(Note: I know it takes me a while to get to the point of the title but you will see why)
You would tell me that the government is against crime, that everyday new laws are passed to protect the citizens of the United States to make us safer. Well don't we have laws against drunk driving, for wearing seat belts, against using cell phones while driving, heck we even have laws against using, selling and possessing sex toys,
It is all to protect you and keep you safer of course! mostly from your own self.
We of course have laws against drugs, your thirteen year old daughter can b e legally strip searched at school if she is suspected of carrying a midol, so long as they can say there was probable cause, of course probable cause is left to the s\discreation of the police/ school authority.
Reading the decision, the court does not say that the search itself was illegal, but that the school did not have probable cause in the particular case.
"What was missing from the suspected facts that pointed to Savana was any indication of danger to the students from the power of the drugs or their quantity, and any reason to suppose that Savana was carrying pills in her underwear," Justice David Souter wrote in Thursday's majority opinion.
And again please read this carefully ,""
In a dissent, Justice Clarence Thomas said the search had been legal and the court previously had given school officials "considerable leeway" under the Fourth Amendment in school settings.
In this case, officials had searched the girl's backpack and found nothing, Thomas said. "It was eminently reasonable to conclude the backpack was empty because Redding was secreting the pills in a place she thought no one would look," he said.
Thomas warned that the majority's decision could backfire. "Redding would not have been the first person to conceal pills in her undergarments," he said. "Nor will she be the last after today's decision, which announces the safest place to secrete contraband in school."
The court also ruled the middle school officials could not be held liable in a lawsuit for the search. """If you think that an authority will not find a probable cause easy enough to find you don't know the meaning of the abuse of power.
Case in point, say you are at a park sitting reading a book and police stops by and asks you to identify your self, the Supreme court of the US says that you must,,
These may be the extreme examples of the police powers in this country, but this is only the start, do you know how many different types of police agencies there are in this country. I am not talking about the store security at Wal-mart, (they have the power to make citizens arrests any way and most stores do hire the local ""off -duty" police ( talk about an inside track). I thought about counting the layers of police authorities in this country.
Local police and detectives
State police
State troopers
State Bureau of Investigations
Tax collectors,
code enforcers
Game Wardens
National Guard
Federal Marshall's
Coast Guard
Military services with their own police, security, investigation services
Homeland security
this list probably represents only just the half of the police power available in this country, wonder what police state looks like.
Mind you I have discussed the role of poverty, broken families, lack of character boundaries, lack of morality, a society where anything goes, and more elsewhere in my blogs for years,
today here I wish to speak to the role of the police powers in creation of crimes that terrorize the populace.
a paragraph from the above article states
"But the recommendations could pose a challenge for wardens who already battle crowding. Corrections officers, who according to inmate surveys commit a significant percentage of inmate assaults, also may protest more oversight."
It is hard to overestimate the power of fear, it is even harder to overestimate fear of the crime on the public's mind. When gangs roam free in the streets, when drug trade is conducted in the streets with thugs intimidating the populace with their brashness and weaponry, when witnesses are intimidated without fear of apprehension or consequence then what is the public but terrorized. But where are the police and what protection do they offer.
What do we get for our tax dollars, the protection money that we pay the governments at all levels, city, county , state and federal. Our government has eyes in the sky, everywhere there are cameras, satellites, listening devices, sniffing dogs, and much more. But the drugs come through our borders and are transported all over the country by "hapless" couriers. Deals are made on street corners, in motel rooms and high dollar penthouses, by cell phones and the inter net. Monies are transferred by the millions and billions.
Then there is the "illegal' weapons, traded over the world, bombs and bazookas, missiles and cannons, even air planes.
Trading of flesh is even scarier, kidnappings for not only for money but for sale of organs and sex, all of it not only happening in third world countries but right here, not in our back yards but in our collective face.
So one must ask what is the government doing, why is M 13 gang or any gang so powerful that we can not take care of them, how do we not know who the professional criminals are why they are not rotting in prison. Why are our streets dangerous and criminals so powerful. Or is the government nothing more than a protection racket where the rich can feel safe and the poor and the working classes are scared. .
Think of this, when was the last time (can't count Mt, Carmel fiasco, but may be the Wounded Knee) you heard of the police (of any kind) being in a shoot out with the gangs or the drug smugglers or even a "radical group", if the police are ever attacked, it is commonly a lone schmuck that wants to get killed. There are no SLA or Black Panthers, yet every local police department worth its salt has SWAT teams and automatic weapons and more and more are demanding the same if not more. Oh it is only for "your" protection, is it not? If crime pays, it pays handsomely for the police.
Again, we have exorbitant court cost fees tacked on to the ordinary traffic violations, and the police are encouraged to confiscate your personal property under any false pretense the may come up with, pray tell me what is terrorism, pray tell me if you really feel safer.
Wikipedia defines terror as such
Terror is an overwhelming sense of imminent danger. It is shock, horror and/or fear so intense that it elicits an acute stress reaction and a combat, faint or escape response in place of rational thinking. In relationship to terrorism, the provocateur aims to elicit terror for the purpose of using the three responses of combat, faint or escape to his advantage.
So then it follows that is not just the ordinary street crime we should be talking about,
take look at the economy of this country, the banking system, the health care, the global warming, the war on drugs, the war on terror, all designed to terrorize you in to submission. All designed to scare you in to giving up your rights, and to taking away your rights