Sunday, September 25, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE THE AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY 1 C I am not a smart person, I am not a genius. But I like to read, study things on my own, physics, medicines, astronomy, history, politics, money and a few more, I listen to commentaries, lectures, and I remember things, then I relate things, one to another. One thing I don't do is to pick and choose who I listen to, I have brain and can discern between the wheat and the chaff, to keep it polite. If you know history of the United States, many among the founding fathers were against slavery, but did you know that even at that time they wanted a public education system, they discussed paying parents of children so that a child could go to school to learn basic skills like reading and basic math. They discussed paying worker a stipend in old age, something after 50 years of age a full pension at age 60 to be paid for through taxes. No many don't, many have never heard of it because it was never taught in school. Social security was not established until 1935, and at time even it was designed to keep the poorest workers off the streets and the for the "working class" it was to supplement their employer paid pension. Social Security was never a ponzi scheme , no matter how it is derided by some politicians. For one thing the Social Security was to "supplement" a pension! And what happened to the "pensions" of the Americans. As I explained earlier, with the huge tax cuts in the corporate and individual tax cuts, the cost of benefits for the workers went up, from around 10c per $1 of benefits to 50c per dollar of benefits and more as the taxes were cut further. The Social Security benefits had to be reduced as the jobs were moved overseas and wage growth stagnated, the benefits depended upon a percentage of wages, lower wages meant smaller benefits, and the circle tightened. Also as the birth rates declined there were fewer workers working, overtime, fewer and fewer workers had to support more and more older workers drawing social security. And it is not just the older workers that did not earn an employer "sponsored" pension, it is the current workers also, from Walmart and Dollar General to the military soldiers and the low wage civil service workers all have been duped. As the wages have stagnated or worse, the current workers can qualify for assistance, foodstamps and such, yes people in the military and civil service also get "assistance", but when you are older your social security check is even smaller because it is based upon what you earned, and you didn't "earn much. People that work "under the table", there are millions also don't get very much as they "have" no income at all. Another thing is that the social security reserves were supposed to earn interest as the government borrowed those funds to finance the tax cuts for the rich. With the interest rates at or near zero, the elderly workers and the future retirees were again looted. So the next time anyone talks about how the social security is a burden, and will bankrupt the country, just ask them how they managed to bankrupt the American workers. I WILL WRITE MORE SOON M. N. R. 25 SEPTEMBER 2022

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