Thursday, May 24, 2007


sadly there is no recent record of the Muslims, keeping their treaties or abiding there promises, only thing for sure is that Iraq will be a bloody mess and will keep getting bloodier whether we stay in or we don't, look at the agreement between Fatah and Hamas that they signed in Mecca, how long did that last? the crap that Bush has started will go on for along long time, look at the Turks looking for an excuse to attack the Kurds, what these people need is some one with a bigger stick than what Bush has got, the only reason that the Saudis want us out of Iraq is that the are scared that the terrorists keep threatening their ability to keep stealing , more at my blog

Wednesday, May 23, 2007



Life is a game of connect-a-dot, if you don’t connect all the dots, then you are missing the point.

We, the humans, have developed societies over the thousands of years of evolution. As we have evolved, the societies have become more and more complex. But the fact remains that all the aspects of our societies remain inter related.

Laws, norms, boundaries, religion even God himself were created to set the limits of acceptable human behavior. So what happens when we want the world wide society to become a consumer society and to set aside the limits that we have created over the millennia to keep the mankind going and to flourish.

Why is it then that even with all the technological and scientific advances the future of mankind seems more bleak than ever, why we are still waiting for a knight in shining armor, a messiah if you will, to show up and save us from our own selves. Why is it that more and more people are waiting for, and look forward to, the end of times? Haven’t we learnt anything?

A God, A Messiah or even a knight on white steed is not coming, nope, it is up to us, the humans, to look out for our own selves and our future. And what our future will be can be easily discerned from our actions today. Prophets and visionaries were no more than people who thought long and hard about the future and “saw” what the end of the world would be like if the people did not change their ways. The end of times has been predicted for thousands of years and the only reason we have avoided this end is that for while we DID change our manner of doing things. Today as people of religion predict the end of times, and others that espouse the conspiracy theories are united in only this cone conclusion that things can not go on the way they are going without massive consequences for us that are living now and for the future.

Some thing is wrong, many things are wrong in the ways that we do things today, but the people do not want to know, and the leaders are happy not to tell.
A thousand years ago God would have sent prophets to warn us, to day we may just get another Stalin, or Mao or even a new Saddam to tell us what to do when to do it, how to sit up and how to get down since mankind with all the new freedoms, all the new prosperities and education and sciences want to act stupid and irresponsible.

It hard for people to see, for instance that

The Iraq war is boosting the American economy, it may have even been started to keep the United States out of a severe recession
That buying stuff made in China increases the price of gas

That increased trade with India is also the cause of increase in the numbers of teen age prostitutes there

That more we pay per barrel of oil the more the Islamic terrorism is increased

That in a society, the more the standard of living for some increases, the more the poor are made poorer (we live in a global society today so you may not see the poverty increase in your own neighborhood, but is coming)

And now for some real good ones

When the mother/father of a young daughter is dating, the daughter will soon lose her virginity

If a man is making out with you in front of your daughter, he will also make out with your daughter

If your relationship is solely based on sex, you are fucked

If you married a slut, he /she is still a slut after marriage

Consumerism and morality can not co exist

More than anything else, Disney/ ABC and Universal / Nickelodeon promote ignorance, dislike of education, abuse and disrespect for parents and teachers, early sexuality and child pornography

Friday, May 18, 2007



The United States congress has passed a draft agreement in the matter of the so called immigration reform.

This bill is a Trojan horse, as I have said before, for years that the plan is to make the USA and Mexico one country, once these people are legalized and are able to bring in their relatives, the Mexican -American electoral power will be such that no politician will be able to oppose them, and the Mexican Americans will be able to make laws doing away with the borders and that will be that.

Those of you who have not read my letters to the president, copied here previously, should know that in March 2005 I was interviewed on our local talk radio, on the “Talk of the Wiregrass”. On that show I stated that “the United States and Mexico are practically one country, the borders are there only to keep the fools thinking otherwise. With this new amnesty ”Immigration reform bill” my statement is more true than ever. Only thing that the president and the congress need to do now is to tell the American public as to let us know when we MUST start taking the Spanish in school, as a part of no child left behind, since we will need to learn Spanish to get any new job where we have to deal with public.

