless, we wish to impose our ideologies, that we don't even follow on others. If you listen to those that say that "They" should get better skills, that "They" should work harder, that "They" should do something different, then have you asked what if "They" did, who will work at "Dollar General", who will cut your grass, who will work at the "Wal-Mart" distribution center, or drive the UPS trucks? Talk is cheap, real world is not. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 13 SEPTEMBER 2022

Monday, September 12, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 192 A Let's talk, to eachother, like grown people, and not like two 8 or ten year olds complaining to mama, that is not who we are no matter how our "leaders" treat us or want us to behave. Pretty sure a few of you may be already upset that I am the one that is treating you all like kids, but if the shoe fits! Yes there are problems in society, serious problems, but what politicians have honestly dealt with the issues. For how long we have been promised things that never get delivered, we are offered "solutions" but there are no results. And yet we are happy, I have no idea why, and as to how, may be I am too old to fall for this claptrap, or to smart to believe in "Santa Cluase", I don't want words I want results, I know what a pile of crap looks like, and I am not even impressed. There are a few things to keep in mind, too much of a good thing is as bad or sometimes even worse than none at all. Too much liberalism or too much conservatism is also the same way. Enumerating problems without offering any realistic and practicable solutions is worse than not doing anything. Talk is cheap. Even the scriptures demand action, we forget to demand actions and then forget to ask for the results, our politicians know we are just as full of it as they are, and thus here we are. There are no simple problems and there are no simple solutions unless you yourself are just "simple". As long as you and I are busy pointing fingers we will never solve any problems, and if we don't demand proven and provable solutions , and results, we will just be spinning wheels, and we will stay stuck in the muck. So let's talk, as Americans, as grown-ups even, I WILL WRITE MORE SOON REAL SOON And will post the link to the next part in comments M.N.R. 12 SEPTEMBER 2022

Sunday, September 11, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS I 2 The post last night was well received, thank you all who took time to read it and more so for your comments. I also made two post today about the difference between a discussion and an argument, and like I said, many people like tonstart an argument only to gain the satisfaction of having won, no matter how nonsensical the whole exercise. I have said many times that at the national politics level there is no difference between the two parties, both are beholden to the corporations and the banks, and they win no matter which side comes on top, it is the workers that lose. Giving extra monet to the workers and the poor? The money still goes to the bottom line of their ledger, we are just the conduits. Tax cuts let them keep more of it and faster, how fast is the difference. There are a few partisans that refuse to see any thing, whatever the point of discussion, they always have the same one line answer, it is all Trump' fault or it is all Biden's fault. We are being played. Some do try to quote scriptures as if that gives more credence to their side. I can also quote scriptures all day, but if I am wrong I am still wrong. I still study subjects, I study issues and problems, I follow the national and international news and events, and I see the realations. Proverbs 1:5 KJV “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:” When we live out in the world, when we deal with the world, we must learn. Yes we want power, at all cost, but do we even realize that the power that we want will actually be wielded by others to oppress us only, and by then it will be too late to take it back. There is no power that you and I can win for ourselves, when we must still work for someone else, or be obligated to someone even for a place to live, for food to eat and more. What is the possibility that we all could be anywhere close to equal and equally powerful. Were we not told to live a good clean life, to give up greed and gluttony and be nice to others and take care of eachother. Or did we forget. 1 Corinthians 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So how do we "put on incorruption" when we have ulterior motives, when we twist the "words" to fit our desires, and make excuses for our short comings and failures. Is it always better to win even if we don't follow the rules? Matthew 10:26 King James Version Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. Maybe it is time to rethink before too late I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 11 SEPTEMBER 2022

Saturday, September 10, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE RANDOM THOUGHTS I 1 I just checked, the page has 5044 followers, it was created on 27 September 2018, not bad, I hadn't expected this. Thank you all of you. This page is not to make money, I don't need the money, if you wish to donate to your favorite charity. Please do so, or have a beer or a few. As it says, it is my personal blog, things that I find of interest, I share here, I also write a few tines a week, more or less, what I am thinking, things don't bother me, I like ideas, I like thoughts, I like to hear your thoughts and ideas, olease make them relative and interesting. I don't expect you to with everything I post or I write. Please comment. The country needs our helpful ideas, our "leaders" need to hear from us, and we need to talk to eachother also. There is no room for finger pointing, back biting and believing that anyone of us superior to others. We are all in this together. Name-calling only stops an exchange of idea, if you are married or have ever been in a relationship you know what I am saying. Nothing here is directed at anyone, don't take a news article or a post personal, no one is so important that the world is for or against them, world is random and stuff happens, daily. Thank you again for being here, let's keep talking More to follow soon M. N. R. 10 SEPTEMBER 2022

