Monday, September 12, 2022


LIFE IS A GAME OF CONNECT THE DOTS, IF YOU DON'T CONNECT ALL THE DOTS OR DON'T CONNECT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER YOU NEVER GET THE PICTURE INTO THE ABYSS 192 A Let's talk, to eachother, like grown people, and not like two 8 or ten year olds complaining to mama, that is not who we are no matter how our "leaders" treat us or want us to behave. Pretty sure a few of you may be already upset that I am the one that is treating you all like kids, but if the shoe fits! Yes there are problems in society, serious problems, but what politicians have honestly dealt with the issues. For how long we have been promised things that never get delivered, we are offered "solutions" but there are no results. And yet we are happy, I have no idea why, and as to how, may be I am too old to fall for this claptrap, or to smart to believe in "Santa Cluase", I don't want words I want results, I know what a pile of crap looks like, and I am not even impressed. There are a few things to keep in mind, too much of a good thing is as bad or sometimes even worse than none at all. Too much liberalism or too much conservatism is also the same way. Enumerating problems without offering any realistic and practicable solutions is worse than not doing anything. Talk is cheap. Even the scriptures demand action, we forget to demand actions and then forget to ask for the results, our politicians know we are just as full of it as they are, and thus here we are. There are no simple problems and there are no simple solutions unless you yourself are just "simple". As long as you and I are busy pointing fingers we will never solve any problems, and if we don't demand proven and provable solutions , and results, we will just be spinning wheels, and we will stay stuck in the muck. So let's talk, as Americans, as grown-ups even, I WILL WRITE MORE SOON REAL SOON And will post the link to the next part in comments M.N.R. 12 SEPTEMBER 2022

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