In any case, legalizing more than ten million Mexicans already here, and then allowing them to bring in their relatives, will in short order turn half the Mexican population in to US nationals, then why would you need a border or border controls to keep the other half out?

What will that do to the living standards of the poor who will have new competition for the jobs? What about the laws against rape which is mostly never prosecuted in Mexico? What about incest that is not a crime there, or almost, would you have a third of the population under different laws and standards? Or will this new population will force the laws to be changed? They surely will have the numbers to politically make these changes? Will schools all over the country start teaching Spanish or will we have a dual school system one for English and one for Spanish. This all not as cute as “Born in the East LA”.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Stop Anti-Peace Moves, Olmert Told

this from the on line ARAB NEWS
"Abdul Jalil Mustafa, Arab News

AMMAN, 16 May 2007 — Jordan’s King Abdallah met yesterday with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and urged him to end measures that jeopardize peace in the region. In talks in the ancient city of Petra, the king cited the building of settlements and excavations at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque compound as some of the irritants that came in the way of building lasting peace, an official royal court statement said.

The meeting took place on the sidelines of a conference of Nobel laureates.

Referring to reports that Israel was planning the construction of 20,000 housing units in Jerusalem, the king said that “Jordan rejects such measures because they represent a flagrant violation of the rights of Palestinians and Arabs in the holy city and will not help efforts to push the peace process forward”."

It is ironic that the king Abdullah of Jordan advises the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to stop interefering with the peace process, where is there that peace in the Middle East, what are Palestinians doing in the "Free Zones"? I would say that the Palestinians in the occupied areas are more free and safe as opposed to the ones in the ares controlled by the Hamas and the Al-Fateh. I know sometimes the truth is bitter, but unless and until the Muslims around the world and the muslims that run this publication are willing to face the truth, and the whole truth, unless the Muslims are able to stand up for the "truth and justice for all", they will keep getting their butts kicked. Right now there is no peace in Algeria, in Sudan, in Iraq, in Pakistan, in Afghanistan and among the Palestinians themselves. The last peace agreement among the Palestinians has broken down in less than two months.In this light the request of the king is laughable, and the king and Olmert both know this

Friday, May 04, 2007




Once again the humanity has problems that are being ignored, and not because the solutions are not there, but that we don’t want a discussion of these for that the solutions are not acceptable. Like the environment ( air, rivers, oceans and the land) being poisoned by the use of the chemicals, like free trade being a major contributor to the green house gases, like “run away consumption” society causing more and more pollution and waste.

Sadly enough as we achieve major break through’ in science and technology the fewer the number of people that we can really benefit from these. As we transition form say glass tube TVs to plasma and LCD the number of people able to buy the new system is reduced. Not everyone can afford to go out and buy the top of the line computer every six months, even though some do. People in the poorer nations keep falling behind in access to the top of the line technologies( as a percent of the aggregate).

Those of us living in the countries with “money”, real as in the oil rich nations or say China or Japan are affected to a lesser extent than the people and even the governments of the poorer nations.

The worst is the situation in this regards as it applies to the field of medicine. Where as we in the advanced nations have the luxury to worry about our sexual performances, people and especially children have to worry about access to clean water, basic hygiene and immunizations against the childhood diseases.

But pardon me, I am not here talking about the vast inequities of health care between the poor and the rich nations. The problem is how to provide, equal and quality, healthcare for all in a free market economy. In a perfect world we would all be taken care of, health wise , from cradle to the grave but we do not live in a perfect world.

Healthcare with the insurance plans, or health care with the government as a sole provider is above all rife with corruption and over charges and restrictions and gimmicks and scams. It is by its own nature, a competition to see who can beat whom out of most of their money. It is full of over charges, wasteful procedures and medications, as long as someone has money in their pocket the rest will try to take it from them. First the insurance company wants to make money by cutting down on care, the doctors and the hospitals are in struggle for their lives to see how they can get more money from the insurance company or Medicare/ Medicaid or whatever other till with money in it. Insurance companies in turn raise the premiums and the doctors and the hospitals in turn raise their fees, and so on it will go till everyone is broke.

Let us then realize that the government and the doctors and the insurance companies and the politicians (Democrats and Republicans), they are all lying to us. Well, because they know that we are stupid.