Friday, September 09, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 191 B Well at least this much is not news, I have told you for years that I am not a "fan" of anyone, no movie stars, no sigers, bands, politicians, not even philosophers. There are many many people that I like, but I can do with them and I can do without, I can listen to a song and love it and also not care about who sang it. I like philosophies, not philosophers, I like policies and not the politicians, that is true independence to me. When you become a fan you give up your own personality, your persona, your thoughts and your freedom. Think about that. I can love a movie and not care about who played what part. What is the 1st of the 10 Commandments anyway, what does it even mean, do we understand, do we follow? I could see a random person not seeing this as a problem, but what if one claims to be "moral", really, we can never place so much faith in a person. Nor should we, ever. And it is not just about being a fan, we lose our minds, we lose our freedom of thought, we lose perspective, we know about the jugaloos, the deadheads, the groupies, and we forget about the followers of David Koresh, and the Jim Jones, we lose our heads, the queen is dead. There was a big deal being made about a rainbow, what the heck? This 21st century, grow up. I am sure she was fine lady, ( actually not though, but we can discuss that later). Are we so starving for attention that we will.make a scene just to fit in, yes we will. We are Americans, we dumped the Brits 246 years ago, we are free, we are on our own, have been, for centuries, enjoy your freedom. I'll probably talk about monarchy again sometime, but It doesn't really matter if you are a person of faith or not, humans are supposed to love their freedom and independence, being a fan or a follower of anyone devalues us. Going back to the 1st Commandment, we cannot elevate someone to a godlike status, period, and call ourself free. We can not even love someone so much that our life "depends" on them. Humans are subject to flaws and shortcomings, we set ourselves up for disappointment if we do. The whole idea of monarchy is against freedom of a person. As we know the citizens of a monarchy are called "subjects" not people, subjects. So it is big nono from me. Earlier today I posted a verse, 1 Samuel 8: 6, but read 5-7, where as God is offended that people want a king other than God, so if I were to be a true believer, I would be rejecting my faith. And like "Meatloaf " said, I'll do anything for love, but I won't do that. Would you? I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 09 SEPTEMBER 2022

Thursday, September 08, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 191 A Well, so far I did survive my stress test, I didn't have a seizure or a stroke, so that is a good thing, I suppose the doctor will look at the report and call me in a few days. Life is strange, regardless of what the corporations tell us, want us to believe, we get old, older, everyday. We spend most of our time wanting to get "older" ( as in to continue living), without getting older. Right. Young people in the teens think that people in their 20s are older, in 20s we think of 30s as older and so on. We spend most of our lives as "old" people, if we live long enough. As the Eminem song says "I love the way you lie", and there is no better lie we wish to hear than , "you are not old". Well, I am old! And I love it, I wouldn't have leaned as much by dying early/ier. Not trying to be cute here. I am still learning, everyday, and thinking, new things and old things, lessons I learned, and things I didn't learn a very long ago when I had a chance, but didn't. I am not as lucky as so many us are that know everything and have a solution to every single problem, in most cases it is just that "one thing". One and the same! When someone is selected as a guard for " the Tomb of the Unknown " they sign up to a code of conduct, it is for the rest of their life, the Mafia has code, so do the gangs, and there is a code of conduct for a soldier and an officer, you follow that code, in every and all situations, always. A month or so ago, I wrote what are your beliefs, what code do you follow, are you true to that code at all times or do you make exceptions? We always fall short, most of us do. We make excuses. It is not new with me, many years ago I stated, we need "boundaries of character" what is acceptable and it should apply to everyone, at all times and without exceptions. No society can function without such boundaries. Yet we expect all others to have boundaries but not us. Look around, this is why we are failing, we swear while we have our fingers crossed behind our backs. We are failing. We don't keep our word but we want others to be honest, and fair and just. So what is your standard, are you true I'm your words and deeds or do you just want others to do what you are not willing to do yourself. It is really not that complicated, 2 Timothy 2:11-12 The saying is trustworthy, for: If we have died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us The words alone are not enough, righteousness is not proved by words but by acts,, but you always knew that I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 08 SEPTEMBER 2022

