Wednesday, June 10, 2009




I keep hoping still, I don't pray for prayers don't work, I hope, I hope that the country and the humanity will wake up soon to the disaster that is about to befall most of us.

I have used examples before, told stories, the Bible speaks of the parables within it, and the Quran says, "tilk al-amsalu nadribuha lil nass fa lalahum yakeeloon", these examples we give so the people may become informed.

And I tell you stories too. Over time, I have used the stories of the "Pied Piper", "Of Mice and Men", "The Sherek", "It Can't Happen Here", "Alice in Wonderland" and others, I have used songs, and poems, to get peoples attention, and yours, I have succeeded in alienating many, all with the purpose and the goal to show you the reality as it is. Not many are interested, as the numbers below remind me every day, no one cares to know the truth.

A"Reality Show" by definition is a falsehood, we know that any person or a group will behave in an unnatural way when it knows it is being observed. But we "accept" it as "real" or a true representation of reality. I have no problem with reality shows per se, be it WWE, Survior or "the whores with real money (also promoted as "the Real Housewives of ----------" or "The Hills", The Simpson Girls, The Hulk Hogan Family, the Osbornes to name just a few except that consumers of such fare on TV have an altered sense of reality.

Then we have the millions who spend hours and days on the "Facebook",( I have a page), the twitter, or whatever the rage of the day is, if not abusing themselves otherwise,on the cell phone or the internet, that is.

We all have an altered sense of reality, we have submitted our selves to brain washing, the following commercial is actually true, the irony is that we think of it is as a joke

Years ago I had mentioned that the US is being destroyed internally, and whether you are liberal or conservative, the government is Democrats or Republicans, then end results of the policies and opinions is the same, and always damaging to the country.

So you say you are different, let me show you how you are not, first think of this, Republicans are for balanced budgets and the Democrats are for spending and taxes, right? Now look closer, it was under Mr. Reagan and with his tax cuts that the budget deficits started to bloom, budget was balanced under Clinton who got "lucky" with the boom created by the inception of the internet, Bush W. got us back on the track of becoming broke, any one trying to explain this away is only more full of shit than you are.

Many conservatives speak bad of our foreign involvement, evils of free trade and are anti globalists, but so are many liberal against the free trade and enslaving of cheap and child labor in distant countries. Here is an eye opener for the conservatives then


The role of international organizations in the governance of national economies is attracting increasing attention by economic sociologists. This paper examines the histories of two international organizations widely seen as influential in economic governance: the GATT (later WTO) and the IMF. We show that these organizations have become much more important sources of governance than they were several decades ago. Although both institutions originated in the 1940s, both subsequently experienced significant jurisdictional expansions, allowing them to set a larger number of rules over a much wider set of national economic policies. We trace the transformation of these organizations to a common “critical juncture” in the 1980s, when the Reagan administration embarked on a project of international institutional renewal and reform deliberately aimed at spreading the “magic of the marketplace” around the world and renewing America’s economic leadership. Although leading in the same general direction, this project of reform played out differently in the two institutions, reflecting distinct institutional logics, and varying responsiveness to domestic and international politics.

Today we are left to gimmicks and finger pointing, as the US economy descends into an abyss, social- security and health care are broke education is marginal at best, due to out sourcing of jobs which causes lower wages and lack of benefits, and we have a "work force" that is basically lazy, ill educated and unprepared, and a consumption based economy in which today people have already blown their wad, we talk about the wind mills, and computerized health care records as the solutions, and what is worst the people buy this crap.

And why not, as the technology has advanced, we are the least prepared "advanced" nation for it, mostly mentally. While education was being demeaned and ridiculed in the pop culture, ( W e Don't need No Education), we handed over the education to some of the worst shmucks , from educators to the administrators.


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