There are among the conservatives who think that everyone should buy their own insurance and we know that they are all full of sh**. As I told you when I talked about the money and the economy, that how much a person must make in hourly wages so he/she can buy their own health insurance and save for their own retirement and for their children’s education, (I guess it would be like eighty dollars per hour? J/k). Liberals on the other hand tell us don’t worry the government should pay for all health care and that they will tax the rich, they also equally full of **it. The reality is that we don’t, no one and no government has the money to pay for all the healthcare for everyone in all situations. And now what you don’t want to hear, THE HEALTH CARE SHOULD BE, IT MUST BE RATIONED.

Right now, Liberals and Conservatives, Republicans and the Democrats all tell you that they are looking out for our best interests in the healthcare, they are all lying. If the idea of the Democrats is that the government can tax the rich to pay for everyone’s health care, they know, they must know that that would be impossible, we can not tax the rich or the otherwise enough to provide everything available in medicine for everyone in need. The Republicans lie that it is possible for everyone to buy their own insurance, even thru their employers. The premium cost of a full coverage policy for everyone will be prohibitive. Also when we establish laws so that a hospital must provide care for the indigent the cost of medicine rises the most for those that can ill afford it for themselves in the first place. Why should the working poor and the middle class have to bare the same cost of providing care for those who can not afford to pay for it.

We know, in general the poor are also less healthy, they smoke, they spend food monies on alcohol and tobacco, they eat greasy foods and exercise less, and receive less preventive health care. As a result they get sicker and are prone to chronic diseases that are costly to treat.

We also know that the do gooders on the left and on the right want everyone to live for ever, but there are difference, but the total net result of their ideas is that the country will be broke in short order. If the liberals want to preserve the abortion right and euthanasia ( great ideas that can save money , honestly), they also want everything for the disabled from cradle to grave, from special education classes for one suffering from cerebral palsy, to equal access to everything for the mentally retarded and the crazies, a heart or kidney transplant for someone on the death row, it matters not whose money. On the other hand the conservatives who want to ban abortions, would have the patients with cerebral palsy and brain damage kept alive indefinitely, but at whose expense? They have no clue so long as they don’t have to pay taxes. Both the Liberals and the conservatives are always willing to differ payments for all expenses to someone else, to a pie in the sky account in the future when the money will be growing in the trees. The truth is that as a nation, we are always willing to burn our house down to keep our hands warm.

Being ethical and moral is easy when it is not your own money, I guess. But with the healthcare today, and with the technologies that we have each one of us could easily become a six million dollar man, or a woman, for you politically correct ones. Do we really need to spend millions taking care of Terry Schiavo’, or people laying in the nursing homes, half dead and unaware? or force people to have babies they don’t really want, only to provide jobs for the social workers and the police and the nurses. Whatever happened to the common sense?

As I mentioned about the corruption, the doctors, who are partners in various hospitals and MRI and X-ray and lab corporations are not beyond requiring multiple tests and procedure. The patients and their relatives who think everyone must live forever want every possible and improbable effort to be made to “save” the patient (of course the insurance or the Medicare or the Medicaid will foot the bill). Insurance companies wanting to deny charges for procedures that may be sometimes absolutely needed for proper care, and raising premiums much as possible, they all contribute to the rise in healthcare.

The drug companies are also guilty, so long as people believe that being with the Lord is not all that important, that catching aids or herpes or hepatitis is not so bad, or that obesity or the heart disease can always be cured by a pill, that we need not monitor our behavior and stay healthy, the drug companies are willing to oblige. Yes we have pills for this and shots for that, but mostly unproven, drug therapy is not called by its real name, “chemo therapy”. Many of these drugs have so many side effects that one may end up sicker and require more and more medicines, but that is just extra money in the pockets of the drug companies.

But can we as a society keep footing the bill? When we don’t want higher wages, or provide employee health benefits, or to pay more in taxes. Is it not simple then to just announce that we can no longer afford to have everyone here trying to live for ever? Say if you have an alcohol problem, and a liver disease, and then you end up in a bad wreck e will just go ahead and not waste money on you? Or say if you are seventy and have high blood sugar, and have had an amputation, and then you fall in to a comma we will just have to let you move on? Like sort of a triage? Well that will be the truth soon enough.