Tuesday, September 06, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 190 B And just like that, the labor day 2022 is over, I am glad you survived it, whether you are anti labor or someone that is used being called a Communist. It doesn't really matter, in the great scheme of things, everything thing is a waste. But we don't like to admit to it. We like to think that we matter, we like to believe that we are important, and what we do makes a difference. It is a human fallacy, but we like it. Have you ever argued with a 13 year old, tried to tell someone that they are doing something wrong, tried to argue with a person that has been diagnosed with a mental illness, it is the same really, it always the same. One cannot argue or reason with a person that already knows everything, someone that is convinced that they are absolutely right and everyone else is wrong. One has to really know a lot to know that they know little, it is something even the ancient philosophers had noted. But rest assured, today there are plenty of self acknowledged "smart" people that also claim to know everything. It must be close to the end times. We go along merrily, we argue about the CRT, the BLM, the tax cuts for the rich or the student loan forgiveness, like these are the most important issues of today. Meanwhile we are facing critical food shortages, and housing shortages, the deficit spending that is put of control, the drug problem that is taking over whole communities and small towns in many if not most of the states, actually all of them, we are facing pollution, lack of clean water and the oceans that are dying. The problem is the world over, and there are few governments actually that are even doing anything at all to change the course. We are still spending, and consuming as if there is no tomorrow, and in fact there many not be too many tomorrows left. I was talking about psychology last night and how it is used by the people in power ( of all manner), it is not that you are a liberal or a conservative, capitalist or a socialist, no matter who you are you have been programmed to believe that you know everything, that you don't need to listen to anyone else, you don't have to agree with anyone else. And you truly have bought into it. You have total faith in your knowledge, you are always right, because you have been told, every day and every night you listen to some that reaffirms your thoughts, reaffirms your prejudices, and you are more certain than ever. Like Limbaugh used to tell his listeners, " Don't doubt me, folks", we have no doubt that we are right, we are always right, no doubt! I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 06 SEPTEMBER 2022

Monday, September 05, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 190 A Well, it is Labor day, unusually late this year, here it is 5th of the month already. I didn't write last few days, had the grand kids home for the weekend, three year old and 4 month old, how blessed I am to have lived long enough to see them. If you have been reading what I write, I said this much a few times, I have been interested in Psychology for a very long time, even though I didn't get my Master's till I was 38 years old. Anyway, in 1984 I picked up a copy of "Dianetics" by L. Ron Hubbard, you know the basic book of Scientology, I read it cover to cover, and read how one can become "clear" and can become OT. Funny that Scientologists are famously against psychology and I saw how it was all related to psychology, to "confessionals" and to biofeedback, and to some or a large extent to even "lie detection. I will talk about it more in the next chapter. We know how applied psychology is used today, just depends who is using it and for what purpose. I mentioned it earlier that people use certain terms without even realizing that they are revealing their own self and their own motives. And this why one should not be using these terms because they only give themselves away without meaning to. Psychology today is used for marketing, we know that, it is used by politicians to sway your opinion, it is used by casinos, by pimps and even preachers, really. You should be aware. In most cases it is used to harm yourself. But here we are, you can not be on line with seeing offers of "counseling" and therapy, then there are selfhelp books, and self development programs, programs to teach you how to raise kids, and how to mange money, and how to stop self harm, and how to get in a relationship and how to get out of a relationship. How to make someone love you and how to stop loving someone. We have lost it, after thousands of years of existence we forgot how to be and how to live. We all self assured, we are self reliant and we don't even know how to be, welcome to the 21st century. But it is Labor day, we are hard working Americans who have no idea what "work" means, we have know idea how to provide service in a service economy, we have no idea how our workers live, and what it will take for our workers to "make a living", not be happy, just to be fed and clothed, have transportation to work and have health care if they get sick. The workers don't want to work and the bosses don't want to pay. There used to be an old joke we told about the Soviet Union, where workers pretended to work and the bosses pretended to pay, that is what America looks like today. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 05 SEPTEMBER 2022

Thursday, September 01, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 189 B Think of this as a letter, lately I have been placing a link to my last post a comment, so if you like to read more, you can click the link in the comments, and again at the link in the comments of that post and keep going back. Thank you, and most definitely to the hundred plus that have joined the page within the last week, and especially extra thanks to those that have shared the page or the posts from here, let's keep talking. Yes I post different things, some of my posts are inane, some are irreverent, some meaningful, some not, just to keep the page interesting. But if you are so proud of yourself that you believe you can't be wrong, you are "never" wrong, then I hate to break it to you , you are already wrong, it even says so in the scriptures, if you happen to be a person of faith. In my writings I have used the example of a brain in a jar, where the brain has a story, and the brain has a memory, but the brain doesn't know that it is in a jar, how will it know? Last time I used the example of a puppet, how will a puppet know that it is not real, that it is being used by the puppeteer, that all its actions and reactions are being controlled. Give it a serious thought, if you will. I will write more about this again, later. But for tonight, consider this, our country is going down the same path, politically as Pakistan, Brazil, Mexico or the Philippines and such. No one has any faith in the government, the institutions, (congress, executive or Justice), everywhere people are divided, parties are refusing to accept results of their elections, parties in power are demonizing the opposition and the opposition is demonizing those that are power, police are out of control as are the people, crime and drug use are rampant , please look around and pay attention, no one wants or supports a democracy, everyone is trying to take power and control, it is not just the future of freedom that is in jeopardy, it is the future of humanity. And there is no way out, not unless we , the people, wake up and realize that those we think are taking care of us are nothing but thieves and conmen, the "Pied Pipers" taking us to the river. Think about it, let's talk, and keep it logical, and civil, no name calling, no finger pointing, it for our grandkids, okay. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 01 SEPTEMBER 2022